
joined 2 years ago
[–] Blackthorn 1 points 3 weeks ago

Oh found it, it was HyperBlade, 1996.


This was a game from late 90s, 1997-98 if I had to guess. It was played in the lower half of a sphere and it was basically a futuristic hockey game, played 3vs3 (although 1 player per team was the goalkeeper).

[–] Blackthorn 2 points 2 months ago

Thanks for the link! I guess I need to study:P

[–] Blackthorn 4 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Good points. I definitely focus one hand only: Two Pairs. It's relatively easy to achieve and you get 4 cards that score chips. And you get +mult by Jokers that require you to have a pair in your hand.

My favourite Jokers so far are the one that gives you a +3 mult every time you skip a booster pack and the one that gives a +1 mult every time you play your favorite hand. Those are the jokens that really allowed me to reach ante 8.

One question I have: am I supposed to mess with the deck (e.g. suits) at this starting difficulty level? I'm talking about the tarots that allow you to change the suit of 2 cards, or the ones that create duplicates. I'm avoid doing that because I don't want to skew the probabilities, but perhaps it's required to do that since the beginning?


I have less than 10 hours in the game, 7 runs, only one success (with a blue deck).

The game is cool, difficulty really ramps up with the last 2 antes, but there are two boss modifiers that always kill me, especially when they are assigned to the last boss:

  1. the one that moves the target up to 300000 (instead of 100000) and
  2. the one that forces you to win in only one hand.

It feels like the game pushes you to be in a position where you can win in a single hand with a base target and that's asking a lot on the basic difficulty when the player is still trying to understand all synergies and mechanics. I dunno, it feels these modifers should be unlocked at higher difficulty levels.

It doesn't help that runs are so long (over 1 hour) and losing at the final boss with such a difficulty spile feels pretty frustrating.

Anyone else feels frustrated with these specific modifiers? How do I counter then? Is it a matter of "git gud" and just be more aggressive in Joker selection?

[–] Blackthorn 11 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Someone tried to build a stairway to heaven but got bored when the song ended.

[–] Blackthorn 5 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I wouldn't use three interconneces buttholes as a symbol for anything...

[–] Blackthorn 6 points 6 months ago (1 children)

It would be just a matter of time before they can distinguish between good and bad data; there are already AI that can do just that. I'd like to do something like that on GitHub though:P


I guess the question is straightforward. I'm creating a simple 2D game with a few animation and 30 or 60 fps are more than enough. I'd like to cap the fps to reduce power consumption on my laptop when testing my own game. I can manage that from the nvidia control panel, but I can do that from ingame code? I can see many games provide a fps cap option. How do they achieve that? Sleeping/calling Sdl_delay doesn't seem a great option and neither is active waiting while checking for passed time. Is there an hardware mechanism I can block to?

[–] Blackthorn 5 points 6 months ago

I understand, it would probably make sense narratively, but he would receive a lot of backslash.

[–] Blackthorn 1 points 6 months ago

So, it's still not here :P

[–] Blackthorn 31 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Yeah, he basically spoiled the ending with the tv show and now he needs to come up with a new one. Not that he actually will. He'll never finish the series

[–] Blackthorn 14 points 6 months ago

He probably couldn't see the tv due to the big pile of money sitting between him and the screen covering his view.

[–] Blackthorn 9 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Lol, I'm not exactly a fan of the series (I only really liked the first two books) but this is ridiculous. At this point he is just trolling. I'd say I'm happy I moved on. I haven't even bought A dance with dragons because I couldn't finish the one before that as I didn't really like it. That being said, I'd like to get a conclusion to the story and I'm willing to go back to the series AFTER it's concluded (which most likely will never happen).

[–] Blackthorn 17 points 6 months ago (6 children)

Ringworld :)


Well, I finally watched this movie yesterday, with 0 expectations and I actually enjoyed it. I'm surprised to learn it jas >90% score on Rotten Tomatoes as I wouldn't rate it that high, but I found it very compelling; I was actually looking forward to how they would come out of those bad situations this time. Characters were strangely well developed with backstory that didn't make my eyes roll. Sure, not original, but well told. I was expecting a Netflix movie type (dull and somewhat boring) and ended up with a good pic. Hoping for a sequel.


... and found it incredibly addicting. It's my first attempt at playing an ATC game and I keep coming back to it. I looked around for modern alternatives, but they seem a bit too complicated for my tastes. KA hits the sweet spot, because it's very simple to learn (almost "arcadey") and yet though to play. I wasn't expecting it. Was it popular back in the day?

Let's talk about Zig (self.programming)
submitted 2 years ago by Blackthorn to c/programming

I have been reading about this new language for a while. It's a C competitor, very slim language with very interesting choices, like supporting cross platform compilation out of the box, supports compiling C/C++ code (and can be used as a drop in replacement for C) to the point in can be used as replacement of (c)make and executables are very small.

But, like all languages, adoption is what makes the difference. And we don't know how it goes.

Is anyone actually using Zig right now? Any thoughts?

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