I love when the theme of the NYT crossword only presents itself at the end. Today's is exceptionally clever.
That picture gets more disturbing the longer you look.
Is it to my teenage depression? *Everything, in its right place... *
You're in the Netherlands, you have basically the same weather as us!
He's amazing on the comedy podcast Comedy Bang Bang.
Nope. Had the latest mesa drivers I could get and it still didn't work.
I ran into this exact same problem and spent a painfully long week trying to fix it. Unfortunately I couldn't... My only solution was to switch distros and the problem disappeared. I went with Fedora and now every game works like a dream. I still don't know what the issue was but it seems to be something to do with having an AMD system and using steam on Ubuntu.
Probably not the solution you're looking for, but it is a solution!
This is so stupid that it's amazing.
Whale and fermented shark in Iceland.
The first is a surprise; the second is testing.