I understood so little of this lol. But good job.
What is fox news spouting about her and the other cabinet picks. I probably need to know before Thanksgiving so I'm not blind sided but I hate to actually look.
Better than bleach... Right?
This picture just describes the 'new math' that everyone bemoans.
I seem to have boomered a reply to someone else asking me how I like 9 sols...
I really really like it, and I've been playing it in my learning language and I've learned so much from the rich dialogue and story elements.
Its in the same vain as hollow knight in terms of tight controls and skill based combat, with aspects of exploration.
I say this as a person who is not a fan of metroidvanias at large, nor dark souls games, but I'm a huge fan of souls-lights.
Right now 9 sols
It's so weird how it's almost intelligible to Russian lol
That's the exact problem I have with it
The stand-ups at my job have turned into sit downs
You achieved it