submitted 1 day ago by [email protected] to c/programming

Start learning at 50

I've always wanted to learn programming. I've read a blog post saying that at this age it was to late . Then I read a post here in saying the opposite. I've found a site that was learn x in y minutes where it has a bunch of languages there. After reading them, the languages that caught my attention were Julia, Clojure and Go. Are any of these good for a beginner or should I start with something else? I know what are variables, can spot an if/else statement but that's about it. What are some good resources for someone like me who likes to learn by doing things?

submitted 19 hours ago by onlinepersona to c/programming

I've heard it thrown around in professional circles and how everybody's doing it wrong, so.. who actually does use it?

For smaller teams

"scaled" trunk based development

submitted 2 days ago by ICastFist to c/programming

Video is nearly 3 years old now, but I think it's worth watching. Her presentation starts at around 2:30.

Basically, she explains how Redbean, a tiny (~450kb) and very fast C http server, works and how the same executable can be used to deploy it on most operating systems (she starts explaining that around 14:30)

Justine is also the mind behind Sector LISP, Lambda Calculus in 383 bytes, considerable optimizations to LLamaAI, plus several other things.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by onlinepersona to c/programming

I feel like there are many devs out there who expose a lot of personal details and opinions all over the web. Maybe it's just me, but when starting out with the internet I tried my best to separate my personal details (name, age, sex, country, ethnicity, family ties, relationship status,...) from usernames in public.

Seeing devs do it willingly and voice opinions on divisive or sensitive topics kind of messes with me. Aren't y'all afraid of missing out on job opportunities if someone reads your opinions, code, or other stuff tied to your personal accounts? Or letting anybody (maybe family, friends, acquaintances, ...) in on your personal life, mindset, opinions and other personal information?

Anti Commercial-AI license

State of HTML 2023 (2023.stateofhtml.com)
submitted 13 hours ago by [email protected] to c/programming

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/15433712

State of HTML 2023

Results of the State of HTML 2023 Survey are out.

submitted 17 hours ago by LadyLeeLoosh to c/programming

What is Test Coverage? Test Coverage vs Code Coverage What is the gap to have a true test coverage? How can tracing data improve test coverage? Relation between end-to-end tests and Tracing data Let's get our hands dirty with real code Write integration test using MockWebServer Write end-to-end tests without mocking interactions

submitted 2 days ago by pro_grammer to c/programming
submitted 1 day ago by lysdexic to c/programming
submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by hardkorebob to c/programming

Examples of an interesting computer programming paradigm.

submitted 4 days ago by [email protected] to c/programming

I am building an application that is using JSON / XML files to persist data. This is why I indicated "outside of SQL" in the title.

I understand one benefit of join tables is it makes querying easier with SQL syntax. Since I am using JSON as my storage, I do not have that benefit.

But are there any other benefits when using a separate join table when expressing a many-to-many relationship? The exact expression I want to express is one entity's dependency on another. I could do this by just having a "dependencies" field, which would be an array of the IDs of the dependencies.

This approach seems simpler to me than a separate table / entity to track the relation. Am I missing something?

Feel free to ask for more context.

submitted 4 days ago by canpolat to c/programming
submitted 3 days ago by [email protected] to c/programming
submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by [email protected] to c/programming

It's not the most fancy thing out there, but if you're still using ChatGPT 3.5 and are looking for something a little different, why not give GPThemes a try? It's a free and open-source browser extension for Chrome and Firefox (Desktop and Android) that'll give your ChatGPT website a fresh new look.


  • Modern themes: Light, Dark, and Black (AMOLED) for a stylish and more visually appealing experience.
  • Effortless theme switching: Change themes on the fly with a single click using floating button. Well, fine, Mr. Nitpicker, technically it's a two-click saga 🥲
  • Chat bubbles: Modern and sleek conversation design that clearly differentiate your messages from the AI's responses
  • Clean and spacious layout: No more feeling cramped, just generous spacing and clean lines for smooth chat sessions.
  • Subtle animations: Enjoy a touch of elegance with subtle animations that enhance readability and flow.

SOON: Custom theming to personalize your chat experience with your chosen accent color, adding a unique touch to your conversations. See the live preview as you're selecting your perfect hue via colorpicker.


  • GPThemes requests two permissions:
    • Storage: To remember your chosen theme across all ChatGPT pages.
    • Access to chat.openai.com (old) and chatgpt.com (new) domain: To modify the website's appearance within ChatGPT.
  • Open-source code: You can see exactly what GPThemes does.


(The attached image is only a sneak peek)

CID concept is broken (discuss.ipfs.tech)
submitted 4 days ago by onlinepersona to c/programming

TL;DR IPFS's "content addresses" don't actually address the content but a tree of the content stored in a protocol buffer, making it impossible to convert a hash to a content address.

DHT of CIDs? More like a Distributed Table of Lies!

submitted 5 days ago by [email protected] to c/programming

I am someone who has been trying to pivot into having a tech job. I have used LaTex before as a student and there is a job I am trying to take that uses Jaspersoft to make reports. Is jasper similar to LaTeX? Are there resources you found particularly helpful?

I am currently still looking to get my install, hello world, and combing their site.

submitted 6 days ago by canpolat to c/programming
submitted 5 days ago by ChubakPDP11 to c/programming

So we have all these control characters in ASCII and besides newline, horizontal tab and carriage return (on Windows) the only use for them is on terminal emulators (which I am making one!) Also as an extension, us NeoVim/Vim users have extensive use for them.

But all these control characters are 0-31, for example, newline is 10, horizontal tab is 9, carriage return is 13, etc. But DEL is aaaalll at the bottom, the last one, 127!

Here's my theory. So, DEL is supposed to delete one row of text, it's backspace that is supposed to just delete one character (I think backspace is 31?). So since 127 is literally 7 1s, marking it on a punch-card 'by mistake' would be kinda hard right? So you want have delete ruin your batch. It's kinda like a built-in 'Are you sure you want to delete this row of punch-card?'

Now I could be wrong. Opinions?

PS: If this is so, this kind of 'physical sentinels' is nothing new. According to Alan Kay, the earliest linked lists were not data structures, THEY WERE 1-TONN MAGNETIC DISKS! So basically, you had the address, and by 'address' I mean the physical address, a real location on planet earth, of the next magnetic disk stored on a fixed location on the previous magnetic disk. Fun huh?

submitted 5 days ago by hardkorebob to c/programming
submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by ChubakPDP11 to c/programming

I honestly have issues browsing to even the simplest of non-static pages. I think it's like, the graphical version of lynx(1) or w3m(1). I think it's based on X's browser right? So basically, it's based on the Open Webkit Standard. It uses the GTK+ WebKit engine. This engine has a programmatic interface.

You can install it via:

sudo apt install epiphany-browser

Make sure you add the -browser, otherwise some shitty game that crashes your system is installed. DO NOT RUN THIS GAME! This is not a joke.

Of course this only works for Plebian-based systems. Other package managers may, or may not have it.

So as I said, I had a lot of issues navigating. I was experiencing network isseus at the time. Tried it again when they were fixed. SLOW AF!

It's not that fetching www is slow, rendering hypertext is slow as well. Lik, I monitored tcp/443, it got done fetching the text and it was STILL struggling to render!

Soo... 'render' is the key here. It's obvious why it's slow. It does not use Direct Media Access.

But that does not mean it's useless right?

I can imagine lots of uses for web automation chuds. Basically bind libwebkit2 to Python and you'll be free of automation protocols. Although it does support automation protocols as well.

In fact you can use wpewebkit-driver to interace with Epiphany's web driver. Good thing about it is, the protocol hackable af.

sudo apt install wpewebkit-driver

So anyways, if you did not know about this, now you know.

And I think most people DO know about it, because another browser that uses libwebkit2 is GNOME browser which comes as default X browser on most Plebian systems. I don't think anybody uses it though. It's kinda like an extremely un-intrusive IE6 lol.


submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/programming

Nearly a decade back I wrote a lot of browser CI tests with headless chrome as well as browser stack. I loved the idea, but they just didn’t handle things being a bit outside of perfect IRL, like taking a moment longer to load etc. They ended up having a lot of waits in them, taking a long time to write and were prone to being flakey. The tests basically lacked “common sense” and it made me think that one day someone would figure out how to make them work better.

I’m wondering if there are new frameworks, workflows, startups that have made this stuff easier and better. I’m not really in tech anymore but I wouldn’t mind writing some tests if the experience was better.

submitted 1 week ago by ericjmorey to c/programming

Niklas Gray writes:

I often find that when I work on the low level implementation of something I discover ideas that I can bring back and use to inform the high level design — to make it easier to work with, more performant, more orthogonal, etc. Thus, the flow goes back and forth from high-level to low-level, instead of just in one direction. If I’m stuck in some part of the high-level design, starting to work on the implementation is often the best way to get unstuck.

One such idea, which is really simple, but tends to lead to better and simpler code, is the idea of defaulting to zero. I.e. to always use 0 as the default or nil value. For example...

Read Defaulting to Zero

How To Make Good Small Games (farawaytimes.blogspot.com)
submitted 1 week ago by learnbyexample to c/programming
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/programming

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ca/post/20720928

submitted 1 week ago by pro_grammer to c/programming
submitted 1 week ago by [email protected] to c/programming
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