Dual booting is not a great long-term plan because it’s updates are known to delete grub
That problem is overblown. I've been dual-booting Windows and Linux for around 20 years now, I think I've had that happen...once? Over a decade ago? And to fix it you just use a Linux live USB to boot back in and repair grub. People bring it up every time dual-booting is mentioned as if it's the end of the world, but in reality it's a very rare problem and is easy to fix if it happens.
Personally, I just have a couple of cheap CyberPower UPSs for my servers. I know I know, but I'm waiting for them to get old and die before I replace them with something better. My modem, router, and primary WiFi AP are on a custom LiFePO4-based UPS that I designed and built, because I felt like it. It'll keep them running for around 10 hours, long past everything else in the house has shut down.