
joined 6 months ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I had weirdly encyclopedic knowledge of old Finnish comedies because my late father was into that stuff.

Also: Not an obscure film, but to me, the definitive version of Terminator 2 was the one I recorded off TV. I have it on Blu-Ray, but it's just not the same.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah, the biggest tragedy of technobros pushing generative AI everywhere is that as a result of that, everyone just had to adopt the stance that you can't trust a damn thing these days.

At least previously, this kind of disruption led to nuance. Photo manipulation has been around pretty much since the dawn of photography, so now we as a society have developed nuanced view of it over the past couple of centuries. Now, photographs used as evidence in criminal cases have different standards than photographs used in advertising - former has strict standards because it's a serious inquiry requiring hard evidence, the latter has lax standards because the viewers understand that the photos offer an "enhanced" truth. But generative AI? It just got dropped on our lap all of sudden. We as a society can't deal with it yet. We're not ready.

Sorry I just had coffee

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 weeks ago

"You think this is bad, this–this chicanery? He's done worse. That car park! Are you telling me that a man just happens to park a car in that small spot? No, he orchestrated it! He exited through the sunroof!"

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I'll get YouTube premium once they fix their damn TV app.

  • If I resume playing a video from history, it often plays the ads, then re-plays them shortly after. (You know, at the point when it hit me with a fucking 55 second ad and I backed out and said fuck no, are you shitting me. Double points if the ad it tries to play again is also ridiculously long. I just keep refreshing it until it gives me 5 seconds to skip. I'm not much of a gambler, but this much I can gamble.)

Admittedly, this bug is not applicable to Premium. Being ad-skippy and all. But it's indicative of the overall quality of the app. For example:

  • When long-holding a video in all circumstances, I it should give me a full menu. Like, with the "go to the channel" option? ...doesn't give that to me in Subscriptions view. This might come as a surprise to YouTube, but I don't always like watching Whatever The Algorithm Feeds Me. I might, you know, choose to watch the 10 episodes I missed. To do that, I need to actually like to go to the channel in question.
  • ...Or any of the channels I like or are particularly interested at the moment. There's no way to pin this shit either.
  • Speaking of which, the fucking way to browse my subscriptions is fucking atrocious holy shit. It's useless. This is Google. They don't do user experience research. They half-ass everything.
  • On my smart TV, sometimes the buttons just fuck up. Sometimes I can't control this shit. Because my TV operating system was designed by particularly deranged people, they thought "closing" or "restarting" any given app was space technology that no average consumer can understand, so they reduced that to bare minimums: the only way to restart the app is to pull the plug. This is just fucking demeaning.

A collaboration between Google and Samsung, people! Two giant corps serving millions of users! And they expect us to pay monthly fee for this holy shit

...sorry for the rant.

[–] [email protected] 36 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

They attacked gamers.

(I don't remember how the rest of the copypasta goes, because I'm a leftist video game enjoyer and try to distance myself from Gamers®.)

That said this probably won't go anywhere. In the Gamergate days the right wingers kept outright insulting Gamers® and the Gamers® just did some mental gymnastics. Political literacy among Gamers® has gone to even deeper depths since.

[–] [email protected] 52 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Did someone say... cookies?

I can just tell that whenever Twitter's user interface has weak attempts at humour, it was put there during the previous ownership, and that just makes me sad.

Like when you delete your account the final message says "#Goodbye", I was tearing up, thinking, like, shit, Musk really fucked everything up, did he?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Other generated pictures similar to this, even more questionable:

Cyber-Teacher: "All right, children. This here is a Turtle. An Ancient Shellmaster."

(Pay no attention to the milling people and the certainly not turtle like freaks of nature in the background)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 weeks ago

Kind of feel about that about software updates.

I used to have a personal project site that ran Drupal. I don't know how things are now, but back then, every module could be updated automatically, except for the Drupal Core itself which had to be updated manually.

The one time I went "oh shit, a core update - nah, I can leave it after the weekend", the site got hosed by malware.

(It's a Jekyll site now. Drupal was a bit of overkill for it anyways.)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Yeah, and I'm also very hopeful about the bio-plastics developments. Right now, a lot of carton cup/food packaging folks are developing bio-degradable/compostable food containers that try to replace petro-polymers. That'd solve a huge swath of plastic recycling problems.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

Life would be so much more awesome if the rest of the civilised world adopted bottle/can deposit systems. Plastic bottles can be washed and reused. Aluminum cans? Melt 'em, reforge 'em, badassery continues.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Maybe! Or maybe this whole new concept of dogness actually is something that needs rational consideration. Given no forthright consideration at all, it could be rejected at face value in every possible scenario! It is not at all unreasonable for the Homemade Dog to point out that additional time should be spent to consider their merits.

And that their rejection is still a sad fact, because they were a homemade dog and as such they were made with love. Nothing really changes that fact.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

The song that made me a metalhead. Didn't know SID could do that much epicness. 🎸⚡

My fave remix is by Lukhash - though there's one pretty damn radical remix that I need to hunt for later because it predates YouTube. Also, Matt Gray's own remix of the song is pretty epic and trippy!

Tears of Steel (

I'm genuinely sorry about posting shit a week ago. I was drunk. ...I'm less drunk now. This is genuinely awesome, however.


Also known as the "organ piece that the TRUE C64 ENTHUSISTS will ask for their funeral service".

...I'm not saying it's going to happen NOW to you PERSONALLY. But I do think you should mention this to your next of kin. Memento mori.


[Not my photo obviously]


Despite the obvious levity, this is actually serious. It was made by why the lucky stiff, a pretty prominent member of Ruby community, back in the day. This, however, was part of his mysterious burnout manifesto, for lack of better term. He really really bloody needed a break.

"programming is rather thankless. u see your works become replaced by superior ones in a year. unable to run at all in a few more."


Also shout out to all shell programmers and turtle graphicians and turtle roboticians! Turtles are really awesome, they have shell access! And won't be rushing to push anything on production too fast either.


When I read the sentence, I was like "Wh... w... how? WHY? ...and OF COURSE it was distributed via FTP, I mean, what else do you use for entertainment in AIX. Or business, for that matter."



My brain goes all mushy and mellow when it notices that I'm apparently in proximity of a slower kind of a fellow. 🐢

(Close-up of a radiated tortoise (astrochelys radiata*) , from Wikimedia Commons)

(* Everything is more awesome when you put astro- in it)


A lot has changed since the late 1980s. I can now run Thunder Blade off of a flash cartridge (EasyFlash3). And in general I've grown so cynical of in-game product placement that it's not even funny.


To be perfectly honest, this makes it sound like it aired here in the saturday mornings. Hell, sunday mornings. ...It did not. Deep into weekend nights, as far as I can recall, and obviously this thing here is a fandub - it aired here in Japanese.

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