Warum höre ich von Hannover in überregionalen Medien fast nur schlechtes? Mir fallen als jemand, der seit siebzehn Jahren in Hannover lebt nur wenige positive Geschehnisse ein, an die ich mich noch erinnern kann.
I think that they share your opinion and are saying that there were way fewer conflicts between EU-members than there would have been without it.
Anyone can mash potatoes but very few people can pea soup
They also got the technical data wrong because I am unsure if this phone really has more than ten times my pc's ram.
It is one way to do so, german youth also use several english terms or "Digga" which is a modified form of the word "Dicker" meaning fat. Although I am no linguist I would assume that Alter and Dicker were used in combination with Freund (friend) first since those are valid phrases that still are in use.
The literal meaning is a really informal "old one" but can also mean "age" in another context. It is used exactly like you described.
What exactly do you mean with "systems"?
I would say no to that because there is a big difference between refusing to work for someone that holds a discriminatory ideology and refusing to work for someone that is some category of human they hate especially if they can't actually do something about being in that category like with skin colour or being LGBTQ+.
You can't be tolerant of intolerance if you call yourself tolerant.
But our existence is not some kind of political opinion. If a wedding photographer won't take jobs from interracial couples because he thinks that they sully the white race or some shit it is not really different from the stuff this guy did. And my example would hopefully fall under any anti-discrimnation laws.
San Pellegrino is Nestle by the way for anyone that cares.
How about not supporting either the borderline genocidal fascist adjacent state nor the extreme right wing religious organization?
And the population of the Uyghurs was rapidly on the rise until just a few years ago - especially compared to the Han-Chinese population. That is not an ethnic cleansing as well then, right?
May he burn in hell