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[–] sleepyTonia 2 points 1 year ago

Hasn't Steam just beat its record of simultaneously online users? And while I'm sure Steam Decks contributed to this, we're taking of numbers an order of magnitude bigger. Hell, PC gaming is doing so well that we're seeing until then console exclusive games come out on Steam.

[–] sleepyTonia 6 points 1 year ago

The norm is to download several 30, 60 or even 120GB updates afterwards. You then end up with an inconvenient DRM disc that has to be inserted for your game to run. When instead you could buy it online, download it just like you would've ended up doing and then never have to worry about damaging a Blu-ray disc.

Don't get me wrong, I love physical copies of games... But in the era of never ending updates, live service games, indie games, and games broken at launch, I definitely understand why most of us don't prefer them anymore.

[–] sleepyTonia 2 points 1 year ago

Crime... Et c'est bien lui qui s'était saoulé dans un avion avant de pisser en public, non? Je ne crois pas avoir entendu grand chose de bon à-propos de lui.

[–] sleepyTonia 5 points 1 year ago

Hmm~ I would say that the bottom right one caught my eye, but I would go with the top left one as the default wallpaper. It looks sophisticated and clean. It depends on the first impression you want to give.

[–] sleepyTonia 1 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Sheesh~ This kind of makes me dream of seeing a future Steam Deck (Or other Valve console) powerful enough to handle most VR games if they're going to keep on giving the Linux ecosystem a push for whatever features are important to them.

[–] sleepyTonia 18 points 1 year ago (7 children)

Wait, does that mean we can start looking at HDR displays for regular Linux desktops in a near future?

[–] sleepyTonia 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I don't remember anyone mentioning Snap being closed source, but it receives many complaints for interfering with the functioning of common programs, on top of slowing down the execution of programs installed through it and is now being forced on users. I haven't touched any *buntu distro in years, but it always seemed half-baked from the comments I keep on reading about it.

Also yes, Flatpak is what I believe you could call a universal package manager. Package it once and it should run on any Linux distro since it takes most things out of the equation, save for the kernel and drivers. And yes, it mostly is used to distribute desktop applications. It's ideal for safely running random applications or older programs that wouldn't run through a modern runtime.

[–] sleepyTonia 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

It's not some miracle packaging system and while Flatpak-installed programs tend to start just as fast as native ones, I consider it inferior for most cases. Its two big advantages are that Flatpaks have a runtime they specify and depend on. It gets downloaded and installed automatically if missing when you install a Flatpak. So you're much less likely to run into issues where a program won't run on your system because of an incompatibility with a missing, or newer version of some library. Each Flatpak also gets installed in its own fake environment and is essentially a sandbox when you run the program. You can use a program named Flatseal to give each Flatpak access to specific directories or functionalities, or restrict it further. But the one big negative is that this runtime uses a lot of disk space. ~800MB per runtime.

It tends to work really well and I've been told that years ago a guy would use this packaging system to bundle pirated windows games with a preconfigured version of wine, which made them run out of the box, with zero tinkering. On top of essentially being sandboxed and unable to access your real home folder, internet, camera or microphone. Just to illustrate its versatility. It also kind of already won the war when Steam Decks started using Flatpak as their main packaging system.

[–] sleepyTonia 8 points 1 year ago (6 children)

Nope, no thank you... I'm not touching anything other than native, AUR or Flatpak packages. AppImage has only been an inelegant and overall inferior alternative in my experience. The Windows experience, with Linux portability issues. "Find an installer online from some website, have it do whatever the hell it wants, polluting my home folder with random crap and hope it's not a virus" with essentially zero advantages over Flatpak or even Snap.

[–] sleepyTonia 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Godot has trouble rendering 3D on some mobile GPUs and they don't have the budget to cover as much ground as larger engines. I gave up on developing anything using my Motorolla G Pure.

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