Is there a less arcane way to perform searches similarly to regex?
No kiddin', name got me lookin' and Valid Without Photo as well as The Plan are right in line with the sorta sound I dig from Massive Attack and the like!
Similar/same vibe's all good in my book, so cheers!
I think I've heard of'em but not heard their music, will have to check'em out!
Of the first bunch, turns out I already listen to 3 outta 4 of those, so solid suggestions!
I've heard of the newer few, but never taken to the time to really dig in & listen to their tunes, so thanks! I'll have to give them (and Blue Foundation) a listen!
Thanks! Er...What does C2S in this context mean? I read over some of the details on Vocata (it sounds really cool!), but remain unsure what's meant by C2S here.
Thanks, it looks cool! It brings to mind some of the terminal-based connections some have made, if I remember right.
If much of it comes to feel like that, however...What then? 😓
Discerning denim denizen?
Any in particular you're fond of but don't see mentioned as much?
I know, I know, but haven't you wanted to jot down some pseudocode while out and about, formatted neatly, so you could pop it over to your main machine to turn into working code?