submitted 8 months ago by nibblebit to c/csharp
submitted 9 months ago by nibblebit to c/godot

Hey I've been wondering what you all use to create and manage dialogue trees for your games. I've come across many tools for the different engines. Most fall in the low-code node-graph category that I find frustrating and finnicky to work with. I never got the hang of the different plugins for Godot, and it's tiring to just spam and duplicate if statements in huge globs.

I made a C# package to let me map out dialogue trees and shoot events all in neat little yaml files that live happily in version control. It was made abstract to work for MUDs and text adventures, but I recently started using it in my Godot games and it works pretty well.

I don't believe I'm the only one that prefers to work this way. I am curious about what you all use for branching dialogue mechanics, reacting to events during dialogue, SFX etc.

Do you like the plugins? Do you have bottomless branches of flow control? Let me know!

[-] nibblebit 11 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

This is a bit of a narrow view of a very vague term. Having worked with many different sizes of organisations i can say that the responsibilities of whomever is labelled CTO are completely arbitrary. The only thing you can establish is that they are the person accountable for the technology decisions.

Sometimes that's a legacy developer, sometimes that's the first sys-admin.

Sometimes it's the VP of engineering.

Sometimes that's the person that maintains the best relationships with software vendors.

Sometimes it's the person that was hired externally to explain the tech to the CEO and let's them make informed executive decisions.

Sometimes it's just a public figure used to promote the org and maybe do DevRel.

Sometimes it's the Architect that designed the ecosystem.

Sometimes it's the ancient programmer that has kidnapped the entire codebase so that no-one else can sanely work on it.

Sometimes it's a six sigma type that setup the ticketing system, PRs and the release process.

At any size, the CTO is whatever the org needs him to be at that point.

[-] nibblebit 13 points 10 months ago
  1. You need as many environmental reminders that you are doing work as possible:
  • dedicated work place where you don't game or browse or do chores and taxes on.
  • dedicated work time where you are allowed to do work.
  • dedicated non-work time where you won't work and don't get to feel bad about not working on the project and avoiding negative emotions associated with the work.
  • I have a dedicated work shirt only worn while at work
  • figure out your attention sinks: music/podcasts/YouTube w/e and apply them strategically to signal that you are or are not working
  1. Plan. Identify as many tasks as possible ahead of time and figure out what is motivational an demotivational. Motivation takes a nosedive once the low hanging fruit runs out.
  • make sure to front-load the boring stuff and keep motivated by anticipating the fun stuff later. Please, Start out with the tests. TDD is a hack for ADD
  • Ration your creative sessions. Once you feel you are plateauing force yourself create some novelty in the project.
  1. Want and grit. At some point you'll have to grit it out. You have to make it clear to your brain that you want it. Make it personal. Want it not the way you want to have a cookie after dinner, want it the way you want to breathe. Don't even want the project, but want to prove to your brain that you are a rare capable human, able to start and finish a creative endeavour independently.

  2. Make work time scarce and urgent. Having a child has done wonders for my creative output. I used to splurge 6 hour sessions kinda working on something..now I get maybe 40 minutes a day. An hour if I'm creative about it. But heck, does that hour get applied like nobody's business.

Hope this helps, best of luck!

submitted 10 months ago by nibblebit to c/robotics

Hi! I'm a software guy and would like to start out doing some robotics. Before I go out and get a bunch of hardware. I'd like to practice the fundamentals.

I'm most comfortable with C++ and C# and dotnet and am pretty comfortable with game engines like Unity Unreal and Godot.

I've started out modeling a three-joint articulated robot arm that i can control through signals to the individual joints, like controlling a stepper motor.

My goal is to figure out a system where I can declare the shape of a robot like this (armature size, number of joints, offsets etc) to create a virtual model of the robot. I want to be able to send target coordinates and a basis rotation to that model and receive a series of signals back that will move the head of the robot to that 3d coordinate and rotation.

Now, I'm sure there are systems and packages that do all the math for this already, so what tools/libraries do you guys use to do modeling like this?

I want to see if I can simulate it in a game engine, and if that works out maybe ill try it on a toy :D


submitted 10 months ago by nibblebit to c/loud
[-] nibblebit 15 points 10 months ago

Inheritance is a fine abstraction. Easy to understand, but can't bring you very far. It's like a necessary evolutionary niche. It has its places, but it's most important as a gateway to get us to better abstractions.

submitted 10 months ago by nibblebit to c/gamedev

The guys from NoClip dug up a bunch of old videogame archival footage and are slowly uploading them to archive.org.

One of them is this documentary for an GBA game that I found to be so heartwarming.

Hope you like!

[-] nibblebit 58 points 10 months ago

Man, this place definately has the vibe of an old timey BB forum. You recognise people in your replies like you used to. I find that I'm gawking at stats way less and I'm able to just talk to people. Engagement is way less, but maybe that's a good thing.

It's so refreshing. It feels like the old internet

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by nibblebit to c/auai
[-] nibblebit 16 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

All you folks are crazy not to unit test personal projects. Unit tests don't need to be fancy and exhaustive. A sanity check and having a simple way to execute isolated code is well worth the 15 minutes of setting it up. Heck, just use them as scratch files to try out libraries and APIs. I can't imagine having the kind of time to raw-dog that f12 button and sifting through print() nonsense all night.

[-] nibblebit 11 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

First of all, thank you for sharing all of this. If more people shared difficult management challenges like this, we would all feel a little bit less like imposters.

The situation you describe isn't uncommon. I think most of us have had a stint in a shop or at least a period where we are asked to perform miracles. We are tasked with this with such confidence that it feels like we aren't up to it. This isn't true. The reason we are asked to perform miracles is because technology is miraculous for most people and the difference between an easy and an impossible project is completely opaque.

Now let me be clear. If you are having a bad time at your job, you should leave. Life is too short to stay with places and people of torture if you can afford not to.

But, if you are willing to give it a shot here's my assessment. The story you're sketching sounds like a turbulent time where the business is growing rapidly and/or has lost Engineering leadership. Engineering leadership is needed to to have realistic projects. If your job is to perform miracles, you will fail every time. What you can do is able to communicate realistic limitations to your stakeholders and negotiate consensus on what can be achieved. You need to create a situation where the business can sacrifice a 20% chance of taking 5 steps forward this quarter for a guarantee of taking a single step. A business that can't see the value in that is dead in the water anyway.

The engineers on the other side, need to have their priorities cleared and set. You need to recognise premature optimisation, hobby projects and resume fluff and put an end to them.

This has nothing to do with Amazon lambda and everything to do with communicating arguments effectively, creating relationships of trust with stakeholders and developers.

I won't lie. This role will cause alot of friction, but it sounds like the business has no one to tap on the breaks. In the end the real miracle would be to turn the boat around and have some predictability in the workplace.

[-] nibblebit 11 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It's just transparent. It feels like alot of lessons were learned from the broken abstractions of older ecs engines. It might not be as powerful yet, but the foundation is solid and it's easy to implement the more complicated stuff.

Also, dotnet 6 implementation is a breath of fresh air.

[-] nibblebit 15 points 10 months ago

A single race condition is a tragedy. A million race conditions is eventual consistency.

[-] nibblebit 13 points 11 months ago

If OP play their cards right they have a wonderful legacy support gig for life

[-] nibblebit 33 points 11 months ago

Counter point. Sounds like a c-level pet project on steroids. It doesn't sound like anyone is planning a migration. So they are relying on a big bang.

Now... A question for the panel: how would you say big bangs on corporate software projects with actual customers typically go?

[-] nibblebit 12 points 11 months ago

What I love most about Krazam is that in every video they make, you see the guy move up the usual tech career ladder xD

Lemmy on native Azure? (raw.githubusercontent.com)
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by nibblebit to c/loud

Hey! Last week I tried off and on to get Lemmy running on an Azure subscription, it's been tricky.

I still haven't gotten it working correctly. So far, I've tried to run the docker-compose on an ACI and Container app, but I've had the most success on a Web App for Containers of all things with the configs uploaded directly on the app service through FTP (yeah...).

I'm running the Postgres as a separate Flexible server instance (set it to v15, default is v13). And I'm running the pict-rs container as a separate ACI with a mounted storage account.

Right now the backend doesn't want to run db migrations fully, but I'm not sure why, otherwise the rest seems to work as intended and can scale independently. Running up to a projected $52/month with everything on the lowest possible SKU

I will publish a bicep once I get the whole thing to run reproducibly.

Have you guys tried it out? What other approaches have you tried or would you try?

submitted 11 months ago by nibblebit to c/csharp

Hey I started making an Azure functions bot so I made a quick lemmy HTTP client and decided to push it to Nuget

[-] nibblebit 29 points 11 months ago

It's difficult problem to solve. Lemmy's stack is a bit unconventional. The rust backend is not idiomatic and the ui is based off a template of an isomorphic not-quite-react framework. Its not impossible, but it will take a while for alot of programmers come onboard.

That being said, there's more to it than writing code. Better bug reports, reproduction, updating docs and triaging/managing the issues is possibly more important than writing PRs. Don't be discouraged!

Let's play a game... (programming.dev)
submitted 11 months ago by nibblebit to c/csharp
Welcome to C#! (self.csharp)
submitted 11 months ago by nibblebit to c/csharp

Hey there! 👋

Welcome to our C# community on Lemmy! We're a group of programmers, hobbyists, and learners all keen about C#. Whether you're a pro or just getting started, we're excited to have you here.

Our goal? To learn, share, and collaborate on everything C#. Got questions, projects, or resources to share? Or simply want to discuss a feature you love (or not) about C#? This is your space!

Here are a few ground rules:

  1. Be respectful and considerate: Remember, we're all at different stages in our C# journey.

  2. Stay on topic: Let's keep discussions C# focused.

  3. No spamming or self-promotion: Share your projects, but don't overdo the self-promotion.

  4. Use appropriate language: No offensive language. Let's keep it positive!

So, let's dotnet build and Nuget Unable to resolve dependency


submitted 11 months ago by nibblebit to c/loud

Hey Guys. I thought it would be fun to setup a public anonymous survey about our users. Just to see what kind of different cloud adopters we have around. Results are public and entry is anonymous. It's only to be used for the community.

For now it's as simple as taking a look at what you guys are using and what you are curious about, but in the future we can expand it to answer some interesting questions :)

/c/loud Reading List (programming.dev)
submitted 11 months ago by nibblebit to c/loud

Hey everyone,

I thought it would be good to set up a repository of learning materials beneficial for both newcomers and seasoned professionals.

The aim is to curate content that ranges from beginner to advanced levels, either focused on specific cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, IBM Cloud, etc., or general insights applicable across multiple platforms.

The three main categories for suggestions are:

  1. Books: What are some introductory and advanced-level books that have deepened your understanding of cloud computing? This could include architecture, best practices, security, scalability, serverless computing, cookbooks and others.

  2. Blogs: We'd love to know which blogs you trust and follow for the latest news, trends, and innovations in cloud computing. Technical blogs offering how-to guides, problem-solving techniques, project logs and tutorials, or sharing personal experiences in the field would also be great.

  3. Videos: Are there YouTube channels, online course platforms, or websites that have provided you with insightful video tutorials, webinars, or talks on cloud technology?

Cloud computing is a big field, so here are some suggestions for interesting topics:

  • IaaS, PaaS and SaaS offerings of different providers
  • comparisons and cross-platform mappings (eg. Azure for AWS engineers)
  • IAC solutions
  • Authentication, Security and Access control
  • Architecture
  • Big(ish) Data management
  • Governance, compliance and Monitoring
  • Fun personal projects

Thank you so much!

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joined 11 months ago