Is it going to be like Whatsapp end-to-end encryption where they just rolled out a 4-digit pincode for "backups" on their servers as the third end?
Latvia is wrong. Russia annexed a Latvian county in 1944, and the border dispute wasn't settled de jure until 2007
If you ban bank heist movies like Ocean's Eleven, people will stop robbing banks
For context, Lady Aylin is neither playable nor romanceable
There are mods on Nexus for swapping most of the playable characters from cisfemme to transfemme and from cismasc to transmasc, which seems uncontroversial and not erasure like the referenced mod was
Youtube should have never removed the maximum 10 minutes limit on videos in 2010
Because Microsoft and VC types have thrown many billions of US dollars at this and similar companies, so a lot of (their) money is at stake
Me: Play Whitehorse the band
Google Assistant: Playing Whitehorse the song by some other guy
Me: No, play Whitehorse the Canadian band
Google Assistant: Playing Whitehorse the album by a third guy
Me: Play Achilles Desire
Google Asistant: Playing Whitehorse
Me: Play Tu vuò fà l'americano on Spotify
Google Assistant: !?!?!?!?
Me: Play Laisse tomber les filles
Google Assistant: !?!?!?
Me: Play Les Cowboys Fringants on Spotify
Google Assistant: !?
Me: Play Les Cowboys F R I N G A N T S
Google Assistant: Playing Les Cowboys Fringants
I only ever use those junky voice assistants when driving, and they are useless half the time
On average, how many times a year do you go from Thunder Bay to Whitehorse versus how many times a year do you get groceries around the block?
Is the party grouped? Try hitting g twice to ungroup and regroup
Next step up from using confession material for blackmailing parishioners
If you don't find the humour funny, it's not going to work for you. It's half humour, half love letter to trek. Star Trek meets Futurama
To some extent, the characters have to be hyper and heightened because they have to fit a Star Trek episode in under half an hour