Lookup point-in-polygon algorithms
I would like to add to the other excellent points on when to avoid pressing the matter.
If the person has multiple reviewers, and the review itself is far along enough that most of the complex comments are fixed then it is quite irritating having new comments that focus on style.
Giving a comment on style is to be avoided late into the review. Some reviews even have very long running CI/CD that reruns on every commit and won't accept older results. If it makes the assignee wait for even 4 more hours it's not worth it to give such comments after everything else.
That takes reading from existing users.
Also not all answers are perennial for a question. So it makes sense to ask them again. In that case, closing a question as duplicate is absurd.
lower the price for consumers
As opposed to... checks notes ... the rest of the world?
I played an RPG video game the other day with tricky AI companions and foes. This guy sounds like an NPC to be honest.
Yeah, that way they also get a 3 hour nap
Oops yeah you're right. Sorry OP. There's nothing better than using a database that flushes to disk often enough that missing a small chunk of data due to interruptions should be fine. Probably some kind of memory mapped IO on top of eager writing filesystem should do a good enough job.
I thought someone here had mentioned that the environment and user executing the script at startup and you running the script might have differences. The reason it would have worked with systemd might be that the environment was loaded correctly?
Oh sorry for that. Meant to reply to the asshole not your comment.
People who come here to say Linux is not good or that this community is an echo chamber and get mad for pointing out obvious flaws in the OS miss two things:
The post is an opinion of someone. Notice the "I" in the title? That should give you some clue.
You are offended when people suggest that you learn and adapt to the OS, but you suggest that Linux should support your workflow without any effort on your part to learn the OS. Which is hypocritical to say the least.
Then BOTH drafting and dodging the draft make no sense.