
joined 2 years ago
[–] vrek 3 points 2 days ago (5 children)

Please tell us... What was the other one?

[–] vrek 3 points 3 days ago (2 children)

The irony of pointing this out when there is literally one less hour of the weekend this weekend...

[–] vrek 1 points 6 days ago

Yes but for example for seizures I want a simple form, not having to type in entries. Especially for siezures, it's normally a busy event of caring for him, having to add a seizure taking more than a minute means it probably won't be used.

[–] vrek 1 points 6 days ago

Both good suggestions, thanks for the ideas

[–] vrek 5 points 6 days ago (2 children)

I didn't know they had free tiers... I'll look into it

[–] vrek 3 points 6 days ago

Hmm...i do have a raspberry pi that isn't being used... Since it's asp.net should be Linux compatible... Not a bad idea

[–] vrek 5 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Well it's also a learning project as through a series of events I am technically a software developer in job title who got thrown into a c# code base with databases after doing a python boot camp for 9 weeks and have no mentor to tell me what I'm doing wrong on professional projects.


So background, my kid has seizures often. He is currently on 5 different medications to try to control it(plus 1 for sleeping and 1 for his liver enzymes) plus severe non verbal autism so he can't tell us if he already had his meds. Currently when it's medication time, it's always "did you give him his meds yet?" and we have no way of tracking how many seizures he actually has besides "alot more recently" or "it's gone down recently". Yes he had multiple doctors and this is NOT a post looking for health advice.

I am creating an app for phones(c# Maui) which will send json objects to a api to store/retrieve data in a database(when he last had medication x, when he has a seizure etc). It will probably only be used with in my family, maybe 20 entries a day on a really bad day(7 medications twice daily + 6 seizures to give a round number) but should be less then 10 transactions(most medications given at same time).

What's the cheapest/easiest was I can host something like this? I do not have a static ip. Yes it's health information but I'm only storing first names and tracking time of events, not too worried about hippa like security.

[–] vrek 8 points 1 week ago

And x-ray technicians. If your ehs representative say there are too many rads.... RUN!

[–] vrek 18 points 1 week ago

I'd join the navy but it's full of sea men....

[–] vrek 4 points 1 week ago

I agree with "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear" that said before I get beheaded by lemmy.. No on has nothing they don't want public. Maybe you drink too much, maybe you're pregnant, maybe you are in debt, maybe you have a ex lover you are try to keep away from. Everyone has something to hid but most governments don't give a shit (corporations may but that's a different topic).

That said if a key to a door exists it will be made public. They reason why keys work is there is 10000+ of them. Odds are the keys to my apartment aren't identical to yours. That said if a universal key was made the idea of locking your doors is irreverent. Because eventually that key will be public, you boss may see your apartment, your mother may, your ex girlfriend may etc.

This like tell lock makers to make a universal key that will open any locked door. Yes it may help investigators if they have a suspicion of who did it(and are willing to break the 4th amendment) but who else may it help?

[–] vrek 18 points 1 week ago

I had a job doing that but I quit... It was "soda pressing"

[–] vrek 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Wait, so fish inhale water... Some process takes place separating the water and oxygen atoms and then they exhale the carbon dioxide and hydrogen out their gills? Or am I still completely wrong?


The only possible exceptions I can think of are fish(I imagine gills and mouth are not connected but don't really know). I am excluding bacteria and viruses and I believe they don't really breath(correct me if I'm wrong).


I know there choice of distro is really meaningless as you can install almost any program on almost any distro. But I have been playing with kali which is for security people and pen testers. Is there a similar distro for programmers? Like a few ides installed some profiling tools some virtual environment tools etc?


They gotta go fast!


Have the same story but from two different perspectives!


I don't know why this is a thing but if I tap the back of my pixel 6 three times in rapid succession it begins to play my audio book on audible.

From what I can tell audible has to be open but doesn't need to be the app on the screen(for example I can start and stop it while typing this post). Also the phone has to be "on" (meaning the screen is displaying but doesn't need to be unlocked.

Is this just my phone or dies it happen on other people's phone too?

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