But you can always make a boot/install medium yourself. Up until XP I would just have a key and when I needed to reinstall, I'd get the CD from our local tech guy. Now you can just download that stuff from MS website.
Wait, how is the option gone?
MacOS for work. OpenSUSE Tumbleweed on my private.
Liftoff works best for me. Looks good, feels good. Tried a few and it just snapped.
Yes, it's the cursed armor of Bartuc!
What? A task gets easier the more experience you got with it? I think you're in for a Nobel price or something.
Mach jetzt einen Termin.
No, but I had no major problem gaming with an Nvidia card on Tumbleweed. Just followed the wiki guide and added it to the zypper repos and everything was fine.
I've read The Black Road, Legacy of Blood and The Kindome of Shadow and they're quite ok. Certainly not the best literature has to offer, but good enough if you dig the lore. Also, they are a quick read and cheap, so perfect for vacations :D
Effektiv soll das nach aktuellem Stand nicht abgeschafft, sondern in eine ewige Rente umgewandelt werden. Das heißt am Ende: die Kirche büßt nichts ein und der Steuerzahler gewinnt nichts dazu.
I switched to Linux recently and been researching on Distros for weeks with tables and stuff. I decided for Tumbleweed with KDE and it just feels so good. Wrote some scripts so I can run a system update with pre and post snapshots and a restart and it gives me so much confidence to tinker around and learn more about Linux. Snapshots in general are just so damn great.
Du würdest dich wundern, wie viele Menschen aus konservativer Richtung es OK finden, die Aktivisten zu überfahren.