I suppose in the days of 'Cloud Hosting' a lot of people (hopefully) don't just randomly upload new files (manually) on a server anymore.
Even if you still just use normal servers that behave like this, a better practice would be to have a build server that creates builds, like whenever you check code into the Main branch, it'll create a deploy for the server, and you deploy it from there - instead of compiling locally, opening filezilla and doing an upload.
If you're using 'Cloud Hosting' - for example AWS - If you use VMs or bare metal - you'd maybe create Elastic Beanstalk images and upload a new Application or Machine Image as a new version, and deploy that in a more managed way. Or if you're using Docker, you just upload a new Docker image into a Docker registry and deploy those.
What kinda "multi-monitor" features are you looking for?
I usually use Visual Studio (the real one, not VSCode) - and their multi-monitor support seems fine to me. You can drag out any window component and put them somewhere else in a different screen. And when you drag things somewhere else, you can still snap them back together, so it's really just 2 windows again, not just loose floating boxes.