
joined 3 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago

you're correct actually. thank you very much, just different technologies too

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago

thank you very much!! factual!! they were different technologies then ok!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

yea you're welcome, a classic linux for all people

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

i know but this picture is just fanart, nothing else. if i were to use it on a personal project tho, i would save it as an svg file too! (which i do for my personal logo)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (4 children)

it was a verified iq test with a lot of questions, logic, math, etc

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (7 children)

it's just a metric test yea? thanks

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

the first way is exactly what i do but on gimp! thank you. whenever i duplicate objects (text) on inkscape, i have to turn them to paths before changing anything

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

nop no! but i should keep remaking linux logos on my style hmmm

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (3 children)

because of the shadows!! i still have no idea how to generate shadows on inkscape

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (5 children)

all the letters and shadows and outlines were made on gimp. the only thing made on inkscape was the mouse, yea! while it's possible to draw stuff like that on gimp, i think it's easier to do it on dedicated software (inkscape!). thank you

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

thank you very much!! i'll use python and html and css


i'm asking this because i am 5'7 and all my life i thought i was 5'10 but i realized i'm not and honestly i feel kind of bad about it!! i would definitely feel way too short in the u.s, and will people look at me weird?? like, will they think i'm a teenager or something?? that sure would be weird but, well i have to be ok with my height. i'm just curious about that!! thanks!!


funny memeeee


weee ooh i look just like buddy hollyyyy


what do you think?? these pins were bought in conventions sometimes i go to with my friends and that's cool. (also i don't watch bluey but the characters are nicely drawn and i like that sure!!)


like not doing anything, just a spare laptop in case i ever need one, what if i use it years after i installed debian on it?? i would have to update like 300 packages and would take a lot??


yes, not a unix os but rather unix-like, and i want to program all of it on python, is that possible?? even the kernel, i want it all python. i know most kernels use c++ or c* but maybe python has a library to turn c* into python?? i'm still sort of a beginner but thanks and i would appreciate the answers


i don't want to bring the big forum website that lead to the creation of lemmy (red**t), but that site lets you create posts for your own profile, like, it treats your own user wall as if it was a "subreddit" of its own and, if you don't have any followers or don't have the followers button enabled not a lot of people will see your post, but at least you can just sort of use it for posting interesting or casual stuff. lemmy should totally implement that please!!! can you do that on lemmy?? i tried but there's not a way you can do it, i've been trying so if you know a way of creating posts on your profile, please let me know thank you

edit: there were a few grammar mistakes,i'm sorry!!!


microblogging is something used on a much more personal level while i think forum style social media is mostly for looking for answers and posting things you do, but microblogging social media sites are for that too. also, this is not meant to be offensive, but i think that since mastodon has been in the works for like a long time, it looks more polished than modern websites, so that can be an advantage it has


boom boom boom boom nanananah, he's a very nice mouse boy!!!


i met my boyfriend 7 months ago online and he's american and well i really love him, i'm from another country and while i do want to marry him someday i know i have to see him irl first for a few years, so, if i ever marry him (an american) in my country, what happens?? i know i do not get a green card instantly but, like, our marriage gets registered in my country, does it get registered in the u.s too?? i am just curious, thanks!!


i guess it would make sense because the main philosophy behind cinnamon is to bring back old gnome2 and despise new gnome. it's almost like they're trying to make it better (i believe both cinnamon and gnome are awesome!!) and eventually make cinnamon the default de someday, has there been any sort of rivalry between the devs of both desktop environments?? like, i know it's not possible but what if a gnome update wouldn't let you install cinnamon and vice versa??


in favor of using ONLY MESSAGING SERVICES, public messaging services, sorta like discord if i want to make friends, because i realized that making friends is already hard enough and therefore it's harder to make friends in social media!! mostly because of the complicated ui!! dang it!! but yea if i were to ditch everything and instead use messaging services, PUBLIC messaging services like discord or even matrix, i think i would make friends more easily, that would make me very ok, plus i could show off more stuff that i've been working on like programming and get feedback and stuff, woa!! anyway what do you think please??

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