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A trackball can lead to a rather exciting life. You can operate them while they are perched on the very edge of an excitingly messy desk, or even on your thigh for those times when your desk is just too cluttered. My advice is to stick with a traditional mouse, and thus stick with a traditionally dull life.
What's your opinion on the lenovo nipple?
You mean the clit mouse?
Ah, so that's why I can never find it without looking
Not enough experience with it to say.
I also use trackballs on my work machines.
There’s dozens of us!
So what do you use at home?
Console gamer here, so I just use the built-in trackpad on the laptop. No need to be super agile when not working.
I've never understood the trackball from an ergonomics standpoint.
I use an ergonomic mouse, so when I go from using my mouse to relaxing every muscle in my arm and hand, nothing moves. When using a trackball, I have to fold my thumb out of the way or otherwise move my hand when I go from relaxed to usage mode. If I don't do that, my thumb naturally rests on the trackball and can cause involuntary movements.
Also, over time, my thumb gets tired - the muscles in my arm that I use to move a traditional mouse are much bigger and can be used for longer without tiring, which isn't the case for the tiny muscles around my thumb.
What am I missing?
I think you’re right about the “use big muscle groups for repetitive actions instead of small muscle groups” idea. That’s probably better overall.
I don’t think I’ve encountered that thumb problem you describe, though.
I also use one for gaming.
I just find them generally preferable to any other type of mouse I've tried.
Agreed. I’ve been using them since I did PC gaming as a kid. Only downside (at the risk of sharing something non-dull) is that I eventually dislocated my shoulder from spending so many hours gaming with a trackball when I was young. I would just anchor my wrist to the desk and move my fingers only and I guess my shoulder didn’t like that.
Huh. I've also been trackballing for ... Maybe 24 years ... And I've dislocated my shoulder 14 times. I never connected the two; I figured the shoulder thing was due to volleyball, since that's how I did it the first time.
That's impressive. You must have been a real gamer
World of Warcraft is a hell of a drug.
You might benefit from a pinch mouse, which is held like a pencil.
Me too.
Logitech M570
Hell yeah
Every keyboard needs a pointing stick next to the index fingers!!!