There are certainly split ergo boards with number rows, but I think the reason they're less popular is that once people try one of these boards they realize they really like the reduced finger movement. Personally, I am using a square numpad on a second layer (as other commentors have explained) and am really starting to like it. Moving all the symbols to another separate layer also drastically reduces use of the numbers for programming, for example.
What does that mean? When I've used yay, it only asks for sudo privileges when installing the package (and so does pacman)
VS Code has some pretty good ide features for python, including understanding types, highlighting errors and warnings, linting, navigation features such as go to definition or go to references, and basic refactoring capabilities like rename symbol. These features are enabled by the python language server (pylance, in this case, which is Microsoft's proprietary one).
You can also get the same features in other editors that support the language server protocol. For example, I use neovim and my setup supports those same IDE features I used to use in VS Code for python.
I've been enjoying wezterm as a terminal emulator replacement for windows terminal. It offers nerdy fine grained customizability and an emoji/nerd font character picker. For most purposes WT seems to be fine though.
I can never get this to work properly... Do you have any resources?
The difference between generating JSON and generating HTML is minimal for the server, doesn't seem to me like server side rendered sites have significantly higher server compute costs. Also generally for SPAs, the server has to replicate whatever flow is happening on the client anyway to keep state in line (since the client can't be trusted)
Any Linux distro should work for the setup you want. I have radarr, sonarr, sabnzbd, deluge and jellyfin running on an Arch setup, but something more accessible like Ubuntu or Debian should work fine (although I'm not familiar with whether the Pi4 can power those heavier distros). If you're comfortable with the command line, it doesn't matter much which distro you pick since you can install and configure all those apps over ssh.
I was learning to use computer during the transition to the ribbon in Office 2007, but I actually preferred the ribbon to the old interface and these days I don't mind it. Out of curiosity, what about the Ribbon annoys you guys?
My T-Mobile plan is $50 per month for unlimited, but it's prepaid with no credit/ID check (or if there is an ID check, passport should work). Not the cheapest, but there are certainly options for you. There might be a data-only plan for less.
As far as I know, Swahili is almost always written with the latin script.
Seems like the prediction about the web panned out...
Without much experience building UIs aside from web, my limited experience with Godot leads me to believe that building an application this way would lead to a lot of decentralization of logic, which might be a bad thing for complex applications. For example, various UI elements might have a bunch of logic attached to them instead of having a centralized place where the logic lives. I guess this happens in web too, and maybe native UI frameworks/toolkits?