A backdoor requires malicious intent, otherwise it's just a vulnerability
joined 7 months ago
The exploit requires physical access. It's not exploitable in 99% of cases
I prefer an apartment because it's less maintenance
But is it fast?
My whole life is cast iron. I've been true for some of this.
Linux has good security, simply chmod
the seats on the left so the wolves don't get execute permissions
PostgreSQL can even run WebAssembly (with an extension)
Every major SQL database supports json manipulation nowadays. I know MariaDB and MySQL and SQLite at least support it natively.
It's entirely possible to sort and filter inside JSON data in most SQL dialects. You can even add indexes.
I can say the ending is not like that, though it's impossible to say much more about it without spoiling it.
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Code golf:
If you think there is no way
can save bytes, there is