- Musk stan who sees no problem handing out a million dollars for a voting pledge
Yeah, translating "size of their contribution" to a dollar amount is going to be inherently political. If they're leaving it open ended to let projects figure it out then that could go poorly...
Reality is such a practice encourages Trump and Musk to keep compounding illegal acts to win.
You summed it up correctly. The thing is the presidential race used to be a horse show, but that format was somehow easily hijacked by a rodeo clown.
This should be top comment.
Hey, just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't.
- a terrible gambler
Electing a felon certainly can't make it worse. It is not like he is fantasizing about deploying the national guard against his own citizens.... https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/10/17/donald-trump-enemy-within-quote/75714201007/
Reading their solutions is interesting; wanted to call out the following because it plays nice if you don't agree with their whole prescription:
Don’t dilute the Open Source brand. Post-Open will never call itself Open Source, because it has different rules. The Post Open license actually enforces that.
Seems like people are saying what they want to hear.
Just because one might life that way doesn't mean that's what is happening here. Also, seems like a confession.
Don't worry, we'll fix climate change by reflecting sunlight before it hits the Earth's surface. Of course this will eradicate most pests (and nature) but hey, problem solved!