
joined 5 months ago
[–] white_nrdy 2 points 3 days ago

Came here to recommend those first two exactly

[–] white_nrdy 5 points 5 days ago

I really liked Weird Al when I was like 12. Still do.

[–] white_nrdy 3 points 1 week ago

And that's why he pardoned them first

[–] white_nrdy 5 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

Matrix is a new-ish decentralized, private, E2EE encryption protocol. It's pretty neat. It still has some issues (at least that I experience. Mainly the Android app is constantly being super slow to receive messages), but it's super promising.

They also have some goals to improve email infrastructure by integrating the matrix protocol, but not sure if that will go anywhere. I remember reading this off hand remark on their blog. Can't find the source.

As the original comment said, there's the concept ifa "bridge" which allows you to bridge other services to a matrix chat. So you could have a discord channel and matrix room bridged, as an example. A ready to go option with bridges is Beeper. But you can also setup your own stuff, as they said.

[–] white_nrdy 1 points 3 weeks ago

Make a git repo for your dotfiles. I personally use dotbot to handle installing them.

[–] white_nrdy 1 points 4 weeks ago

For people who consume alcohol and want it in Eggnog


[–] white_nrdy 1 points 1 month ago

I tried fish recently. Really wanted to like it. It was just hard to switch all if my environment setup stuff, since it isn't POSIX.

I'm sure if I had put more effort into it, it would be better. Other than env setup, I REALLY liked it. All the reasons you mentioned.

[–] white_nrdy 6 points 1 month ago

This movie was a quintessential piece in my college experience. My Social Network had a drinking game for this movie and did it a few times a year.

I barely remember the things towards the end of this movie

[–] white_nrdy 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Are you trying to remember the comedian this joke is from? If so, it's John Mulaney in The Top Part

[–] white_nrdy 5 points 2 months ago

Xilinx (now AMD) does really only make FPGAs (and some CPLDs I think). However that could also mean a lot of things. For all we know they could be old as all hell and be like Spartan 3 devices, which aren't very big. Or they could also be more powerful, and thus scarier.

[–] white_nrdy 7 points 3 months ago

I wonder if people just saw it in their feeds and didn't see the community? Since with just a few words into this comment I knew exactly what episode you were talking about... And I am sure that if I had seen your meme on chevron7 without the added context I would've known immediately. Since those are such a good couple of episodes

[–] white_nrdy 7 points 3 months ago

Hello all, I am moving into a new apartment, and was planning on replacing the thermostats with Z-Wave ones. I currently have a Honeywell T6 Pro Z-Wave in my current apartment, and was planning on picking up a couple more.

When I was at the new place today, I took a look inside of one of the thermostats and saw something I was not expecting. They are all 120VAC line voltage thermostats. The heating and cooling is shared between the building, and whether heating or cooling is on is a whole building schedule. The person in the leasing office that was touring us around the new place when we got our keys said that it switches to heat in october or November.

Attached are a couple of photos of the thermostat and a photo of the vent in the wall (although not sure if that is helpful). The thermostat is a Honeywell T651A. I am not sure of what the actual HVAC equipment looks like.

This obviously throws a hamper in my plans, and now I have to look for alternatives. I am not super familiar with 120VAC HVAC, so I wanted to get some advice from others. I believe it is a heated/chilled water system, and the thermostat simply controls the pump/blower in the wall panel (one of the photos). The fact that there is both heating and cooling is what is confusing me, since all of the 120VAC thermostats I have seen are only for heating. Obviously it all boils down to how the temperature is compared to the set point. If the building switches to cooling (which won't be a problem for about 6 months after it switches I am guessing), the comparison will be backwards.

If anyone is able to point me to any resources on how I can learn about this control system, that would be great. I found the Stelpro KI Z-Wave Thermostat which I think will work, but I am not sure what happens when it switches to cooling in the spring. I prefer Z-Wave since I have found it to be far more reliable (especially in a larger building. This is a 7 floor building with ~15 units on each floor. So there is a lot of 2.4GHz traffic I assume), however if anyone knows of a product that will work for this (if the Stelpro one won't) I'm all ears.

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