I think we're closer with hardware than software. the xreal/rokid category of hmds are comfortable enough to wear all day, and I don't mind a cable running from behind my ear under a clothes layer to a phone or mini PC in my pocket. Unfortunately you still need to byo cameras to get the overlays appearing in the correct points in space, but cameras are cheap, I suspect these glasses will grow some cameras in the next couple of iterations.
start with December 7th
There's no way you're "covering up" an antenna. Frequently the antenna is the body of the car itself.
Look up the fuse box layout of the car model you're interested in to check if the communication system is on a separate fuse that you can pull without disabling anything else useful.
There's libraries of loyalty free music that these things sometimes come out of. Or AI.
check out Supreme Commander, it's a game from the erra of good RTSes, and I think has some of the features you're taking about, e.g. beforehand of multiple bases, automation... you can do things like produce x units, send them to this area, have them start doing this patrol, etc. You can pause the game, to make these orders too. My favorite gimmick though, is that the map is zoomable, from a classic here's your dudes and tanks view, up into a strategic view with icons representing everything. This also opens up the ability to have units be different sizes. vehicles are appropriately larger than infantry, and you can have giant mechs to which other units are literally ants.
Updoots for The 4400. Might be my favorite show of all time. The theme song is still playing in my head.
Do /not/ make the mistake of watching the cw's 4400 (without a The). I would rather watch Tommy Wiseau's The Neighbors over it.
Add Tucker and Dale vs Evil to that category.
I think you can link a second Whatsapp app, similar to the web client. your primary one needs a webcam to read the QR code though
what android os/rom are you on? I don't think I've used an android phone in the last decade where although yes, that behavior is possible I would have to go out of my way to configure it that way
I'd like to see this fix the most annoying part about subtitles, timing. find transcript/any subs on the Internet and have the AI align it with the audio properly.