Bookmarked. When the question comes up again, this article will be a good reply because it really brings many of my own thoughts to the point.
Best Knäckebröd.
This statement is wrong.
The premise is already wrong. No orchestra can play Beethoven's 9th symphony in 40 minutes, this piece is longer than an hour.
I would say for whether or not your vote really counts it doesn't matter if the party has 20.5% or 0.5%. Each vote counts the same towards the next seat, which may be the first or the twentieth. So I would encourage everyone to vote small parties (except for the crazy ones).
Yup, we are experiencing more extreme weather situations. Until 2022 it was unusually dry, now 2023 and 2024 had relatively more rain, sometimes in a very short timespan causing flooding.
What does Temu have to do with YouTube now?
I did not expect BSW to be as far detached from Die Linke.
IEEE 754 is the standard to which basically all computer systems implement floating point numbers. It specifically distinguishes between +0 and -0 among other weird quirks.
Okay, who will go to court for the cereal soup question next?
A major political agenda of Vim is to support children in Uganda. A message about that is displayed whenever you open Vim's start page. Bram Moolenaar insisted on users donating to the ICCF charity instead of to him, making Vim a very political editor in my view.