
joined 2 years ago
[–] ICastFist 1 points 45 minutes ago

Bechter or Behterets. A search without the 'h' results only in this thread 🤣

[–] ICastFist 2 points 1 hour ago

Point 2 is awesome and I fully agree to it. Not in the sense of all the incels crying over wokeness, but because it helps point 1, getting away from spehs mareens for fucking once.

[–] ICastFist 7 points 1 hour ago

I only beat it at ~10yo because I knew how to read walkthroughs, which is what finally led me to enter Saffron. At no point I thought that one of the purchasable drinks from a vending machine could be used to "bribe" the guard on the entrance, I always thought it was some special item somewhere (which became the case in the FR/LG remakes) or some other event.

[–] ICastFist 18 points 2 hours ago (2 children)

How else are the owners supposed to compensate for their 2cm dicks?

[–] ICastFist 3 points 13 hours ago

Where was Gondar when Rohan needed aid? In Ethiopia

[–] ICastFist 1 points 13 hours ago

Sounds like you should try TV to keep up with news

[–] ICastFist 4 points 15 hours ago (1 children)

You should try Legal Eagle. I hear he's great with legal woes stemming from digging holes that have nothing to do with the bodies that might be inside

[–] ICastFist 5 points 15 hours ago

Eagerly waiting for my robot catgirl maid to arrive!

[–] ICastFist 3 points 15 hours ago (1 children)

It was a table height fall, roughly 1 meter, not enough for that to happen.

[–] ICastFist 2 points 16 hours ago (1 children)

I didn't say Youtube doesn't make money, I said it's not profitable, that is, the service alone does not generate enough money to pay for its own existence. If this HackerNews thread is to be believed, it's unlikely even google execs know whether the thing is actually profitable or not (it did generate 50B USD in revenue in 2023-24, which is obviously a lot, but only 11B more than Netflix (39B) despite serving a much, much wider audience)

Youtube exists in a situation very similar to that of Twitter pre acquisition. It's a money drain, but it's extremely useful to control and own. Elon Musk saw that he could buy Twitter, he bought it, ruined its value, but we're seeing that he didn't buy "the company", he bought a significant portion of people's mindshare, so to speak. When Google bought YT in 2006, they saw the writing on the wall, that high speed internet would lead to more people watching videos, which turned true, and they also used their power to fully consolidate Youtube as the place to watch free videos online. Facebook likely played a bigger hand in destroying any possible competition than Google, but that's a different story.

[–] ICastFist 19 points 17 hours ago

Hey now, I said no meaningful work, not evil bullshit

[–] ICastFist 7 points 17 hours ago

I remember that the dev of Legend of Grimrock added an option for movement with the mouse because a disabled gamer wanted to play. Maybe that second friend should check that and the 2nd game out.

Using a mouse with your non dominant hand is annoying…

Yeah, for PC they'll probably have to grit their teeth and power through the discomfort. An alternative is getting a hand in some old emulated games. Anything from the NES era can be mapped to 4 movements + 4 buttons (start, select, A, B), which on a keyboard could be WASD + Q, E, R and F. Dunno how to set something similar on a Deck.


Pics https://ibb.co/album/sbjqwT (the weird triangle on the lower piece was fixed afterwards)

I've been messing around with a press mold so I can make hex tiles using paper mache, or something else that is easily and cheaply available.

The problem I've been having is with the sides, which rarely get properly pressed. What should I do to possibly fix this, regarding the model?

Right now, I've only experimented with minced paper and water, which led to satisfying results. What other things could I add or try for this kind of press? What could I apply on the mold to make the paper less likely to stick? Vaseline doesn't make a difference.


We don't have an Ask Historians yet, so I think this is the best place to ask at the moment


I've been thinking of self hosting a mastodon (gotosocial, more specifically) + a matrix server on an old computer I have, but sometimes I might need to turn it off for 2 days or more (not to mention some energy or internet outages that might happen here)

I suppose with the mastodon part the server will properly sync and download whatever's been missing, but I'm not entirely sure that'll be the case with matrix. If anyone sent me a DM on there while my server was down, would it get through after it was back up?


PL continua com seu golpismo e sua defesa descarada de mentiras, falsidades e spam em conluio com as grandes empresas de informática pra garantir poder e dominação da população.

Sempre usam essa ladainha de "liberdade de expressão" pra defenderem o uso de bots e outras táticas do gabinete do ódio, dizem ser a favor de "liberdade total de expressão", mas adoraria ver eles tentando defender isso com alguém perguntando "Então os senhores são a favor de postagens pró pedofilia? Pró aborto? São a favor de golpes cibernéticos?"


For instance, when your team misses a super close shot at scoring, or when you lose a super tense game match by a hair.


I'm trying out a few seeds myself to see what I end up getting. My current favorite, dees1, spawns fucktons of relaxaurus in the starting area, ragnahawks, bushis and celesdirs in the areas of the Petalia and Elizabee bosses, faleris aqua and orserks in the wetlands of Grintale boss, among other interesting spawns.

What are some seeds you folks tried?


funny part about "Kamala campaign can't target men" is that they can't target men because they refuse to employ the crass humor needed to effectively target the kind of men they currently fail to target. They know what they have to do, they simply aren't strong enough to do it.

They lost because they won't say slurs. People are not ready for this conversation.

Hadn't thought of this before, but it makes sense. Men just won't take you seriously if you're offended by or scared of words.

Straight from one of the shittier parts of the fediverse.

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