You seem contradictory. Are you sure you're not homophobic? Not trying to bait. No need to answer me at all. Just calling for your own self reflection.
GAFAM is all one hydra.
This is great. Thanks!!
Yup. Best firefox extension after uBO. If I had to pick a third one it would be Privacy Badger, although it breaks some sites.
From a moderator standpoint, I got to say: First, please don't repeat the same comment all over the thread. I am human, and get tired of reading your 'toxic logic'. Second, executing a human being without a process (justice) is something more akin to 'our enemies'. Thirdly, I'd like to politely invite you to reflect upon your words. War has a time and place, these ships could very well be people that were bribed out of need, your suggestion only makes sense in a battlefield. Inciting violence in this context is like spreading Russia propaganda. Consider this a warning (as I see it, you're breaking our rules).
On another comment you say you'd bring a knife to a fist fight... keep in mind the other person could pull a gun. And, if you had a gun, then they have 2 machine guns... I hope you understand my point. Although I doubt seriously that you'll really do anything else than taking it literally. Good luck in life.
Not that the article answers this, but I found this interesting:
The team dates back to 1967, when it was founded by west German parliamentarians in the then capital of Bonn — a time when the main centre-left and centre-right parties together held more than 90 per cent of the seats. They play weekly matches against other amateur workplace teams from business, culture and civil society, as well as an annual contest against other parliamentary teams from elsewhere in Europe. Players over the years have included former chancellor Gerhard Schröder, former finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble and Joschka Fischer, the country’s first Green foreign minister. Two weeks before German reunification in 1990, the team played against members of the “People’s Chamber” of the communist east German republic.
That's human-like intelligence at its finest. I am not being sarcastic, hear me out. If you told a person to give you 10 numbers at random, they can't. Everyone thinks randomness is easy, but it isn't ( see: )
So, of course a GPT model would fail at this task, I love that they do fail and the dog looks so cute!!
At last, a biblically accurate angel we can enjoy. Jesus! Pass me the bread already
Anyone care to join me at the Holodeck, I have a vampire & werewolves novel... XD
Finally, I can follow those threaded intellectual debates on the Internet without scrolling!
Perhaps you may want to diversify on those that are feeding propaganda to you ;)