
joined 2 years ago
[–] RandomVideos 1 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

Are you sure about that? What if he bullied someone in the past or cut in line?

[–] RandomVideos 2 points 7 hours ago

Digits should be unique enough to be distinguishable with bad writing and not require you to count dots

[–] RandomVideos 1 points 7 hours ago

I feel like the clicks before the Big Bang shouldnt count. That would make it too long of a timespan

Clicks in parallel dimensions should count though

[–] RandomVideos 2 points 8 hours ago (2 children)

Dont forget about the invention and evolution of the computer

[–] RandomVideos 3 points 8 hours ago (2 children)

Now invent 60 unique digits

Having a base too big or too small has a lot of problems that i havent seen talked about

[–] RandomVideos 4 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

Yeah, 2 countries should be world leaders. Moldova and Romania

[–] RandomVideos 1 points 11 hours ago (4 children)

All previous clicks should be counted, including installing linux, opening firefox/a firefox fork and arguing with strangers only about how many clicks are needed to type "<3"

[–] RandomVideos 1 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

I should have probably used usa republicans, but it feels strange to call people who voted for Donald Trump a word derived from republic

[–] RandomVideos 4 points 14 hours ago

At least wait to see if this continues

[–] RandomVideos 4 points 14 hours ago

Even though it still makes mistakes or strange sentences(i have only used it to translate from english to my native language, romanian), its so much more accurate than google translate and offers ways to easily correct those mistakes

[–] RandomVideos 1 points 14 hours ago (6 children)

You also have to include how many mouse clicks/keys you used yo bind them to non-shift keys

[–] RandomVideos 1 points 14 hours ago

I need to win an argument


This is on the front page of the most popular online romanian dictionary (as far as i know)


Anything that can be used as a pronoun that isnt a noun or a number counts


Any kind of game

EDIT: changed from suggested to mentioned and made the title more clear


Since i already tried it with a smaller group of people and it went well, i am asking lemmy to give me an idea/feature/anything(that is not NSFW or against itch.io rules) that i will add to a game i will be making

I will try to add every single thing suggested here(even if only on a technicality)

Also, i had no idea how to title this post


I remember when you could only barely resize text

That was a lie (programming.dev)

1 day is too short

hmmm (programming.dev)

If they only swallow spiders that are 0.1 mg, they would consume 6400 tons of spiders every year

If they only consume spiders that are 175 g, they would swallow 11.2 billion tons of spiders every year

Edit: i know its a myth, thats why i said "if"

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by RandomVideos to c/[email protected]
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