No Stupid Questions

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founded 1 year ago
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submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

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submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected] ( How to join:

  1. Create your matrix account! You can just use your Google account if it's easiest for you.
  2. Go on fluffy chat! Just use the link provided. Or, for all using Jerboa, there's an app on the App Store and I think Google Play
  3. Put in the invite link! We can discuss ideas, and general dialogue. Expect something sort of like a subreddit's discord server. See you there!

there's so many people that own 5+ shitboxes, but there's no way they're paying over a grand a year to insure all of them. is there something where you pay less to add on a car? obviously you can't drive all 5 at once, so is there something where like only one at a time is covered for collisions, and the rest only if like a tree falls on them while parked? asking bc I'd like to be one of those people that own 5+ shitboxes. thanks :)


After watching this video I am left with this question.

The video ultimately claims that humans will not disappear, but doesn't do a great job explaining why.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but for the (or a) population to be and remain stable, the total fertility rate needs to be equal to the global replacement rate (which recently was 2.3).

And since the total average fertility rate appears to be currently at this 2.3, any drop in the fertility rate in place A would have to be compensated with a rise in the fertility rate in place B (assuming that, at some point, we would like to stop population decline)?

I guess one way for a population to remain stable, while women are having fewer than 2.3 children, would be to have fewer men? If a population has 100 women and 10 men, each woman would only have to have on average (a bit more than) 1.1 child? (Which would of course also require a collective form of prenatal sex selection.)

I realize that would be bonkers and unethical. Just wondering out loud.


Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by almost 3 million and still lost.

If Kamala wins the popular vote, how much does she have to win by to flip

the electoral college to her side?

Does it matter what states she wins in if the margins are low?


I have a lot of tshirts from companies I used to work for, but I don't wear them anymore. I was going to give them away, but I'm worried random people wearing work uniforms might cause problems down the line. Some are construction companies, which I'm not too worried about, but the retail shirts are my concern. Is there a way to remove the text on them so they're just regular solid colored shirts? I want to say the logos are screenprinted but I don't think they were, and I can't remember the name of any other printing processes that aren't just stitching them in.


If I'm an adult who wants to experience splashing around and wading round the pool, but whose swimming capabilities extend as far as doggy paddling to safety and floating on my back - what can I even do to have fun at the pool?

What do you do at the pool?

Bonus round: kind of out of my budget to pay for swimming classes, and available friends & family are nil. :c
But I borrowed a life jacket from a coworker, and could buy cheap floaties or a pool noodle.


So I'm looking for a tool that can tell me the total cost of things I buy. Like if I buy item A for 1,20€, item B for 5,60€ and item C for 10€, it tells me how much the things I'm buying cost, which would be 16,80€ in this case.

I tried looking it up, but apparently ddg is once again incapable of showing any relevant results.


I'm taking my first international trip to the Philippines next month and I'm confused on what kind of adapter I need. I found this Site Plugs A and B look similar to those used in north america. I'm only bringing my phone, tablet, and steam deck. I read that I don't need a transformer for those devices but I'll still need an adapter. I was hoping someone could link me the right adapter I need. I tried looking on amazon but I don't really trust the reviews on there anymore.

EDIT: for more context, my steam deck power adapter says. Input: 100-240v 1.2a 50-60hz. From my ubderstanfing, I won't need a transformer for my steam deck but just an adapter. Someone posted This which seems like all I need.




I'm tired of mosquitos biting me. If i can't stop them biting me, the next best thing is to stop them biting me a second time. So what's the best (safe for me) way to make myself poisonous to mosquitos, and optionally other bugs that might bite me?


cross-posted from:

Im introverted and have always enjoyed my solitude. Some people have complained that I don't talk much, which is true, I don't need to talk to feel good.

After changing workplaces, I decided to be proactive and introduce myself to my new coworkers. I was friendly and did it properly: my name, smiley face and what I do, eager to help them.

Some of them are friendly, greet back when I greet, but jesus christ, others outright avoid even eye contact with me like the plague, even though I kept greeting them for at least 2 more days.

Now I've returned the favor and I ignore them, not even asking them to do anything for me because last time I did, one of them said she would take a batch of documents to a nearby department but then outright ignored it and I had to do it myself.

It's also a bit funny: 2 coworkers that the first day had small but normal conversations with me now look elsewhere when they see me... and I give them back the same treatment. Childish and petty? extremely, but I ask you: what should I do?

Introverted me says: what were you expecting? This is what people are, don't bother trying to be extroverted, see what this brought you, return to your introverted self, do your job and go home, but this might sabotage me.

I confess neither do I know how to react when people are friendly when I'm talking to a coworker they like but the moment this coworker leaves, they turn to a mute.

To me, those of you who can play this silly workplace theater so well are geniuses. I cannot fake that a boring person interests me, nor can I fake respect for a person who treats me like I described.

I'd like to read your feedback.


Is there any computer program with AI capabilities (the generative ones seen in ChatGPT; onlineText-to-Picture generators, etc.) that is actually standalone? i.e. able to run in a fully offline environment.

As far as I understand, the most popular AI technology rn consists of a bunch of matrix algebra, convolutions and parallel processing of many low-precision floating-point numbers, which works because statistics and absurdly huge datasets. So if any such program existed, how would it even have a reasonable storage size if it needs the dataset?


I just wanna know, is it normal to go to an interview meeting the 2nd or 3rd time around for the same firm and same vacancy?

Basically, I first applied for an IT role earlier this year, wasn't offered after attending, applied again a week ago and they are inviting me.

Is this a normal thing? Usually if the first time they see you and you don't get the offer, they don't try again with you.

I'm just hoping it won't be awkward they're like "Uh.. I remember you, didn't we interview you earlier in the year" sort of questions.

Thank you.

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Sounds like it's a quick primary? So will VPs be picked before the nomination is finalized? Can multiple candidates pick the same VP? If after the nomination, it has to be pretty fast. Pick the second place finisher?


This might fit better in the DIY group but here goes.

How do I know when it's time to have the septic system pumped out?

We had a new one installed 3 years ago. It was an upgrade in size. I'm not sure the capacity. It was negotiated to be done as part of our purchase contract, and the old owners didn't give us a copy of their contract with the installer. Just the inspector's report that plans were adequate for the number of bathrooms we have.

There are only 2 of us. We don't put that much water into the system. But we've been having a LOT of rain. Over 5" in the last week and a half, and over 9" since Jul 1. Our elevation is between 1 and 4 ft (not a typo), so the water table is very close to the surface here.

I'm getting periods of methane smell in the house off & on for about a month now. I've run water to make sure all the traps aren't empty. It's possible it could be coming from the vent stack for the washing machine, but it's not all the time.

So with not a lot of use put into the system, is 3 years too early to have it pumped out? How can we tell?


.. and why is this community against them?


cross-posted from:

We're looking for tower fan models/brands specifically, but you can use this post to talk about whatever :)


Way back in the day, every game had its logic tied to its framerate -- As anyone who's ever tried to run an eighties PC game on a nineties PC only to see it run at 20x speed and completely unplayable can tell you.

But in the modern day this is less common. Generally the game keeps chugging along at the same pace, no matter how fast or slow the frames are being presented (unless, of course, everything is bogged down so hard that even the game logic is struggling)

And yet, you'll still find a few. Any fan of Dark Souls who played on PC back when Prepare to Die edition first came to PC will remember how unlocking the framerate could cause collision bugs and send you into the void. And I recently watched a video of a gent who massively overclocked a Nintendo Switch OLED and got Tears of the Kingdom to run at 60FPS... Except everything was, indeed, running in fast-forward, rather than just being smoother.

This makes me wonder -- Is there some unseen advantage to keeping game logic and framerate tied together? Perhaps something that only really shows on weaker hardware? Or is it just devs going "well the hardware we're targeting won't really go over this speed, and we don't really give a fuck about anything else" and not bothering to implement it?

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