
joined 2 years ago
[–] sleepyTonia 5 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Pretty much my only nitpick is that we have no "Commenting as:" and "Posting as:" warnings. It blurs the line between accounts a bit too much in a platform that already adds lots of complexity by splitting the communities and accounts between various servers. Beyond that, its search function is everything I could ask for and it looks great! I'm sure it'll only keep on getting better over time.

[–] sleepyTonia 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

On Android I like Jerboa and Liftoff. 👀 Just my random suggestions.

[–] sleepyTonia 1 points 2 years ago

No! No 😂A very roughly animated late 90s-early 2000s 3D CG movie. Kinda steampunk. I only found one YouTuber talking about it. Dude was not having a good time reviewing that movie. No articles, no clips, no trailers. Just some preproduction footage, for some reason. I don't even remember the title and would have to look it up again to say what it is.

[–] sleepyTonia 2 points 2 years ago (2 children)

There's a line right at the end of an extremely obscure animated film from when I was a kid. It ain't a great movie. And I didn't fall in love with it even at the time, but that line somehow stuck in my mind to this day and I re-discovered it a couple months ago. I'll just hint that it takes place in a sky world and Mark f*ckin' Hamill does the narration. "Comme des anges" is the line in question (Since I saw it in French as a kid) but it probably translates to "Like angels" in English. I tried to find it and it was impossible to stream or buy that movie in any form nowadays.

[–] sleepyTonia 5 points 2 years ago

I'd have gone with a Kbin server. Lemmy just happened to fit more what I like in Reddit and its interface. The servers I mainly interact with seem calm and healthy enough and I get to see fun posts, shared articles and handfuls of discussions here and there. If there was no alternative? I'd just have moved on. Either federated social networks (Or something similar, one day) thrive, or social networks are all bound to gradually become pits of hostility no one wants to or can moderate. Just takes a single rich idiot looking to capitalize on his "product" to tip the scale in the wrong direction. I like connecting with people, having calm conversations about low-stake stuff with strangers. Keeping the heavier stuff for those I know and understand. Hasn't been possible in places like Twitter for ages and if the smaller, chill subreddits I like are all bound to see more spam and negativity? Pass. I'd just get back to reading novels regularly. Which I still should, honestly.

[–] sleepyTonia 1 points 2 years ago

Pop!OS aside, are Ubuntu and its derivatives' users still stuck looking up PPAs and tutorials to get the latest drivers for Nvidia GPUs?

[–] sleepyTonia 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Flatpak's the only one I've had good experiences with. Tangentially related, but I especially dislike AppImages. I'm not a fan of how bulky installing various flatpaks ends up being and use native packages or the AUR usually, but beyond that they're really convenient for non-critical applications that otherwise would mesh poorly with my distro or aren't available there. Friend of mine tells me it's also a nice system to package Windows applications/games with a preconfigured Wine version.

[–] sleepyTonia 1 points 2 years ago
  • The ability to block or blur-out posts and comments from a custom list of servers and not just specific users. The second some admins/mods give up on toning down the edgy "debaters" I don't want to deal with any of that. Though I feel this would fit more as a Lemmy feature and not just a client one.
  • As someone else suggested, keyword based filters, both for comment/post content but user names and link URLs.
  • An OLED-friendly pitch black color theme.
  • Swipe controls would be a really lovely one, like what they had in Apollo. Made it real easy to hide|downvote<->upvote|favorite instead of aiming for tiny touch buttons while reading with one hand.
  • The ability to save a local copy of posts in case an instance goes down or if one's internet is spotty, especially for servers offering useful knowledge.
  • Cleanly separated history, subscriptions and bookmarks between accounts. This one annoyed me in RIF. I couldn't keep a list of favorite subreddits per account.
  • Muted video/GIF autoplaying while scrolling would be great, but I understand that one's probably a pain to get working efficiently.

Yes, basically I just dream of seeing Apollo Redux for Lemmy/Kbin on Android and with strong content/server filtering. 😅 I'd absolutely spend 10-15$ on that.

[–] sleepyTonia 4 points 2 years ago

For starters, cameras are only supported on iOS/macOS as far as I know. Someone wrote a python script to do face tracking and send the information to Godot via TCP a while back, maybe you could take inspiration from this?

[–] sleepyTonia 1 points 2 years ago

I've been almost exclusively using that distro for a near decade and it's not bad on its own in my experience. Pamac is the best graphical package manager experience I've had as a user. Official, AUR and Flatpak packages all in one place. Manjaro's graphical kernel manager is also nice to have and saved my ass a couple times on my HP laptops that had less than desirable support. I'm definitely looking to move to something else, but it's always ended up being more of a hassle than it was worth. I'm moving in a couple weeks, so I'll use that as an excuse to try switching to EndeavourOS. 🤷‍♀️ But I personally have no bone to pick with Manjaro.

[–] sleepyTonia 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I tend to hang in indie game development subreddits and didn't want to have to deal with confrontational trolls on a regular basis, so felt like a relatively safe choice since it's neither a super large server or a general-purpose one. I just wanna make lil' games and have little patience for those lacking in empathy and maturity.

[–] sleepyTonia 2 points 2 years ago

C'est sûr. C'est comme toutes ces histoires que j'ai entendu de plusieurs à propos de la cigarette. "Les 10-20 dollars ici et là s'empilent vite en ostine et tu t'en rends compte après avoir arrêté de fumer." D'après-moi, c'est carrément quelque-chose qui renforce l'idée comme quoi un vice pourrait aider. "Ça coûte cher, donc ça doit marcher". "Si c'était pas bon, ça ne se vendrait pas pour ce prix là". Je voyais l'alcool come une béquille, il y a trois ans. Ça ne m'aidait pas au bout du compte, mais c'est réconfortant d'avoir un rituel qui calme les nerfs. Que ça le fasse vraiment ou non. La nicotine c'est grosso-modo un stimulant et les fumeurs l'utilisent quand même bien pour se calmer les nerfs. Faudrait juste qu'on puisse convaincre le monde qu'une tisane fait une toute aussi bonne job qu'une bière, sans nous détruire le foie. 😂

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