Revolutionary Blackout Network

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We're a group of Black Radicals, Activists, and Citizen Journalists providing Political Education, Community Outreach, Mutual Aid, and Self-Defense for the Proletariat (Working Class).

Blacking Out Corporate Propaganda and Educating for a Revolution.

"You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can't jail the Revolution."


  1. Try to be as civil as you can be; No Spamming/Trolling; ban for x days if problems arise
  2. Content must be relevant to RBN or issues RBN discusses
  3. No Porn/Nudity in posts
  4. Personal attack - Attack the argument, not the person.


founded 7 months ago

Compton Jay Out at RBN. Nick at Noon Live

RBN didn't want to make this public until that maniac CJ hacked RBN's Twitter account over his removal and decided to make this public

Cj was voted out because

  1. Making decisions without approval of the group
  1. Attacking Sabby multiple times. I snapped at him today because I was tired of him disrespecting our members
  1. Attacking allies and friends of RBN under our banner without approval of group

I tried to work with him but he refused to change. This is going to suck but we cant have toxic people who can't take criticism and refuse to build community with us



  • added missing info on title, "| May 09 24 | RBN]"

Republican Senators Introduce Bill that makes it illegal to protest Israel. The west is a complete hellhole

  • 0:00 - 4:20 Hotspot Bangers
  • 4:20 - 17:34 Zionists in Panic
  • 17:34 - 1:14:35 Corporate Media Melts Down Over Anti War Protests
  • 1:14:35 - 1:54:57 Joe Rogan the Cuck

Blacking Out Corporate Propaganda and Educating for a Revolution.

“You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can’t jail the Revolution.”

Fred Hampton (1948 - 1969)

Blacking Out Corporate Propaganda and Educating for a Revolution.

“You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can’t jail the Revolution.”

Fred Hampton (1948 - 1969)

Blacking Out Corporate Propaganda and Educating for a Revolution.

“You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can’t jail the Revolution.”

Fred Hampton (1948 - 1969)

RFK Jr. Passionately Comes Out Against Free Speech! Joe Biden Doubles Down on His Fascism. Nick at Night Live


Blacking Out Corporate Propaganda and Educating for a Revolution.

“You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can’t jail the Revolution.”

Fred Hampton (1948 - 1969)


From my live panel at KU with Jill Stein

Short Summary

  1. The number of children killed in Gaza is alarming, and the destruction of medical infrastructure is a major concern.
  2. South Africa’s challenge against Israel in the International Court of Justice is inspiring, considering their history with apartheid.
  3. The influence of AIPAC and the Zionist lobby in US politics needs to be addressed and challenged.
  4. Overcoming the fear of voting for third-party candidates is crucial for meaningful change.
  5. Mainstream media’s portrayal of third-party candidates as “Russian assets” is misleading and a form of propaganda.
  6. The decline of mainstream media and the rise of independent media is creating opportunities for alternative voices to be heard.
  7. Grassroots activism is essential for holding those in power accountable and driving policy change.


  1. Grassroots activism, like the student protests and encampments, plays a vital role in challenging oppressive systems and demanding justice.
  2. The influence of AIPAC and the Zionist lobby in US politics perpetuates the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and undermines international law.
  3. The concept of degrowth and reevaluating our values and priorities is essential for a sustainable future and a shift away from infinite growth on a finite planet.
  4. Independent media is becoming increasingly important in providing alternative perspectives and holding those in power accountable.
  5. Overcoming the fear of voting for third-party candidates is crucial for breaking the two-party duopoly and creating meaningful change.
  6. Mainstream media’s portrayal of third-party candidates as threats or irrelevant is a form of propaganda aimed at maintaining the status quo.
  7. Grassroots activism and community engagement are key to driving policy change and building a future that works for everyone.

Blacking Out Corporate Propaganda and Educating for a Revolution.

“You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can’t jail the Revolution.”

Fred Hampton (1948 - 1969)

Chuck Modi and Professor Zenkus Join | College Students Across The Country Tell Joe Biden to F*&! Off | Jill Stein Calls Out RFK JR Over Palestine | Genocide Enablers, AOC and Ilhan Omar, Crash Pro-Palestine Protests | 81% of Young Voters Disapprove of Biden Over Palestine | SNL's Colin Jost, Husband to Proud Zionist, Praises Genocide Joe | Jill Stein Gets Arrested | Bill Maher Thinks Calling Someone Che Guevara is an Insult | TikTok Creator Says The Biden Administration was Paying Her to Push “Propaganda”


Blacking Out Corporate Propaganda and Educating for a Revolution.

“You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can’t jail the Revolution.”

Fred Hampton (1948 - 1969)

We are witnessing what was always the endgame of Zionism

Full blown police state authoritarianism cracking down on dissent. Now its time to draw the line in the sand. Either you oppose Zionism in all its forms or you are siding with fascism

Short Summary

  1. Germany plans to restart funding for UNRWA after previously defunding the organization based on Israeli claims that were found to be false after an investigation.
  2. The evidence presented by Israel was obtained through torture, which is not admissible, yet Western media and politicians repeated these claims without critical analysis.
  3. Despite multiple investigations exposing Israeli lies about UNRWA, Germany and other Western states cut aid to the organization, resulting in a lifeline being cut off for millions of Palestinians during a famine.
  4. The speaker criticizes the lack of retractions from media outlets and politicians who smeared UNRWA aid workers as terrorists.
  5. The speaker highlights the role of the criminal government in assisting Israel in using starvation as a tool of war.
  6. Germany's decision to resume funding for UNRWA raises questions about accountability and consequences for those who propagated false claims.
  7. The speaker emphasizes the importance of questioning mainstream media narratives and holding governments accountable for their actions.
  8. The speaker criticizes the New York Times for repeating Israeli claims as fact without proper verification, pointing out instances where Israel has been caught lying.
  9. The speaker expresses strong criticism towards Joe Biden and his administration, particularly regarding their endorsement of torture and support for Israeli claims without sufficient evidence.
  10. The speaker warns against blindly accepting information from governments without proper scrutiny and emphasizes the need for accountability and condemnation of the Biden administration.

Blacking Out Corporate Propaganda and Educating for a Revolution.

“You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can’t jail the Revolution.”

Fred Hampton (1948 - 1969)

Short Summary

  1. The video discusses how the Biden Administration initially announced sanctions against IDF units for human rights violations in the West Bank but later reversed this decision after pressure from Israel.
  2. Despite laws prohibiting support for regimes committing human rights violations, the Biden Administration continues to arm and fund these IDF units, citing assurances from Israel that they are addressing the issue.
  3. The video criticizes this decision as enabling Israeli terrorism and highlights the hypocrisy of the ruling class in enforcing laws while breaking them themselves.

Blacking Out Corporate Propaganda and Educating for a Revolution.

“You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can’t jail the Revolution.”

Fred Hampton (1948 - 1969)

Short Summary

  1. Germany plans to restart funding for UNRWA after previously defunding the organization based on false claims from Israel.
  2. The allegations were made without evidence, even as Israel used starvation as a weapon during a famine.
  3. The evidence presented by Israel was obtained through torture, which is not reliable.
  4. Despite multiple investigations debunking the lies about UNRWA, Western media and politicians, including President Joe Biden, continued to spread these false claims, aiding in Israel's harmful actions towards Palestinians.

Blacking Out Corporate Propaganda and Educating for a Revolution.

“You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can’t jail the Revolution.”

  • Fred Hampton (1948 - 1969)

Short Summary

  1. President Biden signed a bill that is seen as funding and provoking global conflicts.
  2. The bill includes a ban on TikTok, with the government claiming it is to protect against Chinese spying.
  3. The ban may be more about stifling criticism of Biden and the Democratic Party.
  4. Despite supporting the ban, Biden is still engaging with TikTok influencers to spread a pro-Democrat message.
  5. Concerns are raised about the ruling class preparing for social unrest through measures like social media censorship and expanding police budgets.

Blacking Out Corporate Propaganda and Educating for a Revolution.

“You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can’t jail the Revolution.”

  • Fred Hampton (1948 - 1969)

Short Summary

  1. President Joe Biden has been criticized for condemning students protesting against genocide, labeling them as anti-Semitic.
  2. The criticism includes Biden's conflation of Judaism with Zionism, which is argued to be incorrect.
  3. Zionism is described as a fascist ideology leading to authoritarianism in the video.
  4. Israel is accused of meddling in US politics and promoting increased fascism to suppress protests.
  5. The speaker praises Columbia University students for their protest against Zionism.
  6. A call for unity in opposing the genocidal ideology of Zionism is made.
  7. The [positive] privilege some students have in protesting is highlighted.
  8. Potential consequences for students engaging in protests are warned of.

Blacking Out Corporate Propaganda and Educating for a Revolution.

“You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can’t jail the Revolution.”

  • Fred Hampton (1948 - 1969)

Edit: word, Milei

Short Summary

  1. The speaker criticizes Javier Milei, the president of Argentina, for seeking to apply to NATO despite Argentina not being geographically close to the North Atlantic.
  2. They question Milei's libertarian values, accusing him of selling out his country to the West.
  3. The speaker condemns Milei for attending events like the World Economic Forum and implementing economic reforms that harmed the Argentine economy and workers.
  4. They criticize the right-wing populism that supports Milei and advocate for embracing class warfare instead.

Blacking Out Corporate Propaganda and Educating for a Revolution.

“You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can’t jail the Revolution.”

  • Fred Hampton (1948 - 1969)

Short Summary

  1. Criticism of politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) for supporting sending taxpayer money to Ukraine, labeled as an authoritarian regime.
  2. Speaker upset that AOC advocates for funding Israel and Ukraine while Israel is accused of committing genocide against Palestinians.
  3. Questioning AOC's characterization of Ukraine as defending democracy, pointing out issues like Ukraine banning workers' rights and opposition parties.
  4. Criticism of AOC for being a self-admitted [fake] socialist but supporting Ukraine, seen as contradictory.
  5. Argument that AOC and other [NATO] left-leaning politicians are playing a role on behalf of the ruling class rather than challenging the establishment.

Blacking Out Corporate Propaganda and Educating for a Revolution.

“You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can’t jail the Revolution.”

  • Fred Hampton (1948 - 1969)

Short Summary

  1. The House strongly condemns the phrase "To The River To The Sea" as anti-Semitic.
  2. Criticizes the ruling class for trying to conflate criticism of the state of Israel with anti-Semitism.
  3. Argues that criticizing Israel is not inherently anti-Semitic and questions why the ruling class focuses on tone policing rather than addressing actual violence.
  4. Highlights the hypocrisy of the situation, pointing out Israel's destructive actions in Gaza and lack of concern for innocent Palestinian civilians.
  5. Criticizes the idea of killing all Palestinians and advocates for the rejection of civility politics as a tool of the ruling class.

Blacking Out Corporate Propaganda and Educating for a Revolution.

“You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can’t jail the Revolution.”

  • Fred Hampton (1948 - 1969)

Short Summary

  1. Reporters at The New York Times were instructed not to use language that humanizes Palestinians during Israel's actions, as revealed in a leaked memo.
  2. Editors advised against terms like genocide, ethnic cleansing, and occupied territories, aiming to avoid emotional language and focus on information.
  3. This directive is seen as an admission of guilt, suggesting complicity in erasing Palestinian identity.
  4. The New York Times also discouraged the use of terms like massacre, carnage, and slaughter.
  5. Critics argue that the publication applies different standards when reporting on other conflicts, such as in Ukraine.
  6. The video mentions a controversial story involving a false rape allegation that the New York Times allegedly spread.
  7. It concludes by condemning reporters who demonized Palestinians and contributed to the unfolding genocide.

Blacking Out Corporate Propaganda and Educating for a Revolution.

“You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can’t jail the Revolution.”

  • Fred Hampton (1948 - 1969)

Short Summary

  1. The speaker discusses playing video games with his brother as a way to bond and hang out.
  2. He expresses frustration at missing out on events like UFC 300 due to distractions from news of escalations in Israel and Palestine.
  3. Criticizes Israel's actions and international law's failure to hold them accountable, highlighting Iran's retaliatory strikes calculated to minimize harm.
  4. Expresses concern over escalating situation and describes Israel's offensive actions potentially leading to a global war.
  5. Mentions a Chief Rabbi in the Israeli Army allegedly condoning rape, criticizing the projection of a rape culture onto Palestinians.
  6. Discusses recent events involving attacks between Israel and Iran, questioning the accuracy of media reports on Israeli missile attacks.
  7. Criticizes the United States for imposing sanctions on Iran while remaining silent on Israel's actions, enabling Israel's aggressive behavior.
  8. Emphasizes the significance of recent events and criticizes mainstream media for biased reporting, particularly in portraying Israel's military actions positively.
  9. Mentions potential involvement of various countries in the conflict between Israel and Iran, speculating on their roles and motivations.
  10. Questions the accuracy of media reports on Israeli missile attacks and speculates on Biden's motivations for not directly intervening in the conflict.


  • [3:12] James starts talking, personal housing struggles
  • [15:24] Start Talking about: The Endangered Black Man
  • [20:56] Three Different Men, elements of this system has made them victims
  • [22:32] Kenneth Knotts restrained by police during mental health crisis
  • [26:58] This speaks of two issues, one, how we treat mental health in this country, two, we do not believe black people or see them as a danger simply because of skin color
  • [35:25] Second also has to do with Mental Health, Donald Armstrong
  • [46:41] Third story, Dexter Reed
  • [58:39] CNN Repoting about Dexter Reed, shot 96 times in 41 sec
  • [1:11:23] Hearing more from Dexter Reed's family
  • [1:41:49] Ten Demands for Justice, The Road to Abolition
    • 1—Defund the Police and Reallocate Resources to Impacted Communities
    • 2—Demilitarize the Police
    • 3—Eliminate Discriminatory Policing, Prosecution, and Sentencing
    • 4—Institute Complete Law Enforcement Transparency and Accountability
    • 5—Independently Investigate All Police Crimes and Abuses of Power
    • 6—Install Community Representation, Oversight, and Safety Measures
    • 7—End Strategic Counter-Protest Violence
    • 8—Apologize and Provide Reparations
    • 9—End the War on Drugs
    • 10—End Carceral Punishment

Short Summary

  1. He explains his recent absence from live streams due to housing situation stress and unfairness in the housing commodification within the capitalist system.
  2. James addresses viewer comments on the Palestine-Hamas conflict, emphasizing the historical context of the conflict and resistance against occupation.
  3. The speaker discusses giving away land that did not belong to the people occupying it, highlighting the interconnected struggles faced by Black people and Palestinians.
  4. The video transcript discusses instances of police violence and systemic issues faced by marginalized communities, calling for justice and accountability.
  5. The speaker criticizes those who prioritize property over people and calls out white leftists for dismissing discussions of racial oppression as solely class issues.
  6. The need for solidarity and support across different identities is emphasized, highlighting the importance of unity against systemic oppression.
  7. The video transitions to discussing a tragic incident in Chicago involving the shooting of Dexter Reed by police officers, raising concerns about excessive use of force and systemic issues in policing.

Short Summary

  1. The speaker discusses recent events involving Iran and Israel, highlighting tensions and retaliatory strikes.
  2. Criticism is directed towards the US for allegedly stealing Iranian resources and towards Biden for giving back only a small portion.
  3. The need for accountability and transparency in news reporting is emphasized.
  4. Concern is expressed about escalating tensions between the US, Israel, and Iran, questioning motives behind the conflict.
  5. The speaker criticizes the actions of the Israeli government and calls for their defeat due to alleged atrocities and human rights violations.
  6. The impact of recent events on international perceptions, particularly of Israel's actions, is discussed.
  7. The speaker questions the lack of condemnation towards Israel for its actions and criticizes Western countries for their treatment of Israel.
  8. The role of media organization Hotspot in providing updates and analysis on the situation is highlighted.
  9. The speaker condemns certain groups advocating for exceptions in international law for revenge against Israel.
  10. The video ends with a discussion on the damage caused by Iranian strikes on an Israeli military base and the ongoing conflict in the region.

House Approves Spying on Americans Without a Warrant. Nick and Misty at Noon Live


Rome Gives RBN Mutual Aid Update! Detroit Library Opening/Garden/Care Party/Thrift Store & Boston Clinics


The Polls-On Saving Democracy Joe Biden is Only Up 1 Point After Years of Propaganda



  • updated yt link

Morning Joe Calls Out Biden Over Supplying Israel With Weapons


U S Loses to Yemen!

Talks about sad reality of the numbers of veterans that are homeless and suicidal.

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