
joined 2 years ago
[–] szczuroarturo 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Yeach the ui sucked, kinda sucked. I actually kinda liked it on 8.1 . But the one thing windows 8 did right was efficiency. I still remember my update from windows 8 to 10 when witcher 3 on my laptop went from barerly playbale to unplaybale. Sad story.

[–] szczuroarturo 1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I actually use it like that. I dont really see the reason pepole hate it so much. Geniuenly a better place for it (mind you im only talking about placement. The design itself is something else ). Since generaly if you use start menu you focus on it to launch something so it might as well be in tge middle of your screen.

[–] szczuroarturo 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I for one dont see the fault in the design itself. Geniuenly looks like something usefull for pepole that use lots of tools.

If not for the fact that it already exist in the goddam pinned section in start menu and it replaces all items menu. Whyyy? These are not replecable by each other.

[–] szczuroarturo 14 points 7 months ago

I never knew any sponsorship would work on me and yet here i am desperatly craving for parmesan near me.

[–] szczuroarturo 3 points 7 months ago

Yeach unfortunetly purerly from ergonomical point of view those mf truly make the best mouses at every price point . Cheap 10 dolars mouse and keyboard, still the best ergonomics for this price. Lift , ergonomical mastery ,pure joy to use. Unfortunetly switch broke after a year and a half and since it was company provided mouse from the time when they went on a shopping spree for office equipment they dont have then anymore ( i literaly took the last one ). Now the only replacment i got is the cheap mouse and keyboard also from Logitech that on the other hand refuses to break and i want a goddam excuse to buy myself something better.

[–] szczuroarturo 3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Ton of sugar. It disgust me but apparently pepole dont like unsweteened cofee .

[–] szczuroarturo 6 points 7 months ago (2 children)

That actually makes a lot of sense given the fact that i havent heard about massive steam data centers. I suppose they just rent their servers from data centers around the world. Which actually is very suprising. I imagine at their scale making their own data centers would save them money.

Actually i just think they must subcontract a lot of their daily operation. I refuse to belive such low numbers are enough to even handle the complaints from stolen shipments and broken devices not to mention all the other complaints. It is more than enough to actually develop the platform but surely not to handle day to day operations.

[–] szczuroarturo 60 points 7 months ago (13 children)

I always wondered who even used windows server given how marginal its marketshare is. Now i know from the news.

[–] szczuroarturo 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Dont skimp on ssd for games. Large sata is fine. Hdd for games is not fine. Get worse anything else instead . Loadings are gonna be the death of you.

[–] szczuroarturo 1 points 8 months ago

No doom played 0/10 and my day is ruined

[–] szczuroarturo 3 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Also isnt is because subsides on electric cars ended so either A everyone bought while you could get them cheaper so the demand has fallen of B they are more expensive so naturaly pepole are picking cheaper car. It doesnt really matter if car will save you 30000 thousands euro throught it lifetime on fuel if you dont have 30000 more to spend.

Ultimately we will see in a year whetewer electric cars just went to its natural equlibrium without subsidies and its share will continue to rise once again or its an actual trend.

[–] szczuroarturo 12 points 8 months ago

Oh yeach there is that one eu4 streamer with a girlfriend. Truly a rare breed.

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