Java is to JavaScript what Car is to Carpet. - Chris Heilmann

Absolute legend (
submitted 12 hours ago by [email protected] to c/programmer_humor
submitted 8 minutes ago by [email protected] to c/programming
submitted 10 hours ago by [email protected] to c/gamedev


submitted 5 hours ago by pro_grammer to c/programming
submitted 1 hour ago by [email protected] to c/helix
submitted 1 day ago by [email protected] to c/programming

In this letter, Dijkstra talks about readability and maintainability in a time where those topics were rarely talked about (1968). This letter was one of the main causes why modern programmers don't have to trouble themselves with goto statements. Older languages like Java and C# still have a (discouraged) goto statement, because they (mindlessly) copied it from C, which (mindlessly) copied it from Assembly, but more modern languages like Swift and Kotlin don't even have a goto statement anymore.

submitted 1 day ago by firelizzard to c/programming

Not sure if this is the right community, but I didn't see a general one. What search engine do you use? Besides Google increasingly spying on its users, the quality of its search results seems to have gotten significantly worse over the last decade. What search engine(s) do you use?

Python beginner (
submitted 9 hours ago by [email protected] to c/python

Good evening, everyone. I have, but one quick inquiry. What are the best resources in your opinion to learn python by yourself as a complete beginner? Thank you all

submitted 3 hours ago by ericjmorey to c/python
Not a Number (
submitted 2 days ago by [email protected] to c/programmer_humor

Good price.

submitted 1 day ago by secana to c/rust

Hi rustaceans! What are you working on this week? Did you discover something new, you want to share?

submitted 1 day ago by [email protected] to c/linux4noobs

Hey guys, I made the switch to Linux about a week ago and have mo complaints so far. Except maybe this: I can't seem to find a way in Linux to get proper loudness equalization like I got on windows.

My issue is that I have a bunch of media, especially shows and movies, that are suffering from way too loud gunshots, explosions, music and so forth and really quiet dialogue. I know this is because sound engineers make the audio fit for cinemas and not my living room, it is a problem nonetheless.

Under windows there is a simple toggle in even the most basic sound cards and settings called loudness equalization, that corrects those perceived differences quite effectively, which Linux is lacking. A bit of web search led me to the term ReplayGain, which seems to be the proper name for it, and I enabled it for my media from within the player apps. However it doesn't really work like i am used to.

Sounds and language constantly change volume mid sentence, which is very irritating to me. ReplayGain also doesn't really help avoiding those sudden bursts of loudness, I still blast awake my neighbors on accident when watching a move later at night.

Is there some way to get at that windows audio codec or whatever they use, that works so much better?

Thanks for reading

submitted 14 hours ago by lysdexic to c/programming
Day 12 - Transferring files (
submitted 5 hours ago by livialima to c/linuxupskillchallenge
submitted 13 hours ago by segmentation_fault to c/programming

Some of you may have come across Helix - a very fast editor/IDE. Unfortunately, Helix has its own set of keybindings, modeled after Kakoune.

This was the one problem holding me back from using this excellent editor, so I soft-forked the peoject to add Vim keybindings. Now, two years later, I realize this might interest others as well, so here we go:

I‘d be happy to polish the fork - which I carefully keep up-to-date with Helix‘s master branch for now. So let me know what you think!

And yes, I‘m also looking for a more original name.

submitted 2 days ago by ericjmorey to c/python

Trey Hunner writes:

This article is primarily meant to act as a Python time complexity cheat sheet for those who already understand what time complexity is and how the time complexity of an operation might affect your code. For a more thorough explanation of time complexity see Ned Batchelder's article/talk on this subject.

Read Python Big O: the time complexities of different data structures in Python

I made an SDF Control Tool (
submitted 7 hours ago* (last edited 7 hours ago) by [email protected] to c/godot

I made a Node which allows for very quick coloring and animating of signed distance field textures. In the linked video, a short demo shows what one can do with this Node and some signed distance field textures. Here is a little tour of the usage of the Node. Should I put it on the asset library, or is this kind of stuff too specific to be useful?

submitted 17 hours ago by Aijan to c/programming
submitted 14 hours ago by lysdexic to c/loud
Rust Analyzer Changelog #234 (
submitted 10 hours ago by snaggen to c/rust
submitted 10 hours ago by lizmat to c/rakulang
submitted 13 hours ago by [email protected] to c/forgejo

I’m so hyped for federated Git (yes not core but PRs, issues, stars etc.) and I like Forgejo for that. It’s been about 1-2 years since Forgejo federation has announced but we still can’t see light from them.

How is the project going on? Is it actively developed or stuck? Is there a estimated time for federation?

submitted 9 hours ago by lysdexic to c/data_structures
submitted 18 hours ago by FencerDevLog to c/godot

Hi everybody! I recorded this video after a few experiments with color changes using a shader on a sprite. Let's take a look at the options we have available.

view more: next ›

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