I love that song!
Any production project, especially with that sort of rigor, should be sticking to the LTS releases. IMO there is no project that should be on 7 with no plans to upgrade to 8 after it’s released.
If a version upgrade is out of scope, then it should’ve been built on 6 to begin with.
It feels like it's radiating chaotic energy for the sake of learning and I'm a fan
I don't agree - while you could copy it, if an instance gathered a large user base and had some well-implemented quality of life features, there's nothing stopping them from putting ads on it and I'd guess that most users would continue to use that instance. If it has quality content, they already have an account, and it has compelling improvements over other instances, I can't imagine that some unobtrusive ads would bother people enough to go to a clone of that instance and create another account.
Sure, it could be done, and ad blockers are common enough, but I don't think well-placed ads would cause some mass exodus. I'd even be okay with it if it's in the name of paying the server bills for such an instance.
You know how some jobs are one year of experience for three years in a row? Just do the opposite of that.
Looks interesting, especially easily switching between branches with uncommitted changes. I’ll be giving it a try!
I highly recommend it! I’ve been really having fun with Blazor recently
In my experience, inheritance is really handy in the right situation. But far more often, inheritance is just a quick way to code yourself into a corner or just a waste of mental energy in the wrong place.