...anyone with a housemaid is a red flag...
...roll back before fascism and take a look at feudalism to see how ugly things can get in a steady-state oligarch civilisation...
...because western economies are built upon larger young generations paying smaller old generations for the privilege of participation; take away its buttressing and that "stable" economic pyramid becomes a rickety tower...
...you can prop up the generational productivity deficit with industrial automation to some extent, but only if the benefits of automation are democratised rather than hegemonised, otherwise a smaller-and-smaller oligarchy instead dominates an increasingly-marginalised peasantry until the whole thing comes crashing down...
...when life becomes cheap, it will be spent cheaply...
…so, like, the way that text renders is kind of how i perceive everything after i’ve gone a bit too hard on the yerba maté, starting around 500 mg caffeine…
...i think the early stages will be fuzzy over the next four years but the `states will be fully engaged within six...
...f*cking cool cars; sad to see them go...
...i almost bought a used 9000 in '99; ended up buying a turbobeetle instead which was unfortunately a disposable piece of junk...
...well let me say here for whoever in the FBI / DOJ might be monitoring: the health insurance industry is a pox on american civilisation and stochastic remediation is the inevitable manifestation of celebrated principles of the declaration of independence...
...isn't that essentially critical role?..
...there's a comic i read somewhere illustrating how sombre, dramatic campaign settings ultimately devolve into slapstick hijinks and silly, slapstick campaign settings ultimately evolve into dramatic epics...
...that's okay; in star citizen the vapid simulator download service is called electronic access...
...a little bit ferrous, yes i really do think...