
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

IMO it's not about what metric is used, but how it is used. The current approach, completely avoiding any karma like mechanism, solves the farming issue, but IMO does not cater to the needs of every user.

For example, I have ADHD and if accumulating karma gives me much needed motivation and feel good chemicals, I am going to take them.

At the same time, holding a user to a higher regard because of their karma is stupid, it's better to build real connections with usernames you recognise through continuous communication.

Personally, karma was an easily digestable piece of information about how my outreach into the social media is performing. Accumulating karma helps me feel connected with the community, feel accepted.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Weed can be addictive for people with ADHD, it's one of most common of forms of self medicarion but in the long run it probably going to make things worse.

Source: I was addicted for 3 years, at first it did wonders for my sleep issues and increased my productivity. At some point, I had to smoke daily or I would get headaches and huge cravings, my tolerance would constantly increase, and then it didn't help with my sleep issues anymore.

Now, I am only using it recreationally once every few months. It's fun but I have to be careful otherwise I know things can turn sour really fast.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

I think you are spending too much effort to engage with a person that is not engaging back with you. Regardless if your behavior was creepy or not, you are worth more than that. That person wasn't matching your effort in maintaining a relationship (friendship in this scenario). Remember it takes two to tango, no matter how much you want it, you won't be able to carry a relationship on your own...

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

For context, I am the top donor at my instance, I recognize that there is a need for funds. BUT, I believe it's important for the fediverse to be accessible to everyone regardless if they have the funds for that.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago (8 children)

Dopamine received, initiating hyperfocus protocol!

As a rule of thumb, we’ve observed that a team of 5 trained moderators appears to provide ample coverage and redundancy for servers of about 1,000 active users

That's a fascinating bit of information. I would expect 5 moderators to provide coverage for more users. I am wondering how they came up with that statistic (will update the comment if I find an answer).

Remember that offliine/IRL community management experience can be just as important as online experience

Interesting idea, wondering what's the IRL presence of the fediverse...

If you’re building toward participatory or democratic governance, consider establishing a proposal and voting system (some teams we spoke with use Loomio, but multiple options exist) for major policy decisions.

That's soooo important, I love when communities create polls to decide on policy changes.

Avoid promoting brand-new members unless you already have a pre-existing relationship with them

I have followed some discussion on multi-level hierarchies on the fediverse, wondering if there are any instance implementing that...

Consider charging for accounts or offering paid memberships.

Hell no!

We hope there will be more resources available in the future, particularly tooling around legal compliance. This is one of the big infrastructural gaps we point out in our main report

That's a big issue, I would be interested in hosting an instance available to other people, but I don't want to end up in jail and I lack the resources to make sure that won't happen...

That was an interesting read, it seems there is an in-depth analysis of the report here.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago (15 children)

Can someone ELI5 so I can get enough dopamine to go read the whole thing?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

Not sure if you are being sarcastic or not but I found this review.

I had done some research about a year ago, but I don't have the papers saved.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

While the consumption for AI train can be large, there are arguments to be made for its net effect in the long run.

The article's last section gives a few examples that are interesting to me from an environmental perspective. Using smaller problem-specific models can have a large effect in reducing AI emissions, since their relation to model size is not linear. AI assistance can indeed increase worker productivity, which does not necessarily decrease emissions but we have to keep in mind that our bodies are pretty inefficient meat bags. Last but not least, AI literacy can lead to better legislation and regulation.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

If you are worried about duplicates, aka a single bot spamming multiple votes, then that's feasible to mitigate.

If you are worried about multiple bots spamming one vote each, that's harder to mitigate and it comes down to how the instances handles bot accounts in general. IMO it's best to ignore the bot problem and instead focus on designing a vote weighting system that favors similar instances.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 weeks ago

While the question is hilarious, the lack of references to in depth guides is a bit alarming...

[–] [email protected] 36 points 4 weeks ago (11 children)

For anyone interested, there are a few papers on cryptographically secure voting, where both voter anonymity and election integrity are preserved.

Most designs consider three separate entities, where if you accumulate the information between those entities you would be able to identify a voter and his vote, but each entity on itself does not hold enough information.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

He is a bit sleepy after a long walk at the park 🥰 We met a bunch of wonderful friends today. I even had a huge puppy (10 months old but bigger in size than me) climb into my hands for a hug


TLDR; I would like to study the Fediverse and I am looking for recommendations and connections with like minded people/researchers.

I have a CS degree and I have aspirations for an academic career. In the past, I was interested in programming languages and the theory of computation. The past year I have been more interested in social issues like isolation, freedom of press, misinformation, and access to information. I have been following the fediverse closely and I truly believe in its potential.

My goal is to study social media as a computational system, how a bunch of people interacting with each other can generate reliable information. Topics I have been thinking about include: How neurodivergency awareness has been booming through social media, how scientific research can be done in a global collaborative environment instead of an institution focused, and how misinformation could be combatted with small interconnected social circles like mastodon.

I have been considering getting a master's degree in a related field like social computing. The Human Technology Interaction program of Eindhoven University seems interesting, especially the Behavioural and Social Computing track. Also, there is the option of diving into a PhD right away.

Either way I am broke right now, so I should probably start studying on my own while I try to create a safety net that would allow me to make my next step in 2025.

So, if you made it through my autistic info dump, I thank you and I was hoping to get your feedback. While any feedback is appreciated, I have the following questions in my mind:

  1. Are there any other terms like social computing that would help me understand the field?
  2. Are there any researchers you would I suggest I follow?
  3. Any books or papers recommendations?
  4. If you are a researcher/student with similar concerns, would like to have a chat? You can find my matrix handle on my profile.
  5. Any other universities I should look into?

Last but not least, let me know if you are interested for me to make a follow-up post with any information I gather.


The title says it all. It's November and I have yet to wear anything but shorts and a t-shirt. It's 25C outside and whenever I go for a walk I sweat like a pig. This time of the year I should be taking out my heavy coat, jeans and a jacket should be the bare minimum.

I am located in Athens, Greece where the weather is usually nice but not this nice...

It's like a daily reminder of the doom that has to follow. How are you coping with this?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Tonight my sister had an asthma attack and her inhaler ran out. It was late and the nearest open pharmacy was 3km away. Our options were:

  1. Walk 42 minutes to the pharmacy.
  2. Wait 40 minutes, walk 10 minutes to the bus station, take the hourly night bus (pray the route isn't skipped), and walk 15 minutes to the pharmacy.
  3. Drive 8 minutes.

Fortunately, I have a car, so that was an option. However, tomorrow I won't sleep at home and my sister doesn't have a license, and maybe that happens the next time she forgets to refill... We live in Athens the capital of Greece, not a rural area, not a small town, but the fucking capital.

Car dependency sucks.

Edit: While ambulances are an option, no matter how unreliable they may be, having to escalate, when it shouldn't be necessary, is increasing the load of an already overloaded health care sector.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I understand that I have to relax every now and then, however I am really struggling with it, being constantly in an endless loop of:

  1. Having a lot of energy and doing a bunch of stuff for a couple of weeks.
  2. Getting exhausted to the point I cannot control my impulsions and wreck my daily routine
  3. Try to rest only to fall in a depressive state for a couple of weeks.
  4. Collect myself up and repeat from step 1.

Trying to do low effort activities like watching a series or playing video games, is addictive, I stay up late without being able to stop, and end up more tired.

The hobbies I like require focus, and that's what I am trying to avoid. Examples include programming and chess.

Going out with friends is nice but drains my social energy, after a couple of weekends out I need to stay in.

Chores sometimes work, but other times I feel guilty about the state of cleanliness of my home.

So, how do you relax/rest? Got a magic recipe? Are you struggling like me?

Edit: I just want to say this community is awesome, thanks for the support.


Greetings from Athens, Greece,

A city with no sidewalks, no bicycle routes, lots of car traffic everywhere and awful public transport.

I was walking with my sister today and she found me walking in the middle of the street dangerous. So, I explained that this is my way of fucking with drivers. They have to slow down and wait for me to make way for them to pass me.

I usually do this in the neighbourhood streets where drivers usually are not speeding, so I will be able to dodge them in time if I need to.

All this discussion got me wondering what else I could be doing.

I was wondering what other methods people are employing. So, how are you fucking cars? Are you organized? Are you a rogue individual?


At some point I was searching for an open source car pooling service. I realized there weren't any so I started developing one on my free weekends.

While I haven't made much progress so far, I have been observing how much as a society we have been relying on route planning software. Also, I cannot overlook the effect of such services on the planet (see Amazon, Uber, and many more).

With all this as a context, I have been asking myself the following questions:

  1. What would be the impact on society (especially inequality) if there were open source alternatives to such services?
  2. What would a common core look like? (i.e. what is the WordPress equivalent for transportation/route planning, is OpenStreetMaps enough?)
  3. What domain specific knowledge would it require to build such a software? (while in university I researched about the travelling salesman problem, anything else?)
  4. What safety protocols would we need to develop when there is no corporation insuring users? (i.e. if I order something from Amazon and it's dead on arrival, I get either a refund or a replacement shipped to me for free)
  5. What's the proper terminology to describe what I am describing?

Feel free to add any questions of your own. I created this post because I am free this afternoon and I wondered what it would like to discuss this with strangers instead of pondering on my own.

Edit: My free afternoon was taken away by an incident I had to respond to, it's now late o'clock here, but I will do my best to reply to all you magnificent people.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


I realized as an adult that it's possible I have it and I want to learn more about it, both in order to better manage my symptoms, but also because I like learning. So my question to you is what resources are you using?

Personally, I prefer short articles and videos. Here is my list:

  1. Russell Barkley, PhD - Keep an eye for the weekly research updates.
  2. ADDitude Magazine - Their How to choose a professional to diagnose your ADHD article was super useful to me, but overall they have a bunch of good articles to read, and a youtube channel.
  3. Broadcasting ADHD Europe - Found them literally today, not much to share.
  4. How to ADHD - I have watched a bunch of videos, they are interesting and fun to watch. I am not sure how much I trust the information in this channel, please let me know if you have an opinion.
  5. Olivia Lutfallah - Mostly shorts.

Edit: I am reading ADHD 2.0, I highly recommend it. My favourite quote so far is "we shoot ourselves in the foot, only to discover a more efficient method to extract the bullet".

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