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Welcome Programmers! is a collection of programming communities and other topics relevant to software engineers, hackers, roboticists, hardware and software enthusiasts, and more.

The site is primarily english with some communities in other languages. We are connected to many other sites using the activitypub protocol that you can view posts from in the "all" tab while the "local" tab shows posts on our site.

🔗 Site with links to all relevant sites

🟩 Not a fan of the default UI? We have alternate frontends we host that you can view the same content from

ℹ️ We have a wiki site that communities can host documents on

⚖️ All users are expected to follow our Code of Conduct and the other various documents on our legal site

❤️ The site is run by a team of volunteers. If youre interested in donating to help fund things such as server costs you can do so here

💬 We have a microblog site aimed towards programmers available at

🛠️ We have a forgejo instance for hosting git repositories relating to our site and the fediverse. If you have a project that relates and follows our Code of Conduct feel free to host it there and if you have ideas for things to improve our sites feel free to create issues in the relevant repositories. To go along with the instance we also have a site for sharing small code snippets that might be too small for their own repository.

🌲 We have a discord server and a matrix space for chatting with other members of the community. These are bridged to each other (so you can interact with people using matrix from discord and vice versa.

founded 1 year ago

Canvas has ended! 🎨 - final canvas

submitted 1 year ago by snowe to c/meta

Welcome to the community!

My name is Tyler Thrailkill (@snowe or @snowe2010 on almost every site). I am currently the main mod at r/experiencedDevs on Reddit, and am starting this site up in the hopes that we can make a collective developer community free from VC influence. This is partially because of the recent API changes Reddit has declared, but also because developers are the ones that can most likely make a community like this succeed.

It will probably not go well, I understand that. It will probably be crazy expensive. I understand that. I do hope that the community is able to work together to actually make this a success though.

I've started by creating 3 communities:

meta is for discussions about itself. I think this is one of Stack Overflows best ideas (was it their idea?), because it allows for incremental improvement as a collective group. Please use this to discuss things you think need to change about the site.

Programming is for general purpose programming discussions. This is an analogue to /r/programming on reddit.

Finally, Experienced Devs is an analogue to the /r/experiencedDevs sub that I currently moderate on Reddit. I hope to pull some of my mods over from there, but we're still talking about it because we don't even know if lemmy is built to handle the traffic that this site could generate.

I will be creating several more meta posts in the coming days, so be on the lookout for those. Thank you for reading!

This is a test. (
submitted 1 year ago by michaelcharles to c/meta

Can posts have a body and a URL?

Is markdown supported?

Console.WriteLine("Hello, World")

Do code blocks work?

What about with syntax highlighting?

console.log("Hello, World");

Can I make a code block with indentations?

var a = "Hello" var b = "World" console.log(${a}, ${b});

Let's see what quotations look like,

This is a quote.

And this one will be multiline.

Line one. Line two.

There should be a space above.

I think that's enough testing for now.


Not sure if this is the best place to post, but I'm trying to figure Lemmy out. Suppose I want to subscribe to [email protected] using this account.... how do I do that?

When I go to the "communities" tab and search for "news"... doesn't show up there. I can search for "technology" and find results for [email protected]. I can go to a URL on this domain for that community; but plopping the word "news" instead of "technology" in that URL gives me a 404.

Do the admins of this instance have to whitelist specific other communities before people here can subscribe to them? Have they done that with "technology" but not "news"? (I understand if that's the case. Probably want to keep on topic. Just trying to figure out how lemmy works)

Understanding GPT tokenizers (
submitted 1 year ago by erlingur to c/programming

Saw this on HN and thought it was very interesting. Also wanted to test creating a post on Lemmy :)

Kotlin goes WebAssembly! (
submitted 1 year ago by snowe to c/kotlin

Has anyone used WASM with Kotlin yet? I still haven't had a chance to check out Multiplatform at all (haven't really had a need).


The sidebar states "Please see the request thread to request more communities" but I'm not seeing such a thread.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by snowe to c/meta

Please comment with what communities you would like to be added here.

For mod creation I need both the url style name (experienced_devs) and the Display name (Experienced Devs)

submitted 1 year ago by snowe to c/meta

I'm trying to get the instance to run better, so I just adjusted the database pooling to hopefully make things run more stable. Let me know if it made stuff worse 😂

submitted 1 year ago by erlingur to c/ruby

Firstly, thanks for running this instance. After reddit harakiri, this is god sent.

I was wondering how resource intensive is it to run this server? I hope the reddit refugees won't put a big hole in your hosting bill.

Others like me could also host a server, if there is tremendous load on this one.

Welcome to c/powershell (self.powershell)
submitted 1 year ago by pwshguy to c/powershell

Come in, introduce yourself, and say hello to others. Hoping to build a friendly and helpful community


TBC… :)

submitted 1 year ago by Piatro to c/ruby

Not affiliated I just find this useful and it exposed me to a few of the new features of Ruby 3.2 like not having to specify the value in kwargs if the variable is defined in scope, eg:

foo = 'bar'; call(foo:) is equivalent to foo = 'bar'; call(foo: foo)

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by erlingur to c/ruby

I figured I'd also create a welcome post :) So, welcome!

I hope we can create a welcoming environment here for all and as always, MINASWAN :)


A good resource for anyone that wants to learn Hotwire :)


I know Safari/Webkit gets a bad rap usually but I thought this list was pretty neat! I actually use Safari as my main browser when developing :)


I tend to prefer Cats and that's the more commonly used ecosystem at work, but I've heard that the more framework nature of ZIO can be really comfy. I've also used Play, which had some nice things but is starting to feel like it's showing its age and the rough spot Lightbend is in.

I'm curious to hear what everyone else is using and your hot takes.

Devs don’t want to do ops (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by erlingur to c/programming

TLDR provided by ChatGPT:

As software development grows more complex, the devops approach, which merges software development and IT operations roles, is under scrutiny. Although devops has sped up updates and tightened feedback loops, it's often overburdening individuals by blurring developer and operator roles. Developers have voiced reluctance to handle operations, citing the specialized skills needed. The potential solutions include realigning responsibilities to empower developers with timely information, using container orchestration technologies like Kubernetes to separate developer and operator concerns, and expanding the roles of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) and platform engineering. The future of software development may require a blend of devops, SRE, and platform engineering to effectively address the growing complexity.


Feedback is still welcome, either here or as Merge Requests to my Gitlab Pages repo.


@meta trying to create an account but stuck on loading.

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