
joined 2 years ago
[–] szczuroarturo 2 points 4 days ago

That is something that looks like it could be integrated into ERP system, and they probably already had one sooo seems like a fairly simple problem with a fairly simple solution ( and depending on the size of the company they already might have had either oracle ERP or SAP , unless they were really small ).

[–] szczuroarturo 3 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Why is he even so popular. If any serious politician even looked in the russian direction in Poland he would crucified. I always thought it was common among post soviet states. And yer here we are in 2025 with fico in slovakia and orban in hungary.

[–] szczuroarturo 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Oh thats true. Each country in europe has their own spin off far right. Also far right parties in europe already have their sponsors and they usualy have suspiciously russian accents. And its certainly better to keep quiet about that for them ( before russia invasion some could even get away with that in the western countries somehow , beacuse for some inexplicable reason pepole had suprisingly high opinion of russia, a f* dictatorship in europe. And its even worse with hungary, of all the countries that could romance with russia why tf hungary . That i just dont understand. In poland if anyone even looked favorably towards russia he would almoast be treated as a traitor , and hungary had similar experience with the soviets so why ).

Actually you know. I think i welcome the competition for the far right . Perhaps musk or other crazy bilionares can outbid some rusian oligarchs. At worst nothing changes. At best far right will become tad more pro american. And americans are still our allies at the end of the day for better or worse.

[–] szczuroarturo 10 points 5 days ago (6 children)

There is quite a massive problem of europans increasingly choosing similary shitty politicians ( so far hungary and slovakia are the worst cases ).

[–] szczuroarturo 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Oh ok so its just reposted from somwhere. Still feels very unreal.


So this video feels very vaguely fake. I dont know if you ever watched creatures of the fog ( there it was cgi ) but this has very similar feeling. Quality feels tad to low to be true, especialy in the age of 4k cameras in nearly every smartphone. It just screams fake and the channel dosent help since its only 4 months old

[–] szczuroarturo 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Also USA basicaly just won. They just didint really had a plan for afghanistan.

[–] szczuroarturo 6 points 2 weeks ago

To be fair making native aplications was( maybe even still is , the last time i touched anything non abap related was in uni )very unnesecarily complex thing back then especialy compared to the simplicity of web frontend .

[–] szczuroarturo 13 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Yeach clean code is very subjective thing.

[–] szczuroarturo 6 points 3 weeks ago

Not all. Some ebook readers still had microusb, plus some other old electronics that didnt bother to upgrade from microusb for the last decade . Also apple obviusly was apple.

[–] szczuroarturo 1 points 1 month ago

Thats the problem with internet you never really know what is allowed where. Doubly so in places like lemmy or reddit where rules depend on community

[–] szczuroarturo 6 points 1 month ago

He actually had what seemed like a pretty good long term plan. Buuut probably beacuse the line did not go up in the short to medium term he was ousted. I think ( Im not really sure why they fired him ).

[–] szczuroarturo 1 points 1 month ago

Also saudis are buying american weapons . Kinda maintains this weird relationship.


Hi Does any of you use this mouse on their Linux machine. Apparently its pretty good mouse other than the fact that software is atrocius and you cant change RGB howewer you want or configure dps and deafult rgb setting apparently suck. Buuut obviusly i wont be using windows software on linux but probably piper or whatewer else i can find . So my question is does linux fix the flaws of that mice or perhaps quite the opposite ? How do gaming mouses even work on linux in general ?


So i kinda want to buy FFXVI but looking through the opinions and reviews it stands somewhere between the worst final fantasy game ever made and second coming of jesus wit plot ranging from infantile dark fantasy to great story with deep engaging dark themes.



So i tried to connect steamdeck to pc using usb and i read its immpossible because steamdeck is a computer and some explanation on quora about strong master slave relationship. But then why is it possible for android phones to connect to pc whilist also having the ability to use USB and other usb c accesories. Also why cant it be a toggle? So that you can change whetewer this usb( or device ) is reciving data ot sending data .


Sooo it might be controversial but i think its kinda overblown. Particulary the DLC part.

For better or for worse capcom is doing this shit in nearly every one of their games so i kinda expected this shit . Also i actually like that this particular policy for one has blown in their face ( alghtough i fear the only lesson they will learn is that they shouldnt make big AAA games aimed for western audience ) even if its exagerated.

Denuvo. Denuvo is a cancer and im tempted to pirate and not buy the game just to say fuck you to Denuvo( it would actually be my first time pirating games if i ever did this ). In fact i kinda want to make a list similar to the sweet baby one named the games you should pirate.

Optimisation. It is poor apparently. Nothing new really as far as pc games go. Apparently cpu usage is quite big.Possibly due to Denuvo or it might be the usual case of rtx 4090 coupled with intel core i3 from 2013 , which is suprisingly common thing and pepole act outraged every time ot turns out their 10 year old cpu is too weak.

Pc bulding help (self.pcmasterrace)

Hi so my gaming laptop just died ( water damage ). Usualy i would be looking for a universal laptop but finally i finished university so i likely wont need laptop any more . So right now im looking to dab into proper PC finally. And im looking for help to build a pc. Im mostly decided on the cpu front 7800x3d most likely and im looking for somewhat decent gpu for 1080p ,maybe 1440p gaming( if you are wondering why such a strong mismatch between gpu and cpu dosent bither me , i mostly play Europa universalis 4 , stellaris and other strategy games so extremly fast cpu is a priority , and apparently eu4 benefits quite a lot from 3d vcache . GPU meanwhile, if it can play total war warhammer 3 on max details its good enough ) . It can be either radeon or nvidia( i like to dabble as a hobby in ai models so nvidia would be cool ,but on the other hand i ran linux and nvidia is a pain in the ass on linux ,also i can manage without cuda cores somehow). Frankly speaking im just looking for the most decent price to performance indicator. Also what should i know about motherboards are there any important things or should i just look out for the chepeast possible one for that cpu .

Other than that cables. Do i need any additional cables or would they come with cpu power supply etc....?


How tf is it possible that there is no quality selector on tv app but there is one on pc and mobile. Why is it that on tv crunchyroll buffers so much ( and i checked my internet connection was fine ). Why tf there is still so many region locked content. I want to watch legend of galactic Heroes and not play games wondering which vpn if any will work if its still even on crunchyroll( it was ).
Also why cant i download episodes to watch offline on tv.

Thats my rant. Thank you all for listening. Have a good day.


I was trying to watch konosuba on crunchyroll and when i opened it on my brave a pop up showed up that i need to have some drm software and whetewer i allow it. i did clik allow and it didint work either way so i watched it on Firefox and there is a thing saying that this thing is drm protected.

Soooo whats the point of this ? Is it supposed to stop you from pirating the content from their sites . If so how exatcly when you can just literaly record screen ? I honestly struggle to understand the purpose of this. Not sure if thats correct community to ask about it but it seems like you guys might know about this


Hi . i am forced to use microsft teams but i see that desktop app was discontinued . what are the alternatives ?


Just a manga recomendation for those that are looking for something interesting. Generaly a love comedy about two clearly insane teenagers. Setting generic as f* but the characters , idea and execution is superb. Also somehow the further you go the more concerning it gets.


So i just noticed that when i really like the game at some point i will at once play the game and watch the stream/youtube wideo of the game( usualy speedrun or aome hardcore challenge). I noticed it recently with anno 1800 but now that i think about it i did that with tales of arise, eu4 ,kings bounty,total war,hades and probably some more. So i wonder do you have similar strange habits


Hi im wondering if this title originated from light novel or is it original. Its good very good and i would love to read light novel version if it has one, but i cant find any info

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