Pedantic nit: this thing doesn't have three folds, the name is nonsense.
It's worth remembering that you don't have to do all your searching on one platform. I certainly don't.
You'd need to federate that, and I don't think AP allows you to change federated user IDs.
Let me change my password real quick...
Might be an idea to not use any public A records and just use it for cert issuance, and Stick with private resolvers for private use.
I haven't had to reauthorize WhatsApp in months.
Nobody should be using SCP, use rsync.
Valheim isn't out 8 years.
Calling it a plan is a wild overstatement. It's an observation, and it's a pretty simple one conceptually.
Same here, really handy to take an article for offline reading.
That's your choice as a consumer.
I haven't watched this yet, but PMG make great content.