
joined 1 year ago
[–] autokludge 3 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Are they a jerk for following you? Most of the time people new to the road travel slower due to being unsure about turns, while it feels like regulars are tailing you because they are comfortably rounding corners at an extra 5kph and you feel pressured. Do a favor for both of your sakes and let them pass -- you now longer feel pressure to drive past you comfort zone and they wont get riled up and do something stupid.

[–] autokludge 2 points 5 months ago

Neat, I also saw something recently using to tinker, test and save SQL.

[–] autokludge 13 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Also my CPU now longer overheats when holding space. WTF?

[–] autokludge 3 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I hope this helps, I'm not entirely sure what/how you want to search on the all quotes page, but there seems to be enough power with advanced queries to get you there.

I tinkered a bit and seem to have found a way, but not sure how powerful the searching needs to be. The rule is overboard as it is showing some techniques for grabbing the data, transforming it and making a custom view. There are extra fields that aren't used, but might be easier to update the :view to include extra fields as needed.

  :title [:h3 "Author Quotes"]
    :inputs ["Anotherauthor"]          ; could be set to :current-page if included on the Authors page
    :query [
    :find (pull ?b [*]) ?p ?author ?rating ?topics ?pagecount
      :in $ ?authorquery            ; name of the input
      :keys block book author rating topics pagecount 
      [?t :block/name "quote"]      ; id of [[Quote]]
      [?b :block/refs ?t ]          ; block referencing [[Quote]]
        [?b :block/page ?p]         ; get id of page
          [?b :block/page ?page]
            [?p :block/properties ?pageprops]
              [(get ?pageprops :type) ?pagetype]
                (or [(= ?pagetype "Book")] [(contains? ?pagetype "Book")])         ; is this a Book?
                  [(get ?pageprops :author) ?author]
                (or [(= ?author ?authorquery)] [(contains? ?author ?authorquery)]) ; is this by input Author? -- comment out line to make all books
                  [(get ?pageprops :topics) ?topics]
                  [(get ?pageprops :pages) ?pagecount]
                  [(get ?pageprops :rating) ?rating]
      :result-transform (fn [result] 
          (for [row (sort-by :date result)] 
           (let [block-map (get row :block)
            current-properties (:block/properties block-map)
            block-page (:block/page block-map)
            book (:block/original-name block-page)
            authors (:author row)
            updated-properties (assoc current-properties   ; attach book properties to block
              :booktitle book
              :topics (:topics row)
              :pagecount (:pagecount row) 
              :rating (:rating row)
              :author authors
            (assoc block-map :block/properties updated-properties)
           ) ;end let
          ) ;end for
          ) ;end fn
      ;:view :pprint   ; raw data view for debugging
      :view (fn [rows] [:table   ; uncomment lines below to include author column
          [:thead [:tr 
          [:th "💬Quote"]
          [:th "📖Book"]
;          [:th "✏️Author"] 
          ]] [:tbody (for [r rows] [:tr
            [:td [:a 
                {:href (str "#/page/" (get-in r [:block/uuid]))} 
                (clojure.string/replace (get-in r [:block/content]) "#Quote" "")
            [:td [:a 
                {:href (str "#/page/" (clojure.string/replace (get-in (get-in r [:block/properties]) [:booktitle]) "/" "%2F"))} 
                (clojure.string/replace (get-in (get-in r [:block/properties]) [:booktitle]) "Book/" "")
;            [:td (for [author (get-in (get-in r [:block/properties]) [:author])]
;              [:span [:a 
;                {:href (str "#/page/" (clojure.string/replace (str author) "/" "%2F"))} 
;                (clojure.string/replace (str author) "Author/" ""
;                )] 
;                (if-not (= author (last (get-in (get-in r [:block/properties]) [:author]))) ", ")]
;            )]
[–] autokludge 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I did a lot of tinkering around recently to get an advanced query working for me which ended up being quite tricky to work through. I have Project pages (eg [[12335]] ) and on journal pages I have job note blocks for specific jobs ie #12335 Notes with a :job property so the block title can change if needed. There are multiple levels of notes / subnotes / tasks here and I was attempting to do the below query before I learned or-join, but the query was fragile & failing if tasks weren't at a specific indent level. I ended up spending a Sunday afternoon deep diving into this stuff to figure this out.

  • As I understand it, the datomic data model is just a HUUGE list of 'datoms' which are super basic [element-id|attribute|value] rows for everything.
  • There is some concept of 'unifying' which is a variable that appears twice in a :where represents the same value across all clauses.
  • Something like (or-join) allows you to control this unification to selected sub items.
    • My visualization on the query is a graph of conditions
    • The :find (?task) element is absolutely required
    • There are 'facts' you want to satisfy [(get ?prop :job) ?job] [(contains? #{"TODO" "WAITING" "DOING"} ?marker)].
    • ?task → ?prop (through or-join) → ?prop must contain :job with value :current-page
    • . ↳ ?marker -> must be one of TODO / WAITING / DOING
  :title [:h3 "📅 Outstanding Tasks"]
  :inputs [:current-page]
  :query [
    :find (pull ?task [*])
    :in $ ?job
      (or-join [?task ?prop]        ; only care that ?task and ?prop are 'unified' with rest of clauses
        [?task :block/page ?page]
        [?page :block/properties-text-values ?prop]    ; does page have :job property?
        [?task :block/parent ?tp]
        [?tp :block/properties-text-values ?prop]    ; does task parent have :job property?
        [?task :block/parent ?tp]
        [?tp :block/parent ?tpp]
        [?tpp :block/properties-text-values ?prop]    ; does task grand-parent contain :job prop?
        [?task :block/parent ?tp]
        [?tp :block/parent ?tpp]
        [?tpp :block/parent ?tppp]
        [?tppp :block/properties-text-values ?prop]    ; does task great-grand-parent contain :job prop?
      [(get ?prop :job) ?job]                           ; does one-of ?props from above contain :job <%current page%>?
      [?task :block/marker ?marker]                                   
      [(contains? #{"TODO" "WAITING" "DOING"} ?marker)]  ; ?task:block/marker must match one of these
  :table-view? false
  :result-transform (fn [result]
      (sort-by (fn [m]
                (get m :block/marker)) > result
  :breadcrumb-show? false
  :collapsed? false
[–] autokludge 10 points 6 months ago

I can already seen it, you chipping a tooth and splitting a lip because you figured it would look cool to nun-chuck the food into your mouth.

[–] autokludge 3 points 7 months ago

Not sure recently, had the same issue and busted 2 deathadders within 12 months of purchase. The clicker had a little stem to push the switch which cracked off. Ended up getting a zowie next and haven't had any issues.

[–] autokludge 75 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (2 children)
[–] autokludge 1 points 7 months ago
[–] autokludge 11 points 7 months ago

Confusing by-line for link goes to an older video by Louis, actual yt link for video is

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