
joined 2 years ago
[–] onlinepersona 1 points 9 hours ago

I wish more pirates used I2P. But it seems like many cannot deal with waiting a day for their download to finish.

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[–] onlinepersona 2 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 9 hours ago)

Those people who said popular projects wouldn't migrate away from Github can go suck it. @[email protected] and @[email protected] are amazing projects and I'm very happy they left (or are leaving) Github . #fuckGithub When forgejo finally gets federation, I hope there will be a bigger exodus from that Micro$oft enclave.

I'm curious though, what happened to @[email protected]? They were blocked by Github?

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[–] onlinepersona 3 points 19 hours ago

It took me a while to find, but the newest, best supported phones on the device list are

  • PINE64 PinePhone Pro (2021)
  • Fairphone 4 (2021) (partial call support)
  • PINE64 PinePhone (2020)
  • Purism Librem 5 (2020)
  • SHIFT SHIFT6mq (2020)

The pixel 3a is not well supported and has problems with wifi, battery, audio, camera, calls, and NFC, so IMO don't base your impression of PostmarketOS on the pixel3a.

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[–] onlinepersona 27 points 19 hours ago

Companies are already resisting because they can't figure out a good way to interview people. "We tried nothing and are all out of ideas". Hopefully more companies like Fuck Leetcode pop up to force a change in interview techniques.

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[–] onlinepersona 3 points 20 hours ago

The people that come up with this must have been in a world of hurt themselves. I blame management the pushes devs to do find these kinds of solutions. This has to have been a customer request. Must have. They're all batshit insane.

Makes me think of The Expert.

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[–] onlinepersona 0 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

What strawman? This entire discussion started because of resolution. You're implying "higher resolution makes the display good" and seeing "irony" in the fact that the reviewer says it's a brilliant display. I'm asking you're sure about that, but it seems like you know it's not true and thus changing the goalposts 🤷

I guess your name really is fitting.

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[–] onlinepersona 54 points 2 days ago (8 children)

OpenTofu’s Slack workspace

Bro... why do opensource projects love proprietary collaboration platforms so much?

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[–] onlinepersona 1 points 2 days ago

That's a good point. Using alternative DNS servers and alternative TLDs might be useful until they cotton on. It could even stress OpenNIC 🤔

I2P could be better.

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[–] onlinepersona 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Happened to me too and I panicked until I found LocalHistory. I think it was even a merge gone wrong after somebody had force pushed to a branch. What a crazy day that was.

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[–] onlinepersona -2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

Maybe these open source sites should move off the public internet and use alternative DNS servers with signup and alternative TLDs. Something like OpenNIC, but with signup. Or go straight to darknets like TOR and I2P. Maybe I2P would be better as it's slower and crawlers would probably timeout just trying to access content.

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[–] onlinepersona 5 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

They are learning from the US mega corps: if you're popular, open source your framework and it'll attract talent just by virtue of you being popular, regardless of merit.

They have entered the battle...

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[–] onlinepersona 6 points 3 days ago

You’re writing dangerously bad C or C++ code already.

Shots fired. Must be footgun that went off somewhere.

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It's getting more and more unhinged on LinkedIn.


Blitz is a new independent web engine implemented in Rust. It’s flexible low-level APIs make it suitable for a wide variety of use cases web browsers, an application runtimes, ebook rendering, email rendering, rendering HTML to image, etc. And its uniquely modular architecture allows it to share much of its code with other projects which it is hoped will lead to a more sustainable development model.

This project aims to bring Blitz “up to scratch” for the use-case of being an HTML/CSS browser (JavaScript support is not in scope). Use cases that are being targeted include: browsing wikipedia, viewing news websites, and searching using a search engine. The work to be completed includes improvements to the layout engine, implementation of form controls, adding WPT testing infrastructure, and the creation of an initial browser UI.


Is retroshare the new iteration of this?


It happens all the time, a maintainer quits/abandons some opensource project due to economic realities. There are comics, jokes, threads, and so on about what the realities of maintaining opensource software are and that most people are not willing to donate or contribute in any way besides opening issues.

There is a lot of resistance to stuff like the business source license, but people do have to earn a living somehow. Doing so with opensource would be amazing. In lieu of the contested licence, could a template similar to Reminna's actually work? Basically "pay to get this fixed/implemented, make a PR, or it's low priority/ 'I will get to it when I get to it'".

Relevant part of template

### Contributions

In return, or to fix this issue, I'd be willing to:

 - [ ] Fix this myself.
 - [ ] [Donate]( ___ and/or have donated ___ towards fixing it.
 - [ ] Take a donation of ___ to fix it.
 - [ ] Update the [documentation](
 - [ ] Update the [wiki](
 - [ ] Translate Remmina in my native language(s) (___) on [Hosted Weblate](

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submitted 2 weeks ago by onlinepersona to c/rust

In terms of its usability, not its deficits.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by onlinepersona to c/onlinepersona

It's been a while since picking up rust, but until now, most of what I've written has been CLI tools, proc macro libs, and async networking stuff. Web/application servers have been kept at arm's length while waiting for something to come around like Django.

For those not in the know, Django is a web framework written in Python. It's opinionated, extensive, has many features, and has stellar documentation. It's old too and had major problems taking advantage of (back them) python's new async capabilities as well as "new" technologies like WebSockets. Popular frameworks popped up in the meantime like Flask and FastAPI that do use new technologies and python language features like type hints, however nothing has really come to be quite like Django.

Django's ORM

As usual, there are camps when it comes to this, but I'm in the "keep SQL away from me" or "one language for all" camp. Django's ORM does a mighty fine job of doing so. It's possible to write a django application without ever seeing a line of SQL. It helps me immensely to just think about models, application logic, and presentation.

Django allows defining your models in python, generating and handling database migrations, making complex queries of 1-1, 1-n, m-n relations without an SQL syntax, storing objects, locking rows, optimising queries (again without knowing SQL), and much more.


My favorite, powerful query simplifications are QuerySet.select_related() and QuerySet.prefetch_related(). An example of Queryset.select_related:

This is useful for a tree of 1-n objects. An example from the documentation: a Book has an author (foreignkey) which is a Person (1-n), with a hometown (foreignkey) that is a City (1-n). An author can have written many books (n-1), a city can have many people (1-n).

Say you wanted to find 10 books from an author that lives in "Marrakesh" with the associated objects (Book, Person, City). In Django that's

# Hits the database with joins to the author and hometown tables.
books = Book.objects
book = book[0]
person =  # Doesn't hit the database.
city = person.hometown  # Doesn't hit the database.

QuerySet.prefetch_related() does the same for m-n / many-to-many relationships and some other queries (see doc). No messing around with SQL, just python.


The ORM also takes care of generating and managing migrations for you. To me, that's a major plus as it offloads the need for me to think about whether a specific type exists in the DB of choice. Most of the time django will handle it transparently. There are even django extensions / apps to optimise more SQL query generation like adding views, or choosing which index to use for a specific type or table, and so on.

Django's documentation

If I'm not mistaken, it follows the diátaxis method of documentation


which fits the project very well and allows getting started with django very easily as well as finding good, low-level, in-depth information quickly. Many projects have documentation but it's everywhere and nowhere in terms of location (where to find specific things) and depth (high-level vs low-level), making it less optimal for beginners and experts alike. If you want to step up your documentation game, do give diátaxis a shot.

What prompted this

I'm currently 3 days into exploring the rust web framework ecosystem and banging my head against it. It's very commendable what people have written in their free time and shared with the world, so I will not disparage any projects here. It would just be really cool if a django-like, batteries-included project started or reached production quality sometime. The closest candidate I found is Cot.

Cot started in June 2024 and is a long way from django's level but has already grown to something quite impressive. If time allowed it and the project weren't on GitHub, and had a matrix chatroom, it would surely get contributions from me. Here's the announcement on the main dev's blog, which reflects some of my frustrations with the current web framework ecosystem in Rust.

Until Cot is ready, I'll probably be using axum for application server, diesel for the DB-glue, and possibly leptos, yew, or just plain Rinja. Unless of course somebody knows of a django-like web framework in rust that isn't on awesome-rust...

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I've tried watching videos about it, but they are not analysing the reasons. Instead it's just whining about the symptoms and hypocrisy of rich CEOs firing employees then buying a yacht. We all know it's terrible, but my question is "why". "herp derp, capitalism" and "omg, it's the fucking CEOs" doesn't explain anything.


I don't have a Github account after deleting it some time after it was ought by Microsoft. Given the rise of anti-US sentiment and calls to stop using their products, more people leaving Github might be a real occurrence. How can I and others who have left, are leaving, and will leave Github, be able to contribute?


As of 2025-03-02, the matrix foundation has not released a single financial report despite being a non-profit.


We don't want to deal with the administration required to properly handle donations. If we don't need funding, we won't risk becoming dependent on it. And also: no donations means no expectations. This means that people working on LibreWolf are free to move on to other projects whenever they want.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by onlinepersona to c/[email protected]

Basically, I'd like to have my own domain e.g [email protected] but not go through the hassle of hosting my own email service: I'd like to use another service that handled SPF, DMARC, and whatever else for me, grab the emails from their service using POP, and make it available to my email client on android and Linux using IMAP. SMTP will be through the third party.

This way, if the third party starts doing some bullshit like trying to lock me in, donating to a dickhead, or whatever else I disagree with, I can cancel my subscription, move to another third party, and keep all mails on my server.

How can I achieve this? Which search terms should I be using? "Self host email server" brings up stuff that's the equivalent of self-hosting gmail, AOL, posteo, kollabnow, or whatever, but that's not what I want. "Selfhost POP relay" doesn't have much better results, always bringing up SMTP relay...

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by onlinepersona to c/linux

I think it's obvious (and has been) that the linux kernel needs more contributors and more maintainers to share the load*. The Linux Foundation spending 2% on kernel development in 2024 (page 18) does something but not nearly enough.

Is there a way that we as a community / third parties / non kernel devs can fund kernel developers and maybe even get a kernel maintainer in there? Maybe something already exists or do we have to start something ourselves?

*: Yes, I understand our overworked maintainer problem (being one of these people myself), but here we have people actually doing the work! - Greg KH

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