Well, I used to have an area of expertise... Then we adopted a kid.
Kids are hard. Kids who had years of neglect and trauma... can be a lot harder. I love him very much, but he takes up so much of my time and energy, I just don't have any time for my own stuff any more.
Also, my field (IT) has gotten weird as computers have gotten weird. Nobody uses computers any more, they use "devices". And these devices all suck. They're hard (or impossible) to actually back up, you can't deploy software to them in an organized way, they're a security nightmare, and the interface just isn't as easy to use as a freaking mouse and keyboard.
And if you want to talk about actual computers, those suck more every year too. Oh the hardware is improving by the day, but the software hasn't been cooperative in years. Always online operating systems, fake settings menus to keep the user away from the real settings menus... Actually, nevermind, I don't even want to talk about OSs, they make me too angry.
And then there's all the software packages that would rather be services than what they actually are, a product. Poor Adobe, just not filthy rich enough yet...
Anyway, it gets harder to do IT as computers get shittier, and I am falling behind, because I hate it.