
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 43 points 14 hours ago (12 children)

I knew a girl in college that had lost her sense of smell. This was 20 years before covid, so that wouldn’t have been the cause. Maybe this loomer person has no sense of smell.

[–] [email protected] 42 points 14 hours ago (1 children)

There’s a certain irony there, no? 🤣

[–] [email protected] 6 points 17 hours ago

If anything, I’d imagine they picked Vance because he was willing and eager to do whatever it takes to win.

There were a number of other choices lined up too:

[–] [email protected] 2 points 17 hours ago (1 children)

FWIW, I’m referring to the local DNS (domain name system) resolver; the mechanism that resolves local domain names into IP addresses so that computers can talk to each other over the LAN.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 18 hours ago (2 children)

We already learned that in the aftermath of Jan 6th.

My question is why do these people continue lining up to serve said “king”?

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

Here is a good primer on the configuration files and their possible locations:

Edit: be careful because this is your domain name lookup you’re messing with. 😊

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 day ago

I hate the fact that for the longest time, iOS would autocorrect fuck to duck. And worse yet, they touted no longer autocorrecting it as a new feature as part of their WWDC keynote.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

Good point. I did not consider this. Thank you.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

You make a terrifyingly interesting point. I did not consider this. Thank you.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Not short stories, but I have two books that I read in high school that have stuck with me more than most:

  1. Where the Red Fern Grows
  2. Fahrenheit 451
[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 day ago (4 children)

I have a smart tv, washer, and dryer. None of them are connected to a network. They can’t do anything “smart” without a network. You don’t need to take apart or disconnect anything. In fact, doing so could cause problems if you nick the wrong wire or component.

Just leave it be and you should be fine.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Brother, I feel a lot of what you wrote. You’re not alone, ok? It’s hard to claw your way out of these deep holes you did. Yourself in; but not impossible. It’s not a matter of desire or effort either. No one wants to live this way.

Now, I challenge you to do three things (assuming you do t already; I don’t know because you didn’t mention it):


Instead of listing the things you fuck up, or suck at, or hate yourself over, I want you to instead list five things you like about yourself.

It’s going to be hard. You’re going to draw blanks. You’re also going to want to add this to your ever-growing of things you hate about yourself (don’t).

But give it time and practice. If you can’t think of five, think of one and then move on with your day. Keep trying each day until you can reach five things, and then increase it to ten.

If you miss a day here or there, that’s okay. This is for you and you only. I’ll get you started though:

  1. You have the desire to be better
  2. You are intelligent enough to write cohesively
  3. You were attractive, funny, and, smart enough to convince your wife to marry you and love you (doesn’t matter anything else)
  4. You are obviously evolved enough to know dogs are the superior species, because you own more than one
  5. You have the courage to get out there every day, despite everything, and try again at life

I don’t know you from Adam and I was able to come up with five positive things about you. So I know you’ll do just fine with finding more affirmations.


Seek medical help (no, really, hear me out). Find a Doctor to discuss your adhd/add. Also look into a therapist to talk to about this. It’s amazing how much it can help. And even if you feel like you can’t afford, then look for low-cost solutions.

I’ll keep this advice to the minimum because I’m not a doctor and you should never get medical advice from the internet.


Talk to your wife about all of this. Yes, it’s a lot to put in someone, but she loves you and doesn’t want you to through this alone. Let her help you.


I lied. I thought of a fourth thing. Take a nap. When you get so worked up like you described, it may just be a sign that you’re physically and mentally tired. A nap can help you feel better. If you can’t take a nap, maybe take a hot shower. Stand under the water and let it cover you.

Look, take everything I said above with a grain of salt. Like I mentioned, I don’t know you, so my advice may be way off base. But, some things are harmless to try (like affirmations or napping/showering).

Anyway, from one lost soul to another, I hope you find your way through. I know I’ll be rooting for you.


Two panel comic strip shows Everett True in a butcher shop, after receiving his parcel he beckons the butcher, when the butcher returns True pushes his head down to the counter so he can get a closer look at the change he has left after the transaction. True asks the butcher if, perhaps, he shouldn't "wrap up the change, too?" He complains that "it's all smeared over with blood and grease" and tells him to "Clean it off!!!"


I was looking around for some specific comics, when I ran across an archived version of the 1907 book titled The Outbursts of Everett True. I was going to link directly to the PDF, but thought some people might like the source page better.


I have been looking for below-knee cargo shorts that have a gusset. Every short I buy inevitably rips in the crotch, and I feel a gusset would protect against that.

I’ve seen someone in public wearing a gusseted below-knee pair of shorts, and I regret not asking where they got them (though guys don’t typically talk fashion).


Hopefully you all will be able to help me with some questions I have about growing bamboo.

I just had a fence installed, and unfortunately the ground is not flat, so there are some gaps at the bottom of the fence. I was thinking I could build some raised garden beds along the base of my fence to block the gaps, and pretty up what otherwise is a very crappy yard (no grass, mostly trees).

Since bamboo is pretty invasive, I know it’s not something I would want to just plant anywhere. I was wondering if it would make any difference if I planted the bamboo in raised garden beds? Would that make it easier to control? If not, is there some other low-maintenance plant I could use that would look good along a fence?


I mainly use the Mlem app, and today I got a notification that I had one new inbox item. When I checked my inbox, I saw that it was empty.

Before I submitted a big report, I wanted to see what happened on the website. As shown in the attached screenshot, it too shows one unread item, but nothing in the inbox.

So I’m led to believe this is an issue with the server. And if not, then at least I have done my due diligence before reporting this to the Lemmy devs.

In either case, is there anybody here who could help me get this resolved; or at least pointed in the right direction?

Thank you!


Since August of last year, I’ve been coming to terms with my divorce, being single, sharing custody of my two children, and starting over in a new home of my own. It wasn’t easy, and it’s been downright lonely sometimes, not having someone to talk to and share my thoughts with.

I’ve worked hard, put in the effort, and finally I came to terms with my being by myself. I thought so, at least. Then I needed some work done in my house, so I asked on NextDoor for recommendations, and you were the first to reach out to me. So I scheduled a time for you to come out to take a look at the work to be done.

I opened the door, and there you stood. You smiled at me and said hi. I kid you not when I say that my heart skipped a beat. I couldn’t believe how beautiful you were. Your eyes were so amazing. Your smile was warm and inviting. Of course, I don’t want to be “that guy” and say anything. You were there for a job after all. And we didn’t know each other.

Fast forward a couple of weeks, and you asked to call me about another job I needed done. We talked for a few hours on the phone, about more than just a job. I hate talking on the phone. But you made it easy. We talked about our failed marriages, and our kids. We talked about how we have a lot in common. I enjoyed it so much. I allowed myself to get hopeful.

But again, I didn’t want to be “that guy”, and I certainly didn’t want you to feel like my business hinged on my being attracted to you. You’ve done nothing wrong. But I can’t stop thinking about you, and hoping to find a natural opportunity to ask you to dinner. But should I? Worse yet, I may have to turn your quote down, because damn she’s expensive. I’m confused. Wouldn’t that be especially fucked up of me? It feels fucked up of me to consider it.

I feel like I do this to myself. I latch my feelings onto somebody I know I can’t be with, and I do it because it’s safer than putting myself out there in real life. I hype the person up so much in my mind, that I scare myself into believing that they would be abhorred at me if they found out. Maybe I do it because I believe deep down that I don’t deserve to be happy. That someone like her would have nothing to do with a guy like me.

This time, though, I feel it’s somehow different. I get butterflies thinking about her. I can’t remember the last time I had butterflies of any kind for someone. I genuinely feel like we have a lot in common. It feels right. And I want to deserve her. I want to be happy. What should I do?


I’ve done IT. I’ve finally mastered IT (couldn’t resist 😁).

I’ve been in school (part time) since 2019 working my way to this day. Now that it’s here, I’m both super excited and a little anxious. Now what do I do? 🤣

Anyway, thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!


Most patients predicted that their worst symptoms when exposed to gluten would be classic lower digestive problems like diarrhea, bloating and cramps. However, none of these occurred during the acute immune responses observed by Anderson’s team. Instead, patients experienced nausea and vomiting. Anderson describes them as, “acute food poisoning symptoms that are early in onset,” and relatively severe.

“For all the years that we’ve known about celiac disease, persons have told us that they had these acute reactions, but many experts in the field dismissed them as being just in the person’s mind,” says Anderson. “Here we are now, a hundred years after celiac disease was discovered, suddenly discovering, yes, the patients were right.”

Nausea and Vomiting Mark Gluten Exposure in Celiac Disease 🙄

(Emphasis mine)


First of all, Happy Friday everybody! And for those ahead of the curve: Saturday. 😊

So I’m a 40-cough-cough-something year old who has been in grad school since 2020. I work full time, have kids, just bought a new house, and yada yada - I’m a busy guy.

So it is with great pleasure to announce that I have turned the corner to the last leg of my journey to my Masters of Information Technology! (A little humble-brag that I will also be graduating Magna Cum Laude)

I have one more week to go, with a 30-minute video presentation on the UNICORN: Runtime Provenance-Based Detector for Advanced Persistent Threats academic paper, and then I am finally a free man!

Anyway, that’s enough of your time. Thank you for coming to my TED talk, and have a great day or night!

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