
joined 1 year ago
[–] nulluser 6 points 1 day ago

While I agree with you for the most part, I don't think it could make it any worse, and it could rescue some people that aren't brainwashed yet.

[–] nulluser 8 points 1 day ago

AKA, Welfare States.

[–] nulluser 11 points 1 day ago (2 children)

This was my initial thought as well. It would be relatively easy to put up some text explaining what happened to try and undo some of the damage.

[–] nulluser 2 points 2 days ago

I seem to have isolated the problem to using a link to the website on the phone's home screen (created from FF using the "Add to Home screen" option in the three dots menu next to the address bar.

Starting that way seems to give any session cookies a very short life and they disappear quickly (logging me out). I created a bookmark within FF and have been using that and haven't been logged out since.

In fact, if I use the home screen link to, FF doesn't think I'm logged in, but then if I use the bookmark from within that same instance of FF, it instantly sees me as already logged in.

Very strange.

[–] nulluser -3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Completely irrelevant. The title and posted article are talking about unintentionally training LLM text generation models with prior output of other AI models. Not having enough training data for other types of models is a completely different problem and not what the article is about.

Nobody is going to "trawl the web for new data to train their next models” (to quote the article) for a model trying to cure diseases.

[–] nulluser 190 points 1 week ago (20 children)

However, Joe Lonsdale, the founder of 8VC, did comment, considering it a response to an attack by left-wing media for "supporting Trump." Lonsdale was referring to an article published by Forbes magazine describing his fund's connections with the sons of Russian oligarchs.

Forbes is "left-wing media" now?

[–] nulluser 10 points 1 week ago (3 children)

This is a threat to LLMs, not AI itself. AI models looking for novel cures for diseases (for just one of many examples) are not trained on random Internet text.

[–] nulluser 48 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

That's a rough 30 year old.

[–] nulluser 17 points 2 weeks ago
[–] nulluser 1 points 2 weeks ago

Don't take it so literally. It's got good alliteration and rolls of the tongue.

[–] nulluser 42 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Bigot Burger

[–] nulluser 1 points 2 weeks ago

Totally underated comment.

Kids (

The title says it all. Not even sure if it's going to keep me logged in long enough to submit this post.


Their idea goes something like this, according to a memo shared with Semafor that has been circulated to Democratic donors and bundlers as well as officials within the Biden campaign and administration:

  • Biden would step down as the Democratic nominee in mid-July, and announce the new system, with backing from Vice President Kamala Harris.
  • Potential candidates would have a few days to throw their respective hats in the ring. The Democratic Party then would begin a primary sprint in which the six candidates who receive the most votes from delegates pledge to run positive-only campaigns in the month leading up to the convention.
  • The “blitz primary” would involve weekly forums with each candidate moderated by cultural icons (Michelle Obama, Oprah, and Taylor Swift are among the names floated in the memo) in order to engage voters.
  • The nominee would ultimately be chosen by the delegates using ranked choice voting before the start of the Chicago convention on Aug. 19.
  • It would be announced with plenty of fanfare on the third day of the gathering. The memo imagines the nominee unveiled on stage with Biden, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

According to its authors, the country would be captivated. Donations would pour in. And Biden would be celebrated as a “modern-day George Washington,” the proponents argue.----

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by nulluser to c/meta

I've noticed that the external communities I'm subscribed to aren't syncing. I checked a few on their home server (lemmy. world), and they've got plenty of new posts (eg. [email protected]), but the posts aren't showing up here. I don't think it's just me, but I've been wrong before. Anybody else?


Seeing as how some people here on Lemmy get upset at any mention of Ranked Choice Voting and respond that, in their opinion, it's not perfect, and that we should therefore keep the voting system we have while we debate which alternative is perfect for several decades, allow me to preemptively respond.


RCV has the momentum and is infinitely superior to what we have now. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of fantastic.

I’d be happy if a community chose one of the other options. I don’t care. They’re all better than what we have and we should be celebrating every city, county and state that switches to any of them. That's the purpose of this post.

Trying to demonize one option because you don’t think it’s perfect is just muddying the waters and subjecting us to decades of more of the shit sandwich we have now while we debate which alternative is flawless (hint: none of them are).

You'll never get everyone to agree on which option is best. A vast majority of us can agree, though, that FPTP is garbage, and RCV is way way better.

It's like you're sitting there with nothing to eat but spoiled meat and it's making you deathly sick, someone comes by and offers you a fresh juicy hamburger, and you respond, "No! I'll accept nothing less than Filet Mignon!" Dude! You're eating spoiled meat! Take the damn burger!


Some of the possible changes on the table are increasing pay for the mayor and council members, moving City Council elections to a ranked-choice voting system and extending the terms of district council members.

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