Pretty sus they all passed, but definitely lost a legend in Hackman
About fucking ready to wipe Budget rental car off the face of the earth for the bullshit they gave me about their insurance.
Learned a tough lesson from that one.
Can’t wait for Loops to get big enough to make it onto the list of TikTok alternatives. It’s a good app and just needs more users and a few more features.
Age is also something that matters here. Are you middle-aged yet? I ended up pulling the brakes on my career to get a better work-life balance, but it ended up stunting my career trajectory a bit.
Once I had more free time and realized I wanted to earn more, I had to hustle to get back to a top-of-market position.
In short: there’s always time on the future to pivot to Option B. If there’s more value to extract where you are, milk it for all it’s worth and then exit before it goes south (as all jobs do).
And here I am near the end of the day saying “well fuck, guess I’m working late tonight to deliver this thing I promised.”
I do this to myself…
I always feel like the features I’ve worked on become my coworkers or like pets. When a specific feature breaks often, I’ll think “damnit Frank! One of these days I’m going to patch that edge case once and for all!”
Then I patch Frank and he quiets down so I can focus on the next thing leadership wants.
You get to know these things and you put care into designing them (if you didn’t put care into them, you’d likely be a hack of an IT person). It’s always hard to see them go.
Sorry for your loss.
Tbh, I’ve heard both
I have a feeling they’ll have a way to fuck it up tho
Absolutely LOVE Strawberry Girls!
First saw them at a concert where they opened for Intervals. Was a great show.