
joined 2 years ago
[–] sleepyTonia 2 points 2 years ago

I think is just receiving a huge amount of traffic all of a sudden. Even just a couple percent of all redditors suddenly making an account on Lemmy servers will give their comparatively smaller servers the beating of a lifetime.

[–] sleepyTonia 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Do you mean, sorting by new? This can be done in a specific post's comments:
And in the global view: (It's all in French, sorry 'bout that 😅) From what I've seen, they pop up automatically and you can have notifications enabled in your browser.

[–] sleepyTonia 7 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Non, j'suis pas-mal convaincue que c'est bien le cas. Le monde est juste pas-mal stressant dernièrement.

Quand la pandémie nous a vraiment frappé et qu'on devait s'isoler autant que possible, des ponts se brûlaient avec les paranos qui ont décidé que ce vaccin là était mauvais pour eux. Tout le monde autour de moi allait moins bien… J'ai commencé à boire du fort. Quelques verres de whiskey/vodka chaque soir et de la bière quand on m'en offrait. J'ai pas-mal arrêté tout ça après avoir rencontré ma fiancée, mais il me reste encore ma "collection". J'ai aucun doute que toute l'incertitude autour de nous en pousse beaucoup à boire davantage.

Ça parle de guerre, ça parle de maladie, ça parle de haine et d'économie brisée, injuste et corrompue. Le monde brûle. Le climat ne fait qu'empirer et tout coûte beaucoup plus cher qu'il y a quelques années seulement. Certains ont comme moi commencé à boire plus qu'avant pour vivre avec le stress et ça finit par monter la barre pour ce qui est considéré "normal" comme consommation. Et je gagerais qu'il y a toujours des pubs pour la SAQ à la télé?

[–] sleepyTonia 8 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Go-doh. The French pronunciation. 👀 From "En attendant Godot". Hearing it pronounced "Go-dot" annoys me as much as hearing someone say "jif" instead of "gif". 😂

[–] sleepyTonia 4 points 2 years ago

Custom CSS themes, for the main interface, but also maybe on a per-community basis? I liked most of what I'd see on Reddit.

[–] sleepyTonia 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Maybe a casual game-jam once in a while? Or we could organise the creation of some Mix and Jam style tutorial projects aimed at experienced users, replicating some features from popular games. Showing off what Godot can do and how to do it, in bite-sized open-source projects? GDQuest's free character models would be perfect for this. 👀

Just picture that lil' boï entering an oddly large blue pipe and turning into a retro pixel-art version of himself for a platforming demo. Nothing too deep or complicated, just the whole switching from controlling a 3D character to a 2D character in its own viewport, whose texture is pasted onto a wall in the 3D world and then back to the 3D character. That kinda stuff.

[–] sleepyTonia 5 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I would wait some more. Most people will just shrug off the current protest/blackout. So many subreddits stayed open that the average user just has a slightly different feed for a short while. And posting multiple times in there would just be rude to their mods. Interest in alternative platforms will grow once third party apps die and good mods start tapping out.

For now, let's just try and keep things active in here. 🤷‍♀️

[–] sleepyTonia 1 points 2 years ago

You're not exactly bringing up cool gadgets at the moment, kid. You're deliberately poking a sensitive issue for attention. Waging that social war you speak of. Pretending like transgender rights are only an American issue is pretty darn comical of you when it's one of the political hot-topics in most occidental countries. As you know, or you, fellow "not American", wouldn't be bothered enough to dump that ^ wall of text up there.

Also seriously? Bringing up the dog whistle that is "HRT for children"? Doesn't happen and you damn well know it if you've read half as much as you're implying. Teenagers are sometimes allowed to take hormone blockers to delay puberty. This is risky, especially for AFAB youth, since taking hormone blockers basically puts them through menopause, hormonally speaking. Which is why in some places they can instead directly take hormones after being evaluated by psychologists, sexologists, you name it. And with their parents' consent. Not on a whim. Not for attention. Not to be 'trendy'.

Take all the time you want misrepresenting studies and articles, you're still not owed anyone's energy "debating" you. I already put way too much into writing this. It's not unfair censorship to shut down antisocial trolls who only want to argue in bad faith about the latest political issue. No matter the talking point, this hijacking of conversations doesn't lead to chill spaces. It's not fun. You're just being an asshole right now. Go be angry somewhere else, or have that "debate" in a relevant thread.

[–] sleepyTonia 7 points 2 years ago

You can make use of the operating system's own text-to-speech systems, either as an accessibility feature or to create old-school voiced games. It apparently should work out of the box on Windows and MacOS, but not all Linux distros will have the proper packages pre-installed.

[–] sleepyTonia 5 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Thank you for creating and maintaining this server! I hope it'll all go well. 😄

[–] sleepyTonia 1 points 2 years ago

I think what would end up making this a viable platform for the average person is an elegant app (Think Apollo) that initially obfuscates the whole concept of federated servers. One where you create from within it a "Lemmy" account/address and pick what domain you want. Defaulting to perhaps? Or suggesting a server based on a short questionnaire, like what Twitter does to recommend accounts to follow. Being able to use that same account on various federated platforms would also be pretty cool. Most people will need to have their hand held or they'll never leave behind what they are accustomed to.

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