
joined 1 year ago
[–] Paragone 1 points 8 months ago

Thank you for posting that.

_ /\ _

[–] Paragone 2 points 9 months ago

That's what I used, back when I still had MS-Windows installed...

feels good to say "it's been years", tho...

( :

_ /\ _

[–] Paragone 1 points 11 months ago
  1. POSITIVE feedback...

I've read that empirically, most need about minimum 7x as much positive-feedback as criticism, or the criticism begins corroding motivation.

  1. Passion to teach or help younger members learn

yeah, that's got a high payback value, strategically...

  1. Do not micromanage

yeah, that's true for nearly-all...

I skipped a bunch just because I found the whole thing

  • simultaneously right, given the reality of what passes for "managing", in the non-Kaizen world, &

  • managers should be striving for relentless-improvement/evolution, all the time, ie Kaizen, personally, their teams, etc, Just Because(tm), so .. obviously .. other people think otherwise?? ( ie it isn't normal to presume relentless-evolution as someone's drive? )

From the stuff I've read, re subject-to-managers, I think the points in the article are valid.

The best stuff on pushing oneself, & managing, however, is significantly different from that article.

Consider the book "The Ethical Executive", on ethics-traps...

Who considers that book prerequisite to professional work?

I do, but does anybody else?

< crickets >

IF you don't know what the traps are,

THEN how can you prevent yourself being caught in 'em??


So, it seems, to me, an article that many would benefit from,

but the bar should be set much, much higher, for ..

.. ah, of course, the striving-addiction isn't normal, it is just a subset, possibly a small subset, of human population...

: \

[–] Paragone 2 points 11 months ago

Appreciate the link, [email protected]

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[–] Paragone 1 points 1 year ago

I just discovered that doesn't have a regex track...

Well, I'll be...

: )

[–] Paragone 1 points 1 year ago

To me, it seems there is a fallacy here:

  • trust because one has no alternative/choice in the matter
  • trustWORTHY

BOTH exist, and often one has to accept the inferior 1st one, like with proprietary operating-systems, e.g.

The 2nd is ideal, but if nobody produces the trustWORTHY computing, and only proprietary highjacking-the-world means are available, and one simply can't economically ( or otherwise ) survive without accepting the only-available-option,

then one is going to swallow the poison pill, isn't one?

Better to continue-functioning for awhile longer, than to die right-now, right?

that is the "choice" humankind is given.

Who is responsible for producing trustWORTHY computing?

Who is responsible for paying-for it?

Is it a "right" or even an "inalienable right"?

Doesn't moneyarchy have the established-right to prevent any alternative from existing, to subjugate/imprison humankind in its exploitation-container?

It would seem that the extant-situation embodies that moneyarchy-has-absolute-monarchy-right version, and if humankind wants to break that, it's going to have to break moneyarchy's dominion.

How, exactly, would that happen, in this world??

[–] Paragone 1 points 1 year ago

Please read researchers Kegan & Lahey's book "Immunity to Change", and understand that the unconscious-mind-development-level of a person defines their mode...

Kegan-3 people''s unconscious is in absorbing mode, and just wants to be liked by everyone...

Kegan-4 people's unconscious is in forcing-out-meaning-that-isn't-MY-meaning mode, Kegan calls that "self-authoring" mode, I call it Bulling-BOSS mode, and it rejects that validity CAN be win-win, it MUST ONLY be zero-sum-game, therefore if anybody-else has any validity, that is felt, instinctively, to detract from the Kegan-4 person's unconscious felt-validity.

Kegan-5 is systems-of-systems mode, and has no problem with diversities-of-validities.

The reason I'm telling you this, is simply that it may be required to identify people whose Kegan-4 stage ( 25% of the WEIRD professionals they were working with ) is too bulling, and get them out from a team, if balance cannot be earned, or if their bulling/aggression is too harmful to others: it is a stage, and it can last many years.

Sunzi/SunTzu: you must know both yourself AND the other, or you are incompetent in the context you really are in!

Please also read the book by researchers Logan, King, & Fischer-Wright, "Tribal Leadership", which is about the 5 LEVELS of cultural-process, from the worst ( inmate/gang culture mode ) to the supreme ( LIVING IS SELF-INHERENTLY-AWESOME!! : ), and it identifies that level-2 is conspiricism-culture, which, you may have noticed, has become pervasive throughout the developed-world, these last few years...

Do well, eh?

You may also find much important psychological-understanding in John Truby's "The Anatomy of Genres" book, which is on the 14 story-forms that human-meaning usually is made-of.

WHY do particular genres interest particular people??

Because their unconscious is working on THAT specific unconscious-mind problem, or is resonating in those exact values.

All who don't even know what the 14 scripts are, are blind to this simple/fundamental function among our kind, but all one has to do is understand enough of the meanings in the book, and .. suddenly .. understanding people becomes much easier!


Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, eh?

( :

[–] Paragone 2 points 1 year ago

Boycotts REQUIRE significant-percentage-of-population, to hurt the monopoly/polyopoly they're trying to dent.

I used to be a believer in the FLOSS that was out there, but .. always, it was broken.

Firefox for Android, they broke our ability to backup our bookmarks without giving them to Mozilla...

they broke our ability to save webpages properly...

they won't permit us to bookmark-all-tabs...

Why TF would anybody be loyal to one's abusers??

Find me a distro that gets everything right, and is plug-and-play?

None exist.

Ubuntu-family has this fucktarded habit of killing-the-X-server during some updates, AND THERE IS NO DEFAULT WAY TO PROPERLY RECOVER THE GUI OR POWEROFF THE MACHINE??!??!!

Applied clue-by-4's are needed to communicate with people, about what the FUNDAMENTAL requirements are, of people's OS's??

FLOSS, nowadays has finally got good-enough that it is possible to rely on it, for some things, but .. for others, it's actually a case of using RANDOM drugs, from random people, because of ideology, or availability.

Which absolutely sucks.

Replace all Windows XP..etc installs with Puppy Linux, fersure.

Having openSUSE break my wifi-drivers, for no reason, at the beginning of the year, .. WHY??

Someday, somebody is going to MAKE a distro that is truly-trustworthy/reliable/won't-fuck-you-over, AND provides all the required function, AND is sufficiently secure, AND runs well on whatever hardware is available, ...

...but in the mean-time, it is an abusive-relationship, for the ones subject-to-it, who can't produce repplacement/alternatives to what the current projects are doing,

... and if the current projects prefer to butcher everybody's systems because they don't value trustWORTHY computing, or reliability-for-users, well, Too Bad(tm) is the fact.

Sorry to be bitter at the decades-of-needless-brokenness-and-abuse, but Slackware gave a reasonable approximation of function back in 1996, and it's nearly 2026, so nearly-3-decades, and getting

  • works-with-the-users'-actual-hardware, AND
  • works reasonably-quickly, AND
  • provides required function, AND
  • is trustWORTHY computing, NOT abusing the user's life

isn't possible???

Nobody considers that to be worth committing??

( I'm a brain-injury survivor, who's geeked, but failed to learn programming since 1983, so telling me to "either put up or shut up" is exactly the chauvanistic-bullying that non-programmers oft get, and it doesn't actually make the world work correctly... so I wonder why people are devout to such culture... )

just venting, I guess.

Whisper has made it theoretically possible to do without Dragon Naturally Speaking, so now there simply isn't any major-functionality that isn't availble in Linux...

but the endless "let's break this, let's break that, they don't need this, they don't need to be able to poweroff their system in a way that doesn't trash its filesystems, they won't mind if we force them to red-button-poweroff, they don't need the UI to work, they don't need their internet-drivers" abuses...

I don't want to be "belonging" in any "community" that values abuses-on-others for sake of some endless-new-feature-addiction, or churn-addiction, or whatever the current fashionable addiction is, you know?

Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen.

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