
joined 4 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 16 minutes ago

This PPV needs Brit Baker. Make it Brit vs Red Velvet vs ThunderRosa vs Ruby Soho.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 19 minutes ago (1 children)

God I hate Taz on commentary. He just bickers with Schivone now.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 20 minutes ago

If it was 2002 WWE it would have been a lesbian lingerie match.

Ah. Progress!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 21 minutes ago

I'm expecting a chainsaw, and cutting off a limb. I mean, I'm exaggerating, but not by much. Thats the messed up part!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 22 minutes ago

The last match was the cooldown.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 43 minutes ago (1 children)

Soooooo, 3 guys from the conglomeration, and Okada.

Gee, I wonder who's winning. This is gokng to be the 1 dud of the night.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 48 minutes ago

Well you can gamble your money away on DraftKings! Lose your money at DraftKings.com!

.........is that not their tagline?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 52 minutes ago (1 children)

In a different PPV that would be match of the night. Tonight however? It may get topped. Swerve vs Page is ALWAYS a banger.

But my god was that match insanely good.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 hour ago

This PPV is just banger after banger if you ignore the preshow.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

What even IS your username???

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 hour ago

"OOOOOHHHHHH!!!!! And Aubrey has to check in with Osprey....yep, she's checking in with him now."

"Hey man.....you dead?"

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

I don't know what you look like, or what your partner looks like. Or who Donnie Thornberry is. But now I'm just imagining two guys who wrestle on the indies, both cosplaying as the ultimate warrior, sitting on a couch in their gear watching an AEW ppv together.

I know I'm 100% wrong.......but thats what my brain has decided your life is.


Like if I see a woman just walking alone, or in a group of other humans, meh. That's not interesting.

But if she has a dog with her? NOW I'm interested in looking. Then she gets nervous as I approach, as confused as my gaze continuously goes farther down as we get closer. Until she realizes I'm more interested in her dog than her.

Yeah, ok, you're wearing a lowcut top, with your boobs halfway out.......but THIS A GOOD BOI!!!

So her intentions are counterproductive to the end result. The dogs are so much more interesting. But the vibe I get from these women is that they feel like they're in danger......psssh, maybe in danger of me stealing their dog and running away!

Nah. I don't have enough room in my place to steal a cities worth of dogs.......but maybe I could start a business where you come in, and get to be in a room full of dogs, and you could pet them, and give them treats. But then you gotta walk them. And clean their poop on the walk. But if you don't come back, we assume you adopted that dog. And we charge your credit card an adoption fee! And then we steal even MORE dogs!!!

And soon McDonalds buys us, and expands the business globally. So now we steal EVERYBODIES dogs! But then they have issues because now people are complaining that people are stealing their dogs. But you can't like....OWN dogs, man!

And thats when the hippie movement gets involved, and they buy all the stock in this company, because we launched an IPO.

So now we sell cannabis and play No Doubt and Sublime in our compounds. And that's when people start breeding dogs en masse at home, because our prices have gotten out of control over the decades as we've gained a monopoly over dogs.

And so with all this dog breeding going on, dogs have evolved to have a blue fur. And this pisses off the christians because it proves evolution is a very real thing. But the dogs also evolve to speak human language, walk on hind legs, and have opposable thumbs.

As the christians and the catholics are protesting dogs, the muslims take offense to the existance of the christians and catholics.

So now USA is going to war with all the muslim middle eastern countries. And since the dogs want no part of this, they learn to build and sail boats, and take to the shores in pursuit of Africa.

Finding very little resistance in their governments, the dogs unite all the African nations to be Doglandia. And they pay to scientificly advance their space craft. Because they now understand how crazy humans are. And they can build a new society on Mars.

So now in the year 2499 Mars declairs war on Earth. And that's how humanity dies. All because I look at dogs and women are offended by that.


So I just signed up for Mbin at Fedia.IO, and part of the registration says it will send out an email to complete the registration. Great!

It's been like 10 minutes with nothing in "all mail" and nothing in the trash or spam folders either. Is this something I need to wait a while for, or has something gone wrong, and I should contact their staff somehow?


I wish the fediverse would just stick to one set of jargon, and everybody uses the same terms to mean the same thing. Even "instances" should just be called "servers". That's all it is. This server talks to that servers, and information is exchanged.

So, if I understand this right, "magazines" on Mbin are the same as "communities" on Lemmy, are the same as subreddits on reddit. Three names to mean the same thing.

And a "Thread" is just a post. Like I'm making a post right now on Lemmy. If I did this on Mbin it would be called a "Thread".

But then I see there's also "comments" which is self explanitory (I hope...)

And there's also "Posts". But if Threads are posts, then what are Posts?


........I keep thinking I have things figured out, until someone says "yeah, but have you tried this?" and then I look into it, and I'm confused again. Arg!


They tried to claim that they weren't ending the game boy line.......welp. Still waiting on that Game Boy Advance sucsessor any day now....

We all know the DS was the next Game Boy. WHY DIDN'T THEY JUST CALL IT THAT??? The original ones even played GBA, GBC, and GB games for fucks sake!

The DS WAS a Game Boy. That's it. That's the end of the story.


Toad has good taste! Cherry? Good pez! Raspberry? Good pez! Lemon? Usually that spot is Grape, and Lemon is better than Grape!

Cameo appearances by Mario and KK Slider.


Saw this at a local store, and couldn't stop laughing. Although, his love relationship with Catwoman, a woman in leather with a whip, makes a lot more sense now.


So I feel like I'm doing peertube wrong. I'm trying to find good content, but it feels like every single instance I find is just "here's the linux news, here's the new linux tips, here's the linux gossip, linux linux linux!"

And I do not give a shit about linux. I learned long ago that I'm not smart enough to figure it out. I just want to find the non-tech, non-video game content. I don't know what I'm doing. I want to search all the instances, all at once, and see what the system recommends.

I don't have a peertube account. I have a piefed account. I'm not against getting a peertube account, but at this point, it's ruining the whole point of the fediverse. If I need to register for a peertube account to have a decent experience, what's the point in having all these services be interconnected. Registering for peertube account would be the THIRD account I would have for the fediverse. But at this point, I just want to find the content.


So, I was thinking that I joined Lemmy.World because Lemmy had more users than MBin. But today I was looking at https://mbin.cocopoops.com/ and started seeing MY posts. I knew Mbin could have different instances. I knew Lemmy could have different instances. And I knew they all federated together.

But I didn't know Mbin could federate with Lemmy. But I'm sure Lemmy/Mbin probably won't federate with Pixelfed, or Peertube.

Mbin, piefed, and Lemmy are essentially reddit replacements. So they should be in a circle. It doesn't matter how many users Mbin has, or piefed has, or Lemmy has. It matters how many the full circle of federated reddit replacements have. Because thats the true circle of users that you can interact with.

So what we need is a website that you enter an instance, and it tells you how big your circle would be on that platform, and a list of federated, and defederated instances with it.

So Lemmy.World would have a pretty high circle. While hexbear would have only itself, if I understand right.


So I found this rather amusing. This is a Hudson News store, which if you've never been to an airport in your life, is kind of like a corner store....except in an airport. Inflated prices and all.

Anyways, they have this display, and I found it funny. I work at the airport, and yesterday these two shirts were facing each other. The red one is a trump 2024 shirt, and you can clearly see the other is a Harris 2024 shirt. They're meant to be facing each other as if they're debating. But somebody turned the red shirt to face a pillar. So It doesn't matter if you're outside the store (the perspective this display is meant to be seen from) or inside the store, no matter which direction you see it from, it's just a blank red shirt.

Now maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I like to think it means somebody saw the image of a trump shirt, and got so offended they turned a lifeless mannequin to reject the message of the shirt. Thus making a political statement about the placement of a mannequin due to it's shirts content.

And when you think about it, that's the MOST hard a shirt can go in 2024. It's not quite censorship, but it IS sending a message..........or hell, maybe I'm wrong and somebody bumped the damn thing.

For the record though, I'm pro-Harris. I mean, not enough to buy a $60 T-Shirt that doesn't fit me at an airport, but still.


So this may have been the weirdest dream I've had in a while. In this dream, MTV was actually still socially relevant to not only the music industry, but also pop culture, and current events. And they promoted the release of Taylor Swifts newest music video at 7:50pm. 10 minutes before that nights 8pm presidential debate. Which MTV would also be simucasting.

The weeks leading up to this, trump was accusing Swift of being trans, and secretly going to become black after the election. So she made a music viddo, and it became news. This was it's first airing.

It's a rap diss music video, in the style of Weird Al, except it's Taylor Swift. She's not doing black face, but she has an 80s style black guy mustache, and an aftro wig. She's wearing a grill apron with a grill filled with footlongs on one side, and cocktail weenies on the other. Behind her were 5 women in bikinis dancing near a pool, wearing trump masks. And whenever you saw this shot with Taylor grilling in the foreground, and dancers in the background, Taylor sang the chorus.

"Grillin weenie's, yours is teeny, mine is jumbo, like Mr Feeney."

And everytime they said "Mr Feeney", it cut to a quick 1 second shot of Mr Feeney from the 1990s ABC sitcom "Boy meets world". Each time he's holding a hot dog. They sing this chrorus 5 times in the song. Each time, that quick 1 second shot he's holding a bigger hot dog than the last shot of him.

Also, every time they sing the chorus and you see the dancers, one of their heads explodes, and falls down out of frame. Then she gets back up, still wearing the same trump mask, but this time with a bandage over the ear. She walks off screen giving the thumbs up. So each time the chorus runs, there's one less dancer.

I wish I could remember the whole song, but the only other line besides the chorus I remember was:

"If you think trump's financially hot, then you must be smoking pot, three casino bankruptcies later should tell you he's not. One presidency later left him looking like Darth Vader, took the files back home and prompted some FBI raiders. We're not putting a convict in power running scams with NFTs, Harris in white house, 2024 just trust me!"

And after the song is over, you see a 90s style crt tv turning off effect, and the perspective shifts to see Hank Hill having just turned off the tv. Ladybird sleeping on the floor in front of him.

"My god, that was completely disrespectful! She was using CHARCOAL while grilling those dogs! They must taste AWFUL! Boy I tell ya, Ladybird, that girl ain't right!"

Then he walks outside, and the batmobile is in his driveway. And Hank is confused and slightly annoyed.

Thats when I woke up.

WTF brain?


So, brains are weird. I just remembered this story from 36 years ago when I was 5.

So I'm unclear if Pat Catans or Micheals are regional or national stores, so in case anyone doesn't know Pat Catans was a MASSIVE arts and crafts retail store. When I say massive, just picture this. An entire street clearly zoned for industrial use. Warehouses all down the street. A vodka manufacturing plant, and for some reason, the tinyiest amusement park with no rides. It only had putt-putt, batting cages, and an arcade. No rides.

Anyways, in this zone, for some bizzare reason was Pat Catans. A warehouse size arts and crafts store. It later got bought by Micheals (a competing, but much smaller sized crafts store) who closed down all the Pat Catans.

So now that everybody knows the terms, it's 36 years ago. I'm 5 years old. My mom brings me to Pat Catans to decide on a halloween costume a month away.

There's a whole isle of halloween costumes seperated by source material. So you had GI Joe all in one area, the Flintstones all in one area. And she asked me if I knew which catagory I wanted. I excitedly said YES!!!! THE MUPPET SHOW!!!!

And so we walked down to it. My mom asked "Do you know which muppet you want to be?"

And I excitedly said ANIMAL!!!!

And my mom says "They're all animals. Do you want to be a frog? Or a bear? Or a pig?"

And I was annoyed. So I said "No, I want to be ANIMAL."

And my mom says "but which one? There's lots of animals on the muppet show."

Now I was getting REALLY annoyed. My mom watched this show with me every saturday night. She KNEW who animal was. And I didn't understand why she was doing this.

I said "No. Mom. Listen. The drummer from the band. His name is Animal."

And my mom says "But all the band members on the show are animals! WHICH ONE???"

And I'd had enough. I picked up the Animal costume, and said "THIS ONE! THIS ONE RIGHT HERE. WHATS HIS NAME???........YEAH, HIS NAME IS ANIMAL!!!"

And then my mom drops this whole act and gets snippy with me

"HEY! Don't take that tone with me, or you won't get the costume at all!"

And this has summed up our entire relationship. To this day. She feels it's entirely acceptable to not care about how she's making others feel. But if you give her backlash, even a fraction of what she's doing, she can't handle it, and flys off the deep end. She wants HER feelings respected, but doesn't respect anybody elses.

I have no idea why this popped into my head randomly today, but I felt here was a good place to share.

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