if you accelerate it to exactly the speed of light, it will destroy everything within about 15 billion lightyears (galaxies further than that are safe because they recede from you faster than light)
it soars because the profit was near zero before and is now returning to "normal" (their competitor SK hynix made a 5 billion operating loss in one quarter last year)
and the carbon fiber hull was cheap because it's shelf life had expired.
I'd think game journalism has been mostly replaced by youtube reviewers / video essays, no?
steam's drm is a complete joke though? Tons of game developers add their own drm on top because it is so trivial to bypass steam's own.
Their main product is a marketplace/content delivery system
CRT TV with extra steps
at least it probably saves you from the worst fate: that nobody cares about the game enough to try to discover the things
(I'm fairly sure that datamining is not that common outside highly popular games, well assuming the data isn't neatly in plaintext)
because AbstractTransactionAwarePersistenceManagerFactoryProxyBean needs to spin up 32 electron instances (one for each thread) to ensure scalability and robustness and then WelcomeSolutionStrategyExecutor needs to parse 300 megabytes of javascript to facilitate rendering the "welcome" screen
if all 330 million 'mericans tried living in the woods, shit would go south really quickly
as long as we don't have a time machine, Jesus' existence is an unfalsifiable claim. Of course you're not going to see definitive proof that he didn't exist
slow inverse square root: