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368 users here now

Welcome Programmers! is a collection of programming communities and other topics relevant to software engineers, hackers, roboticists, hardware and software enthusiasts, and more.

The site is primarily english with some communities in other languages. We are connected to many other sites using the activitypub protocol that you can view posts from in the "all" tab while the "local" tab shows posts on our site.

🔗 Site with links to all relevant sites

🟩 Not a fan of the default UI? We have alternate frontends we host that you can view the same content from

ℹ️ We have a wiki site that communities can host documents on

⚖️ All users are expected to follow our Code of Conduct and the other various documents on our legal site

❤️ The site is run by a team of volunteers. If youre interested in donating to help fund things such as server costs you can do so here

💬 We have a microblog site aimed towards programmers available at

🛠️ We have a forgejo instance for hosting git repositories relating to our site and the fediverse. If you have a project that relates and follows our Code of Conduct feel free to host it there and if you have ideas for things to improve our sites feel free to create issues in the relevant repositories. To go along with the instance we also have a site for sharing small code snippets that might be too small for their own repository.

🌲 We have a discord server and a matrix space for chatting with other members of the community. These are bridged to each other (so you can interact with people using matrix from discord and vice versa.


founded 1 year ago
c/[email protected]: Happy Daze

The mission of Happy Daze is to enlighten and inspire people by focusing on the positive aspects of the world. By curating and sharing uplifting news stories, scientific advancements, and inspiring ideas, Happy Daze aims to create a space where positivity and hope are at the forefront. The goal is to provide a counterbalance to the often negative and sensationalized news landscape, promoting a more balanced and optimistic view of the world and its possibilities.

1 subscribers, a community founded 3 hours ago
c/[email protected]: Dave Matthews Band

Dave Matthew’s Band news and discussion

1 subscribers, a community founded 8 hours ago
c/[email protected]: ADHS - Austausch, Tipps, Erfahrungen

Eine Community für Menschen mit ADHS, die anderen mit ADHS helfen oder sie verstehen wollen.

Tauscht euch über alles aus was ihr wollt: Lerntechniken, Arbeitstechniken, Sport, Schlaf, Hobbies, Fidget-Toys, Medikamente, TherapeutInnen usw.

55 subscribers, a community founded 1 day ago
c/[email protected]: SponsorBlock (and DeArrow)

Community for SponsorBlock (and DeArrow):

SponsorBlock is a crowdsourced extension to skip sponsor segments in YouTube videos.

DeArrow is a crowdsourced extension to replace titles and thumbnails on YouTube videos with more accuracy and less sensationalism.

SponsorBlock is an open-source crowdsourced browser extension and open API for skipping sponsor segments in YouTube videos. Users submit when a sponsor happens from the extension, and the extension automatically skips sponsors it knows about using a privacy preserving query system. It also supports skipping other categories, such as intros, outros and reminders to subscribe, and skipping to the point with highlight.

The source code is fully open and the database can be downloaded by anyone. I want to keep this as open as possible! You can view the docs for the public API or host a mirror.


  • Created by Ajay Ramachandran:
  • Logo by @munadikieh:
63 subscribers, a community founded 2 days ago
c/saas: Software as a Service

Software As a Service Companies — The Future Of Tech Businesses Discussions and useful links for SaaS owners, online business owners, and more.

36 subscribers, a community founded 2 days ago
c/[email protected]: Low Quality Facts

A community dedicated to the lowest quality facts.

While the community is named after the mastodon account Low Quality Facts it is not required to post related to that account. As long as the post is low enough quality, it belongs in this community.

A low quality fact could be a few things:

  • Something blatantly untrue but stated as a fact
  • Something true but stated in a way that makes it sound made up
  • Something so blatantly obvious it doesnt need to be said at all.


"Louis Armstrong stored jelly beans in his trumpet, which he would discreetly eat during his performances."

"If you took a persons digestive system and stretched it out end to end, it would hurt a lot."

"Whales are notoriously bad trumpet players."

Posts can be in whatever form best displays the low quality fact.


1: Be civil. No racism or any of that non-sense

2: Only low quality facts!
180 subscribers, a community founded 4 days ago
c/[email protected]: Today I F'd Up
  1. Post titles must begin with "TIFU by".
  2. Post must be about you, and a legitimate fuck up that is your fault.
  3. Post must not be offensive, vulgar, illegal, or gratuitously shocking, and flagged NSFW where appropriate.
  4. No ads or self promotion.
  5. Follow the Sopuli Rules.
  6. Don't annoy the mod(s).
41 subscribers, a community founded 4 days ago
c/[email protected]: Black Myth: Wukong

Black Myth: Wukong is an action RPG rooted in Chinese mythology. You shall set out as the Destined One to venture into the challenges and marvels ahead, to uncover the obscured truth beneath the veil of a glorious legend from the past.


Icon attribution

If someone is interested in moderating this community, message @[email protected].

37 subscribers, a community founded 4 days ago
c/[email protected]: AMD

Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD) is an American multinational corporation and fabless semiconductor company that designs, develops and sells computer processors and related technologies for business and consumer markets.

AMD's main products include microprocessors, motherboard chipsets, embedded processors, and graphics processors for servers, workstations, personal computers, and embedded system applications. The company has also expanded into new markets, such as the data center, gaming, and high-performance computing markets. AMD's processors are used in a wide range of computing devices, including personal computers, servers, laptops, and gaming consoles.

Icon attribution

If someone is interested in moderating this community, message @[email protected].

59 subscribers, a community founded 4 days ago
c/oadb: OpenAnimeDB

WIP Lemmy community for the upcoming open anime database

35 subscribers, a community founded 4 days ago
c/[email protected]: Cheshire
1 subscribers, a community founded 2 days ago
c/[email protected]: Nvidia

Nvidia Corporation is an American multinational corporation and technology company. It is a software and fabless company which designs and supplies graphics processing units (GPUs), application programming interfaces (APIs) for data science and high-performance computing, as well as system on a chip units (SoCs) for the mobile computing and automotive market. Nvidia is also a dominant supplier of artificial intelligence (AI) hardware and software.

Nvidia's professional line of GPUs are used for edge-to-cloud computing and in supercomputers and workstations for applications in such fields as architecture, engineering and construction, media and entertainment, automotive, scientific research, and manufacturing design. Its GeForce line of GPUs are aimed at the consumer market and are used in applications such as video editing, 3D rendering and PC gaming. The company expanded its presence in the gaming industry with the introduction of the Shield Portable (a handheld game console), Shield Tablet (a gaming tablet) and Shield TV (a digital media player), as well as its cloud gaming service GeForce Now.

Icon attribution

If someone is interested in moderating this community, message @[email protected].

37 subscribers, a community founded 4 days ago
c/[email protected]: Intel

Intel Corporation is an American multinational corporation and technology company. Intel designs, manufactures and sells computer components and related products for business and consumer markets.

Intel supplies microprocessors for most manufacturers of computer systems, and is one of the developers of the x86 series of instruction sets found in most personal computers (PCs). It also manufactures chipsets, network interface controllers, flash memory, graphics processing units (GPUs), field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), and other devices related to communications and computing. Intel has a strong presence in the high-performance general-purpose and gaming PC market with its Intel Core line of CPUs, whose high-end models are among the fastest consumer CPUs, as well as its Intel Arc series of GPUs.

Icon attribution

If someone is interested in moderating this community, message @[email protected].

37 subscribers, a community founded 4 days ago
c/[email protected]: NoSafetySmokingFirst

This is similar to [email protected] but the other way around.

Text reads correctly left to right, but visual cues (like colouration or horizontal separation) lead you to try to read it top to bottom.

The post that started it all:


Other related communities:

216 subscribers, a community founded 6 days ago
c/[email protected]: You can't park there, mate

For all parking disasters, not just simple bad parking (for that see

Also includes "you can't park there, sir" for the police equivalent.


  • No deaths or serious injuries because who would be around to get told they couldn't park there?
  • Be excellent to each other
187 subscribers, a community founded 6 days ago
c/[email protected]: Observances & Holidays 🎉


A community for celebrating observances & holidays. Minor and weird ones welcome.


  1. Be nice

  2. If something's missing, post it!

30 subscribers, a community founded 5 days ago
c/[email protected]: skits and comedy sketches

I place to share short sketches

2 subscribers, a community founded 3 days ago
c/[email protected]: Celebs

Welcome to the Celebs community. Here you can share pictures, videos, stories (gossip's) and links, but most importantly everything must be about celebrities. Enjoy!


  • Let's not get political

  • External links must match the title

  • NSFW stuff needs to be marked

  • No illegal stuff

1 subscribers, a community founded 2 days ago
c/[email protected]: Naschobst

Obst zum Naschen. Postet leckeren Obst für das gesunde Naschen von Vitaminen.


  1. Nur Obst darf gepostet werden.
  2. Keine Wassermelonen oder 🍉 Emojis
  3. Keine Oliven. Olivismus führt zu Bann.
  4. Netiquette und so einhalten.
41 subscribers, a community founded 5 days ago
c/[email protected]: Derbyshire

For the county of Derbyshire.

33 subscribers, a community founded 6 days ago
c/[email protected]: Nahost

Willkommen bei der Community Nahost, ein guter ort für Diskussionen und Informationen rund um den Nahen osten, auch Themen aus dem mittleren Osten (alles westlich von Indien) finden hier ihren Platz.


Regel 1:

Keine Quelle ist das Ministerium für Wahrheit, jede Quelle darf in Frage gestellt, und sachlich kritisiert werden, niemand ist unfehlbar und zu einigen Dingen gibt es immer wieder widersprüchliche Berichte, ein diskurs ist im Rahmen der netiquette möglich und notwendig. Es gibt jedoch Quellen welche unerwünscht sind, das bedeutet man darf sie trotzdem benutzen, muss diese Quellen jedoch gegen checken und mindestens als fact check angeben (andere fact checks sind zugelassen, sollte jedoch ein fact check selbst als problematisch bekannt werden wird dieser fact check ausgeschlossen, auch fact checks sind nicht unfehlbar)

Unerwünschte Quellen sind:

aljazeera und mit aljazeera in Zusammenhang stehende Medien, dies ist begründet durch tendenziöse Berichterstattung, die arabische Version von aljazeera wäre in Deutschland verboten, da diese ganz offen zur Vernichtung Israels aufruft.

RT (Russia today) weil in Deutschland verboten wegen Russland propaganda.

[liste kann mit der Zeit ergänzt werden, dazu wird es wenn einen angepinnten post geben]

Regel 2:

Es glit die netiquette, bedeutet das man sich nicht gegenseitig beleidigt, eine rauere Umgangsform ist hier zugelassen sofern es sich im Ramen hält, und Diskussionen nicht auf anderen communitys weiter geführt werden. Man kann unterschiedliche Meinungen haben, auch stark unterschiedliche, deshalb muss man sich nicht gegenseitig hassen und belästigen.

Regel 3:

Das Existenzrecht des Staates Israel steht niemals zur Diskussion, ein sogenannter Anti Zionismus ist nach heutigem Stand nichts anderes als Antisemitismus im Deckmantel der Kritik oder des anti Imperialismus, Antisemitismus kann auch von Juden ausgehen, genauso wie es Homofeindlichkeit von homosexuellen gibt.

Regel 4:

Genozid Behauptungen und Genozid Verläumdung.

Es ist nicht gestartet den Gaza Krieg als Genozid zu bezeichnen, da dies eine sonderform der Holocaust Verharmlosung bzw Holocaust Leugnung ist. Das es viele zivile tote gibt ist zwar tragisch, aber ein Genozid ist etwas völlig anderes, des Weiteren sind in diesem Zusammenhang die opferzahlen aus dem derzeitigen Krieg nicht unabhängig überprüfbar und es ist bekannt das das "Gaza Ministry of Health", welches unter Hamas führung steht, bereits mehrfach opfer zahlen fabriziert hat, zusätzlich werden viele hamas Kämpfer von diesem "Ministerium" als Zivilisten bezeichnet, bzw in die tote Zivilisten Statistik aufgenommen.

Es ist jedoch auch nicht gestattet tatsächliche Genozide zu verharmlosen oder zu Leugnen. Das gilt von holocaust bis zum Genozid an den Armeniern durch die Türkei und Azerbaijan. Ergo, sind alle nachweisbaren Genozide auch als solche zu bezeichnen sofern die Definitionen der Genozid Konventionen vollständig erfüllt sind. (darunter ist unter anderem Intention zum Genozid)

Ich empfehle zum Thema Diesen Artikel welcher die Thematik "was ist Genozid" vernünftig und differenziert aufarbeitet.

Regel 5:

Es ist davon abzusehen dinge zu tun, welche die community oder feddit im allgemeinen beeinträchtigen können.

Regel 6:

Jede Meinung nach sinne des deutschen Rechts ist willkommen, Dinge die nicht durch die Meinungsfreiheit gedeckt sind werden entfernt und können je nach schwere zum ban führen.

Hierzu bitte ich um Mithilfe dinge zu melden, welche nicht hier her gehören.

Ban Vorgang:

Personen die gegen die Regeln verstoßen können gebannt werden, die dauer des bans ist variabel, es gibt nur im Ausnahmefall permanente bans, wenn jemand zum Beispiel rechtswidrige Inhalte verbreitet oder erzeugt.


Die Regeln können jederzeit geändert werden, sollte eine Änderung stattfinden wird darüber in einem angepinnten post informiert.

40 subscribers, a community founded 6 days ago
c/[email protected]: UBOAT

UBOAT on steam

34 subscribers, a community founded 6 days ago
c/[email protected]: Frederick, MD

We are a community for those who live, or have lived in Frederick County, MD and welcome guests.

a community founded 1 year ago
c/[email protected]: Giveaway

for all the giveaways no piracy software

a community founded 1 year ago
c/[email protected]: AltFashion

Community for alternative fashion, please stay respectful.

a community founded 1 year ago
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