Enforcing standards of cleanliness is based as always, and he doesn’t even harm the target of his ire this time
Everett True Comics
A place to appreciate the twentieth century comic character Everett True of "The Outbursts of Everett True." Feel free to check out the sticky.
Ahhhh, and here we see the truth of True.
While he may one day go after capitalists for abusing labor, he has no compunction about abusing a regular working man for his own preferences.
Could it be that Everett is just a bully and perhaps a narcissistic abuser? Only time will tell.
The more of these I read the more confused I get when people say they always sympathize with Everett
I think he's kind of a Seinfeld character where the things he's upset about are relatable but the character is still a jerk.
Kind of interesting that this would've been relatable. Its funny if you cook and read old recipes and they'll say "have your butcher cut it like this" or "most butchers will give this away for free." Most people no longer have access to an independent butcher at all and now the stuff that was free is a "specialty item" with a high price tag.
Well I think of lot of us only saw a few comics where he was just blatantly in the right, but then more and more get posted that's way more ambiguous
Though I have to say I would also refuse to touch change if a butcher gave it to me like that