
joined 2 years ago
[–] tyler 7 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

I don’t understand, I have a filter set on like three of those words and this post still made it through.

[–] tyler 2 points 6 hours ago

The word partner has multiple meanings.

[–] tyler 1 points 7 hours ago

the whole post is satire. it's all a joke. It goes from incredibly divisive things to things you'd never reject from a candidate.

[–] tyler 1 points 7 hours ago

I would consider the tasks you’ve mentioned to just be part of your day-to-day work

I mean, that's the joke... just like doing code reviews is literally part of your everyday work. The joke is that the first few things are things that are very divisive and then they get increasingly more ridiculous including individual accountability and code ownership. In regards to the rest of your post, I don't think I've ever heard that called "individual accountability". Individual accountability is exactly what it says in the dictionary:

the fact of being responsible for what you do and able to give a satisfactory reason for it, or the degree to which this happens:

There were furious demands for greater police accountability.

Accountability is important these days, and managers aren't always willing to adopt risky strategies.

a situation in which someone is responsible for things that happen and can give a satisfactory reason for them:

The organization suffers from a lack of accountability.

greater/increased/more accountability The public has been demanding greater accountability from lawmakers.

If the people around you are using accountability in the way you described, then they're just morons who make up shit.

[–] tyler 4 points 15 hours ago (1 children)

tens of millions of dollars is a pittance to a country the size of the USA... you do realize that's less than a dollar per person even if you actually spent hundreds of millions, right?

[–] tyler 1 points 16 hours ago

Wow. This video was great. Thank you!!

[–] tyler 6 points 1 day ago

anyone voting G2 hasn't used one recently, or hasn't used literally any other pens in that time. I think the G2 is the absolute worst one on the list. At least the bic doesn't pretend to be able to write very well.

[–] tyler 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

yeah I don't know how anyone can be voting for #5. it has to be the worst pen on the list. uncomfortable, dries up easily, doesn't write consistently. #4 is amazing, but they do have one better but it's not in the picture.

[–] tyler 1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

nobody said anything about blaming anyone. Having individual accountability means literally having the ability to do your daily job, such as finishing a ticket you say you're going to finish, following up if you have a delay, working to create meetings if you need meetings, reaching out if you need help. It has nothing to do with if something goes wrong. Where did you get that idea? and like I said below:

so yeah it’s pretty dang clear it’s a joke. same for code ownership, tasks for testing or refactoring, design and architecture reviews. The joke is that it’s stuff that people love to hate on and then it gets increasingly more ridiculous until it’s stuff that you most definitely want to hire for doing/having.

[–] tyler 2 points 1 day ago

I don't see what postmortems have anything to do with individual accountability. individual accountability means the ability to do your job, it has nothing to do with things going wrong. literally performing your job means having individual accountability.

so yeah it's pretty dang clear it's a joke. same for code ownership, tasks for testing or refactoring, design and architecture reviews. The joke is that it's stuff that people love to hate on and then it gets increasingly more ridiculous until it's stuff that you most definitely want to hire for doing/having.

[–] tyler 8 points 2 days ago (9 children)

This is pretty clearly a joke… they said they won’t hire anyone with individual accountability.

[–] tyler 40 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Why isn’t it just deleted by default. A government that actually cared about its citizens wouldn’t let the data be sold off at all.

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