The only ice cream cake I’ve ever seen (and I’ve seen a lot, my in-laws love the stuff) has a layer of cookie crumbles inside. I’ve never seen a single one that has any sort of cake in it whatsoever. I also did a google before posting my comment and not a single recipe I found had cake in it either. So I’m very sorry, but no, ice cream cake does not (typically) have cake in it.
That has nothing to do with dry skin on your legs.
Yeah, cheesecake is cake in exactly the same way that ice cream cake is cake, in that it isn’t at all even slightly close to being cake.
Hmm I feel like Mlem works exactly like Apollo did and you never even have to notice you’re using the fediverse.
Make Elon Go Away
I very much doubt it would but it most likely depends on country/region.
That was really really well done!
“Christians” is the right way to put it. I’m Christian and those people in no way represent a single Christian value or thing Jesus would do.
Learned about jj from this, which sounds very interesting.
That’s a really dumb rule. Some people wait for the show to end so you avoid a game of thrones situation. You can be incredibly interested in a show but not willing to watch it because it will end up being a waste of time.
I misread it as “unedumacated”
Why not? One single (grouped) finger movement is most definitely faster than sounding out a word.
Try saying the word “instantly” faster than you can press a single key on a keyboard.